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I need a game, similar to Diablo


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Why Diablo? It's all action,


mayebe we played a different 'Diablo' the one i played had no action but was all designed on point and click youre mouse here to click your guys to shoot or move to point X. Is that what people call action these days? if so how?


Who are you calling people?

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Diablo 3... I'm now guessing it definitely won't work on my machine so it wont be so hard to wait those two, three years untill it gets out since by then I'l be getting myself a new computer.


I'll be pretty pissed if Diablo 3 will then suck or something.

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You know what would be awesome?

Dungeon Keeper 3.


Dungeon Keeper. Fuck yeah.


yeah. only game that i came across that was slightly similar in spirit recently was Overlord for Xbox. Not nearly as good, but it kept me busy for a while. Kicking around my minions etc.

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Guest taxman

holy shit! i played exile for a long ass time! by the end of the demo my party was so badass it was amazing. i loved that game.

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