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i'm hoping it doesn't suck, but with no spaceships i'm not holding out much hope.


yes for me the show begins to fall apart the more time they spend on planets and not as a collective cast.

as the characters become more fragmented/separated it resembles way too much a soap opera VS a truely science fiction story

i think BSG is making a bad move going more in the 'space opera' direction

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Guest analogue wings

I'm trying to imagine this being good and it's not happening.


And I reluctantly came to really like the other show.

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And I reluctantly came to really like the other show.


same but i feel that the miniseries that launched it was probably its strongest moment


when the 'who's a hidden cylon and what are they going to do' plot become the dominating reason to watch the show

it became very very uninteresting to me extraordinarily fast.

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It sounds like fucking Dynasty in space - two warring families, with sex, backstabbing and political intrigue? pffft.


If I want political intrigue in my sci-fi, I'll watch The Phantom Menace, thank you very much*.






*That was sarcasm - in no way am I saying TPM was redeeming in any way, shape or form with the exception of the duel with Darth Maul.

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  • 3 months later...
It sounds like fucking Dynasty in space - two warring families, with sex, backstabbing and political intrigue? pffft.


yeah, BSG is basically just a big soap opera, but it's surprisingly well-acted and well-written. the concepts and characters are interesting enough to keep it going most of the time. (i stopped watching in the middle of the 3rd season but will probably catch up in not too long.) there's some interesting commentary on current events, and they explore some of Turing's musings on artificial intelligence.




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Guest catsonearth

i think it will be good. not because i'm a galactica fanboy, which i am, but because it sounds interesting if you get past the vaguely soapy aspects. the cast looks great, it's got lots of high tech stuff (the society at that point in the timeline was much more advanced than in galactica because they purposely scaled back their technology in order to fight the cylons, who were using their tech against them), interesting concepts of virtual reality and consciousness, it also deals with religion and terrorism, class differences. and at that time in the timeline, the colonies weren't united and they did war with each other, so there is definitely chance for some action. i dunno, there's a lot of stuff in there that could be really cool. i love the action in bsg, but it wasn't the main draw, so i don't feel the show would lack without it. stylistically, it doesn't look as cool as bsg did, but then again, we're judging from a pilot episode, which don't always have the same polish that the series ends up having.


i'm keeping an open mind, but it is going to be hard to live up to the high bar that bsg set for tv.



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Guest analogue wings

Seems like a really misguided attempt to get oMG girlZ to watch the SciFi channel. Which is retarded cos I know shitloads of OMG giRlZ who eat up the regular shit on that channel (Firefly, ugh)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest abusivegeorge
did anyone catch the pilot?


reviews? feelings?


should I dig into this?



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Guest catsonearth

watched it. it was pretty good. a few people might need to be recast (not feelin' the chick that plays zoe), but as it went on it got better and better. lots of subject matter there that could be really cool stretched out into a series.


it's not like dallas in space, people. it's just a drama set in a sci-fi world. check it out for yourself. it lags a little in the beginning, but by the end of the pilot i'm sure most people will be digging it or at least curious to see more.

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