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if by we you mean iain c


I don't wear trainers, neon, or Keffiyehs but nice try.

thinking about it, i guess you dress like a church of england christian might dress.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

i never thought they ironically wore their clothes. if they are, i'm pissed they're abusing irony to the point where it's merely a tool of fashion. "oh man, that's totally dorky, and you know its dorky, and that's why you're wearing it, that's so cool, do you like my ridiculous sunglasses, they're dorky, and i know that, and that's why i'm wearing them, pretty cool don't you think, wanna snort some coke?"




We’ve reached a point in our civilization where counterculture has mutated into a self-obsessed aesthetic vacuum. So while hipsterdom is the end product of all prior countercultures, it’s been stripped of its subversion and originality.





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Guest abusivegeorge

I beat up a hipster today. I was round a friends house after having some anger managment tuition at my treatment centre because I hit home guy on the bus on the way in. Anyway I turned up at my friends house, and her cat had kittens 8 weeks ago, she was impregnated by the neighbours cat, and so the neighbour went round demanding a kitten from her, even though she had nothing to do with bringing them up or the vet bills or anything, so my friend said no, and the neighbours boyfriend came out, hes a hipster and a drug dealer and gave it the biggun' so I beat the shit out of him.

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i never thought they ironically wore their clothes. if they are, i'm pissed they're abusing irony to the point where it's merely a tool of fashion. "oh man, that's totally dorky, and you know its dorky, and that's why you're wearing it, that's so cool, do you like my ridiculous sunglasses, they're dorky, and i know that, and that's why i'm wearing them, pretty cool don't you think, wanna snort some coke?"




We’ve reached a point in our civilization where counterculture has mutated into a self-obsessed aesthetic vacuum. So while hipsterdom is the end product of all prior countercultures, it’s been stripped of its subversion and originality.




well it's not really ironic is it? like, an hipster wearing some neon 80s windbreaker isn't being ironic, the effect is obvious and in accordance with said hipsters intentions. like, the meaning is clear and there is no contradiction: it is now totally obvious what it means when you see some cool kid in this kind of outfit, it's just a standard style like any other, like wearing a suit to work or something. it would be ironic if there really was some dude from the 80s time traveling around and we thought he was just an hipster.


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Guest nene multiple assgasms
it would be ironic if there really was some dude from the 80s time traveling around and we thought he was just an hipster.



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the strange this is that these hipsters in these pictures look like the kind of people I would get along with and want to hang out with. That is why I cannot LOL

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“With this application, I pay pitchfork.com to buy the music they say I should listen to, and it all goes directly onto my iphone. It’s great. I can’t tell you how much more time I now have to tye-dye my bootlaces.”


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Guest Iain C

Those two should be punched in the face until dead.


I bet a lot of you are going to hate http://lookbook.nu/ but most of the kids on here actually care about fashion and put a lot of thought into their outfits... even if they look like "hipsters".

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Those two should be punched in the face until dead.


I bet a lot of you are going to hate http://lookbook.nu/ but most of the kids on here actually care about fashion and put a lot of thought into their outfits... even if they look like "hipsters".


Everyone wants to take fashion cues from 15-21 yr olds, wtf?

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Guest dese manz hatin

I wear skinny jeans, I wear fashionable lacostes, I wear colourful t-shirts and sweaters and I listen to Justice...


am I a hipster?

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