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horizontal music/


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Guest dese manz hatin

cliffs is the epitome of vertical music IMO


i experienced a revelation yesterday yesh

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Guest tv_party

the op categories don't easily cross-reference with my own internal concepts.


for me I would classify it as follows:


structurally - pattern repetition vs. continuous evolution


subjectively I appreciate pleasing examples of either aesthetic

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Guest Stoppit
are those terms really that confusing/pretentious?


No, makes sense to me, and I thought your definitions were very good, actually...I wasn't trying to take the piss...

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its so funny when nonmusicians try to label musical expressions


thats how you wind up with terms like horizontal/vertical and afx fades


If music theory didn't sound like postmodern psychobabble then maybe nonmusicians could use actual music theory phrases instead of having to come up with phrases that are equally inaccurate but at least make some intuitive sense to English-speaking listeners.


and that's the reason you sound stupid, because once you get into the theory you realize that on top of it being EXTREMELY useful and enlightening, it's pretty simple.. music isn't difficult, understanding its possibilities is


the funniest thing about this isn't necessarily the lack of musical theory terms but the interpretation of musical development as occupying one direction alone, and some tracks having different directions depending on how they make you feel. it isn't wrong, it's just silly to try and develop a consensus on it.. it's like saying some songs are red and some are green


if music had any dimension it would be three dimensional.. forward on an XY axis, like audiosurf maybe

it really makes no sense to debate whether some music goes down or up. regardless if it's Pachelbel, symphonic death metal or a drone by some german oscillator maker


but chromatic runs are pretty vertical I guess


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Why does everyone only ever seem to mention Brian Eno in these kinds of discussions? I don't get it.

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