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Guest Mirezzi

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I can totally understand the comparative to Blade Runner, but it's not something you can really analyse 20 years from now. The source material is too close, it's basically the same thing. Especially the "final" form of the movie, with 30-40 minutes added to it. Blade Runner was an entity quite apart from the PKD story, it had a lot of tangeants going off in other direction than the book. You can't analyse Watchmen as a movie without the GN (you can for BR).

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i was disappointed

soundtrack was distracting, it felt like a string of music videos, moving from scene to scene

i dunno, im pretty sick so maybe i was just irritated in the first place, but i felt it could have been cut down in length significantly.

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and it's rated R, so most intelligent parents won't bring the younguns to see giant blue dick and ass grinding.


as a matter of fact, I saw it at 10:30 last night (it got out after 1 am) and the fuckin idiot next to me had 2 little girls that each could not have been a day over 7 years old. There was so much shit in that movie that little kids like that (not to mention girls) should not see. I felt like bitching that guy out but who the fuck am I? Besides it was in Astoria Queens so this fuckin guy could have had a gun or some shit, anyway, I wanted to avoid confrontation.

Bottom line is, every time there was a violent, sexual or vulgar scene I fucking broke a sweat just thinking of how that movie was fucking up those kids.

The worst part of the movie to stomach in that situation was when Rorschach told the story about the little girl who had been kidnapped and murdered by that pervert. Those little girls looked so sqeamish and visibly wanted to leave the theatre but he kept them there and made them watch it.

Fuck that guy for being a stupid fucking prick with no soul. I hope he is a watmm member and reads this. If so... fuck you. Do the world a favor and die.


also, the weirdest thing about it was that the 2 girls did not remotely resemble him and it made me worried that he may have kidnapped them.



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did anybody else hear audible male 'masculine' humorous gasps when the blue dick was shown on screen. in my theatre there were at least 3 young men in the front who could not stop commenting on how 'disgusting' the blue dick was :angry:

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Guest Mr Salads

Wow. I dont know where to begin with this film. I think the most important declaration I can make is that the ideas which propelled the story forward and those which tried to end a story were really half baked. This is not solid material. On any level. I think if you took away dr. manhattan, you might have something grounded and a little more sensible. With him, god...I dont know. You have huge fucking problems. Here is a godlike being who is apparently bipolar. Cant make up his mind whether humanity is worth saving or not. I dont care if he wants to or doesnt. Thats a fault of the story.


Music was totally out of place. Even if its in the comic, its a stylistic decision to lay it over a sequence, thats all Snyder. Its all bogus.


The action fight sequences could not have been less interesting. Uninspiring and boring. You can slow mo it all you like. Even when it was real time it looked ridiculous. Total lose-lose situation there.


I think people are fucking delusional. Thats the big lesson I took away from this movie. The fans are completely full of shit, and so are the people who made it for them. You guys can keep your retarded comic book.


It doesnt blow per se but its half baked. Good job.

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I think people are fucking delusional.


I think you are fucking delusional. Everything you just said about the movie is trumped by fact that Rorschach is played by Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears.



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Guest Mr Salads
just saw it last night. ill start with the negatives and end with what i liked/love about it







some spoilers






the bad:

the directing/acting

i felt like a lot of the dialogue scenes were shot in only one take or they chose takes that felt out of place. Some of the most emotional and weighty lines from the book itself when spoken aloud sounded very cheesy and kind of wrong (even compared to the motion comic) such as the Rorshach journal joke part where he talks after leaving Comedians grave about the Great Clown Pagliacci.

small elements were removed that made the movie seem more serious than it should have such as

Laurie and Dan walking by the night owl robot suit and commenting on how 'a suit like that could really mess you up'

missed the Veidt biodome and his flashbacks from the book as well


Frankly i thought the clown joke was the best part of it. Unfortunately it was just a joke ive heard before, nothing original. I liked the placement though.


a good percentage of the CGI (mars, antarctica, the giant glass clock, almost all the blood) looked VERY unfinished, sometimes shockingly so, also lots of very noticeable movie goofs can be seen such as in the last scene you can see Bil Crudup's LED mocap suit obviously reflecting on night owls goggles in over 3 different shots.

The unfinished look to the CGI in some of the scenery i mentioned above i didnt mind so much it was the blood that actually had a negative impact, for me it took away from some of the gore. Like when Dan breaks the guys arm, seeing shiny cgi blood bubbles coming out made it look cartoonish instead of really painful


Yes. It was a joke. In fact it somehow looked worse toward the end (remember the tiger) than it did in the beginning. Did they run out of money or time or energy or all three?


the good:


the Comedian was fantastic. he really stole the show for me as far as the cast goes. Never seen this actor in anything else but he really proved himself. Loved how the included the scene where he shoots the pregnant woman and tells Manhattan he's loosing it. That played out on film a lot better than i think it did in the comic. In fact a lot of things i think Zack Snyder did as his own creative touches were impressive. Having the comedian land in the street while randomly shooting a shotgun was a nice touch, as was the hatchet to the head.

Bill Crudup did a great job as Dr. Manhattan, having an unaffected calm voice was the best way to go.

