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how come links don't open in a new tab?


oooh this is important. I hate links opening in the same tab. [manuel]Izzz horseshit[/manuel]

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Guest Al Hounos

sssooooo the only complaints i have are about the topp banner... it is way too thick... needs to take up as little vertical pixelage as possible. also, subforums are no longer collapsable... this is all about being able to read the first few topic titles of gen ban without scrolling down....


thank you

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Guest Space Coyote

This shit looks fucking horrible. Is there no way to implement a skin that makes it look how it use to? My biggest complaint is the individual thread links on, say, the General Banter main page are much bigger than they were previously forcing me to scroll down a little bit more. It feels clumsy and oversized to me and there's too much bright white colours and not enough of the calming blue that there use to be.

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Guest Helper ET

boyrex is such a fucking tyrant he wont even provide the option to choose the new skin or an old one

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boyrex is such a fucking tyrant he wont even provide the option to choose the new skin or an old one

I think it's more that the old skin is incompatible with the new version of the board software.

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Guest Iain C

With the fixed length skin on, it's not too bad. Certainly tolerable until something better comes along. Thanks Papa.

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Guest Iain C

Has anyone noticed that they've lost any posts they'd had rolled over from two boards ago? I get to make another 10k thread in a couple of weeks, lol.

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how come links don't open in a new tab?


You mean links to other sites? I always middle-click links so they open in a new tab...


Has anyone noticed that they've lost any posts they'd had rolled over from two boards ago? I get to make another 10k thread in a couple of weeks, lol.


This was due to my recounting all the member posts - posts that were deleted, etc. were recounted and now the post counts should more accurately reflect what's actually there.




like the quick edit and fast replies. Attachments seem easier to navigate.




Kudos JR, it's definitely faster.


Oh, your poor kitteh - he's not gonna lose that eye, is he? :sad:


I feel like I'm stuck in the 'Large Print' section of Coolbooksweb.net




The fonts are larger due to people's screen resolutions being higher these days I imagine... either that, or they are percentage-based now - I haven't had too much time to study the new style sheets for the forums...


I think it's more that the old skin is incompatible with the new version of the board software.


Yes, that's the case - and if I really was a tyrant ET, I would have gotten rid of your annoying ass ages ago. So consider me a benevolent leader. :ph34r:


Old spoilers haven't carried over:


Yeah, this forum now has dedicated spoiler code (which I'm not too crazy about the presentation) - I'll try and restore the old code if I can dig it up.

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sssooooo the only complaints i have are about the topp banner... it is way too thick... needs to take up as little vertical pixelage as possible. also, subforums are no longer collapsable... this is all about being able to read the first few topic titles of gen ban without scrolling down....


thank you


I agree with you there - the top banner is a bit big, and I will try to address that with the custom skin.


eveyrhting just looks too big and cluttered. i want it smaller and clean. i hope something is in the works.


It's designed for more modern screen resolutions, so hence things being bigger. You can always adjust your browser font size, or perhaps I can come up with a "small font" skin. I do agree about it being a bit cluttered, but still clean at the same time. I think it's all the new buttons and features available that's making me (and possibly you) feel that way.


This shit looks fucking horrible. Is there no way to implement a skin that makes it look how it use to? My biggest complaint is the individual thread links on, say, the General Banter main page are much bigger than they were previously forcing me to scroll down a little bit more. It feels clumsy and oversized to me and there's too much bright white colours and not enough of the calming blue that there use to be.


LOL, "how it used to" was the last default skin, and people complained about that too for a bit until they got used to it. This is this version's default skin, and I will be designing a WATMM-specific skin and will try and address some of the valid concerns some of you have with this skin.

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Guest blicero

I don't think I can adjust.


I'm not a big fan of change for the sake of change. not a great idea to make users relearn a website, just because you are bored.

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Oh, your poor kitteh - he's not gonna lose that eye, is he? :sad:


She lucked out and whatever bit her just missed taking out her eyeball - one week later and she's just got a nasty shiner to make any boxer proud, thnx fer askin.


The fixed width skin is much better - oh yeah, I actually really like the multi-colored multi-quotes. . . makes it easier to see even if I do feel like I'm part of the Rainbox Coalition

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I don't think I can adjust.


I'm not a big fan of change for the sake of change. not a great idea to make users relearn a website, just because you are bored.


I was hardly "bored" - I've been waiting for this upgrade so I could go forward with the skin for the forums, as well as the improved CSS and code that this version offered - this was the first major rewrite IPB did of their code base since the 1.x series.

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I think what I miss is the compactness. The username bar for each post is really big, and so is the 'Report ... Reply ... Multiquote' bar at the bottom. Before, you could scroll through posts pretty quickly, but as it is now each post takes up almost the whole page.


I think that, plus how wide the avator & user info. column is, is what makes this design look so huge, cluttered and difficult.


If I voted on any changes it would be to somehow compress the design.



postal edit: I removed my avator to increase readability and encourage others to do the same!

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