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Why, exactly, WAS Beneboi banned?

Guest Wall Bird

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Guest Wall Bird

So I'm well aware of Ward's thread about the death of his friend. I've looked it over a few times and tried to read between the lines and I've come to the conclusion that his punishment exceeded the scale of his actual deed. Thinking back to other members who have been banned, they did things that were far worse such as hacking other people's servers, writing unstable scripts, revealing someone's identity, etc... I just don't think Beneboi's actions were sufficiently offensive enough to warrant his permanent removal. Is there a precedent for bannings like this? I'm likely forgetting other reasons people have been banned in the past.


Because of this I think Joyrex should unban Beneboi.


Does anyone else agree with me on this? If he can be banned for such things where will the line be drawn when judging the rest of us? He was certainly not my favorite poster (by far) but I think he should be allowed to continue posting here.

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Guest Wall Bird

Also, what happened to the banned members thread that was up a few days ago? I want to know that, too.

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This is a privately owned forum and therefore the administrative members have the right to decide what/who is allowed on "their" forum.


I personally although agree with the technicality of your argument, don't think beneboi should be unbanned simply because I think he deserves to know that even though this is the internet, it does have personal effects on other people... and that can be very damaging in my opinion.


Main point is people should just be respectful to one another.

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Guest Funktion

in before lock


i think it's a bit harsh, he coulda just been warned, but i dont think joyrex liked him so, meh

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he had too many bees in his bonnet. they were starting to sting his little head.


(that and the constant +10% warnings that hit him like gunfire towards Charlie all those decades ago)

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Guest David R James
in before lock


i think it's a bit harsh, he coulda just been warned, but i dont think joyrex liked him so, meh


He was warned too many times, thus banned

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

he was warned often because obviously Joyrex had a biased hate for Beneboi somewhere along the line. He was telling me he wishes he could show peeps his inbox(not for warnings but almost like personalized nazi harassment) because Joyrex would constantly over react to EVERY post he made that wasn't lol or super duper nice. So yeah its quite apparent that Joyrex got rubbed the wrong way by him, from then on personally hated him and couldn't wait to ban him.


Yah as someone said this is a privately on forum and they make the call but WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT IN HAVING RULES if someone doesnt even break them and gets banned.


The rules should just say if we dont like you we will ban you regardless of any defined rules so a rule book would be irrelevant.





Anyway im done spending my time, discussing this ricky retardo bullshit, probably will stop visiting this forum as its quite a buzzkillz

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Guest countchocula
he was warned often because obviously Joyrex had a biased hate for Beneboi somewhere along the line. He was telling me he wishes he could show peeps his inbox(not for warnings but almost like personalized nazi harassment) because Joyrex would constantly over react to EVERY post he made that wasn't lol or super duper nice. So yeah its quite apparent that Joyrex got rubbed the wrong way by him, from then on personally hated him and couldn't wait to ban him.


Yah as someone said this is a privately on forum and they make the call but WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT IN HAVING RULES if someone doesnt even break them and gets banned.


The rules should just say if we dont like you we will ban you regardless of any defined rules so a rule book would be irrelevant.





Anyway im done spending my time, discussing this ricky retardo bullshit, probably will stop visiting this forum as its quite a buzzkillz


How is writing music in 11/11 coming along?

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