Dr. Manhattan when up close looked photorealistic, i almost think it was probably a combo of some cgi and some composited film elements of someone in blue makeup. I could be wrong but a lot of Dr. Manhattan when he was normal size looked too much like a real human being to be CGI.if it was all CGI it was very impressive. Rorshach's mask looked amazing.


They nailed skin texture but not speech. It was a failure in my eyes. How come they spend all this money and cant get lips to move right? Its a joke.


lots of people complained about the song choices in the movie (simon and garfunkel, hendrix) but i thought they worked great, most of them were referenced in the comic book and that was a surprise for me.

Some of my favorites were the nat king cole song playing during the comedian death scene and the tears for fears Muzak while Viedt is in the elevator.


nat king cole was fine because it was on tv. Not sure about everything else. You can reference it in the comic but so what? That means you have to lay it over picture? of course not


i liked the sex scene in the owl ship it was actually one of the moments of levity i felt the movie needed a lot more of. i think people maybe didn't realize that it was somewhat intentionally humorous.

the Dr Manhattan foreplay with Laurie was also a nice touch


Dont think it was intentionally humorous but not as cheesy as i expected it to be either. It was fine


I think people are fucking delusional.


I think you are fucking delusional. Everything you just said about the movie is trumped by fact that Rorschach is played by Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears.




Great dude. Fucking great.

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Guest Mr Salads
So I'm having real conflicted emotions about this movie, and I'm considering never watching it ever. I mean, I've already got the perfect Watchmen in my bookshelf, why fix it if it ain't broke? But then I start thinking like it's almost like this new Blade Runner or something, cinematic awesomeness.


But yeah, I'm gonna skip the cinema, and do a re-read.


i really think you ought to go see it, i was extremely emotionally conflicted about it but i think i the end it paid off. This was truely the first alan moore adaptation that captures the essence of what makes his comics good. If this movie is successful its good news for Alan moore fans, i can see them adapting some more of his creations in this same way.


looking back on my viewing experience i think it's better than it got made this way than not at all, obviously i have small and some big complaints about it but i think on several levels it really works.

Doesnt capture the essence of anything except half baked storytelling.

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Guest Mr Salads
as much as i think Snyder is a douche and 300 and his Dawn remake are pretty crappy, his Watchmen take shows some true promise in his abilities as a filmmaker. <--- i can't believe im saying this :embrassed:


just the fact that he convinced the studios to produce one of the if not the most cerebral & strange $150,000,000+ movies made by hollywood

Lay off the grass or whatever it is. He is not gifted or promising. Hes a mold....he grows in your house when its dark and wet.

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Guest Shit Attack

i thought this film was awful in every conceivable way , the book was pretty interesting tho im not some comic book goofball so i wasnt creaming myself over it. the film didnt capture anything that was interesting about the book at all. the use of music was awful, the actors were shit and it also looked plasticky and cheap like something from the early 90s. almost like a slightly upmarket tv movie. The story didnt work in a cinematic way either, if i hadnt read the book beforehand i would of been bored out of my fucking mind ! this film will be totally forgotten a couple of weeks from now so the bladerunner comparisons are totally wrong. i cant believe anyone thought this was a good film to be honest and i couldnt help thinking when you see it on dvd at home its gonna be even worse - youll be able to see even clearer how painfully shit and stupid it is. but anyway it sucked massive donkey dicks ! i want my money back fo' real !

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i enjoyed it but that was only because i was pissed and tittering at the blue cock. more of the kitsch 50s/60s style stuff and that rawsack guy would be good... but as it stood it seemed a bit all over the place. with the story i'd have liked less 'human drama' with the mostly 2D characters and more political/history/global event type stuff... but the same amount of blue cock. they had just the right amount of that.

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salads doesn't even like the comic book, and if you read his earlier posts he already decided to hate it before he saw it.


its actually kind of sad to imagine a disgruntled salads sitting painfully in the theater for 2.5 hours waiting for it to be over


nothing wrong with disliking this movie, but i feel like this is the equivalent to me busting into a Burial thread just to explain why i hate them.

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Guest grinningcat

i thought it was an average film i had never read the comics before


rorschach was a great actor and the best part of teh film


any scene with night owl in was seriously weak


story didnt really stack up and felt pacthed together.


I can see why they thought it was unfilmable.. one of the main problems is that one of teh main characters is apathetic and saying things like "i dont care anymore" "im going to mars" etc in a very monotonous voice. does not keep the momentum up.

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Guest Mr Salads
salads doesn't even like the comic book, and if you read his earlier posts he already decided to hate it before he saw it.


its actually kind of sad to imagine a disgruntled salads sitting painfully in the theater for 2.5 hours waiting for it to be over


nothing wrong with disliking this movie, but i feel like this is the equivalent to me busting into a Burial thread just to explain why i hate them.


So my opinion is invalid because I dislike the comic? Or I disliked the trailer? The ad campaign?

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Guest beatfanatic

its all about the blue dong... I liked how Dr manhattan dressed up in a suit for that tv interview but at all other times he displayed his blue dong with pride

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