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being recognized on the street

Guest petr

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happened to me yesterday. guy yelled my name really loud and then i walk over but i think he regretted it the second afterwards because then all of a sudden he was really nervous. also i think he was high as fuck because he walked out of a coffee shop (and im in amsterdam for a second gathering smoe things). btut he said he knows me from my work on the internet and he likes my website. this is the second time this has happened in less than a year. when i was at a coffee shop in portland a barista told me that she likes my flickr. very strange thing to hear.


anyways this ever happen to anyone?

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happened to me yesterday. guy yelled my name really loud and then i walk over but i think he regretted it the second afterwards because then all of a sudden he was really nervous. also i think he was high as fuck because he walked out of a coffee shop (and im in amsterdam for a second gathering smoe things). btut he said he knows me from my work on the internet and he likes my website. this is the second time this has happened in less than a year. when i was at a coffee shop in portland a barista told me that she likes my flickr. very strange thing to hear.


anyways this ever happen to anyone?


How are people recognizing you? You have your face plastered all over your site or something? And the odds that a Barista would recognize you from your Flickr set... unless you have a very unique look about you.


I would shit myself if someone called out "Joyrex" to me in public...


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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

once i was wearing my awkward tshirt and this idiot that used to post here recognised me at a show

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Guest Thisket

once I saw milieu and was saying "hi" but he knew I was coming to see him :|, but he's pretty fame.


but if I ran into you petr, i would be quite apt to ask someone to take a pic of us together, and it would become my facebook pic no doubt

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Guest Adjective

once when i was around 12 these two girls ran over to me talking about how they missed me and hadn't seen me in forever. before i could say anything one of them mashed her tits right in my face for a big hug. i knew right then that i was put on this earth for that moment alone

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In college random people used to walk up to me and start talking about who knows what like they knew me. They would address me by my name, but I had no idea who they were.


It ended up that I had a lookalike on campus, and his first name was almost the same. It took me a while to figure out what was going on.


edit: for petr, this was at UCSB of course.

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Guest 277: 930-933

I've taken a month's unpaid vacation off work to lurk about the streets of Amsterdam in the hope of accidentaly running into Tauboo.

When this finally happens I'll yell ''Tallistairboo!'' and run as fast as I can.


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at the last autechre show for Quaristice that i first met lumpenprol at a guy who was extremely annoying to most the entire audience , kept going in peoples faces and saying random shit, seemed really messed up on speed or something recognized me and screamed 'fluorescent grey!!!!' but for it being the ONLY time anyone has ever recognized me in public it was actually extremely embarrassing that this guy who was pissing everybody off at a concert could be mistaken for someone i know.

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i've had some people recognize me as "that crazy rapping guy" from nights during last summer where i'd be bored drunk and walking around aimlessly whilst maintaining a freestyle flow in order to build up rapping stamina for the epoch when i'm going to put on shows of 15-60mins of str8 rapping on a stage walking around gesticulating pointing quasi-dancing head nodding yes y'alling and all of that. i can't say i'm gonna have a fully rehearsed off-mic hand pre-coreographed number like sluggo from atmosphere, but i can say i'm not gonna be some boring monotone fuckwit like ludacris or just about any top-40 rapper on stage =D


when i was drinking pretty damn heavily out and around bars in the city last year, i spose i did kind of get noticed as a resident "crazy dude" because i'd often realize the hopelessness in my social drinking plights, in other words that night wasn't gonna be the one where i tripped fell over and banged a wannabe/model/calibur/type, so when people would approach me and try to have normal conversations i'd start making up all kinds of crazy shit in order to entertain myself with their perpetual wtfing to all of the bullshit i was pumping out en masse. one night they told me that they weren't gonna sell me any more beer cuz i was "too erratic" in their words, namely cuz i was embellishing whilst telling this one boring mundane yuppie/quasihipster chick that i was a time traveler, as opposed to talking about her job for another five miniutes... that cracked me up cuz i was just like "me?! erratic?! in an aphex twin shirt?!@ what the fuck are you talking about, esse?!@"

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i've had some people recognize me as "that crazy rapping guy" from nights during last summer where i'd be bored drunk and walking around aimlessly whilst maintaining a freestyle flow in order to build up rapping stamina for the epoch when i'm going to put on shows of 15-60mins of str8 rapping on a stage walking around gesticulating pointing quasi-dancing head nodding yes y'alling and all of that. i can't say i'm gonna have a fully rehearsed off-mic hand pre-coreographed number like sluggo from atmosphere, but i can say i'm not gonna be some boring monotone fuckwit like ludacris or just about any top-40 rapper on stage =D


when i was drinking pretty damn heavily out and around bars in the city last year, i spose i did kind of get noticed as a resident "crazy dude" because i'd often realize the hopelessness in my social drinking plights, in other words that night wasn't gonna be the one where i tripped fell over and banged a wannabe/model/calibur/type, so when people would approach me and try to have normal conversations i'd start making up all kinds of crazy shit in order to entertain myself with their perpetual wtfing to all of the bullshit i was pumping out en masse. one night they told me that they weren't gonna sell me any more beer cuz i was "too erratic" in their words, namely cuz i was embellishing whilst telling this one boring mundane yuppie/quasihipster chick that i was a time traveler, as opposed to talking about her job for another five miniutes... that cracked me up cuz i was just like "me?! erratic?! in an aphex twin shirt?!@ what the fuck are you talking about, esse?!@"

Almost thought it wasn't going to make the story.

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One time a bunch of us watmmerz got together and met up at a Squarepusher show....


That is one of the only times people will recognize me from the internet...


Because we planned it to be that way....



I would as well be freaked out by anyone calling out "A-TOP"...


unless I was on stage or was famous, then and only then is it appropriate....


*waits anxiously for stardom*

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about 5 years ago, i went to a hip hop event and was walking through the crowd... this asian girl reached her arm in front of me and i grabbed her and gave her a seductive hug... she then had this OMG look on her face, but she was actually reaching for a dude that was walking beside me!


oh wait... she didn't know who i was!

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I used to do alot of production for a local label (Da Kitchen of Agony, lol) based in some really really run down projects in Fort Worth, and every time I drove into the "neighborhood" people would run up to my car and ask me for cigs/money/drugs.



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