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how do you deal with people that annoy you?


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your just a dick mate. hes a bit of a dick too but that doesnt justify you being a cunt.


Only the self-righteous shitstrom in this thread so far has already justified me in being a cunt. But whatever. Go nuts.


you're being trolled, chill

Yeah seriously, Lube ppl are just egging you on.


I feel like I should say a few words in his defense. His OP didn't really suggest that he's a huge prick or anything, but after he was called several degrading names in this thread he got pissed off and that's totally fair. That guy who was hitting on your gf sounds like a huge wanker and I'm not a violent person by any stretch but I would have probably done something to fuck up his day. Even if your gf has told you she has no interest in him it's still a huge piss off. I used to have a twat buddy that would hit on my ex when we were still dating. I knew she would never bang him but it still pissed me off that I would call her up one night and she would say "yeah I'm chillin with Meehow tonight, maybe tomorrow". Fucking hell.



To branch off to a slightly different topic, this Meehow guy was the epitome of social disaster. He would ALWAYS say and do things that are completely unacceptable. One time 2 of my good friends broke up and the girl came to my house to pick some weed. The first thing that this guy said to her was "Hey Court, what's the deal with you and Marc? You're together, you're apart, you're together, you're apart, MAKE A DECISION!!!" and I wanted to slap him right there. I could go on more about this guy but suffice to say I severed all contact with him.



Oh and one more thing towards Lube, chill man. If you get called out on stuff and act overly defensive about it then Watmm will just pick on you more. It's a tough lesson to learn.

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Guest Lube Saibot

what he is doing is harrassment. again not annoying, but you don't have to be a prick to deal with him. also a baby. use that big ol' brain of yours and get rid of him. obviously he didn't skip classes and go to sweden because he was scared of you if he is back and giving you and your gf shit again. so either kill him, your self or your gf. and do lots of drugs. i guess you're just a pussy though.


Harassment IS annoying. The whole skipping classes and going to sweden, yeah i see how that might have been misconstrued as boastful, and mentioning it without considering how wattm's butt might feel beforehand is, granted, a total lapse and faux-pas on my part, but it simply is, and is certified by many colleagues who the prick has spoken to. Shit like "is he coming in today?" etc. That only year apart from that he resumes his obliviously imprudent behavior is just a testament of how fucking deluded he is. He simply is THAT GUY.


As for your extremely useful advice, no thanks. Considering that you're berating me for being overly macho (i guess?) in my appraisal of the situation gets mighty fucking pointless once you prod people with "you're a pussy" shit. So kindly please kill your own girlfriend, or resume intake of drugs to the extent that it so obviously desensitizes you to the painfully trite yet unavoidable hurdles of human interaction.


I admitted butthurt in hopes of burying this fucking subject, but, as i see some still hold high the crest of internet white knightdom:


I wasn't flamebaiting, i wasn't trolling. I apologize to those that might have misconstrued my vocabulary as indication of this. And to those who think i'm just generally an asshole, well, i tried burying the hatchet, so at this point just fuck you, and fuck off.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I literally tell them to their face I do not like them. I don't have the time, patience or tolerance to spend my life associating with people I don't like. I tell them, they leave me alone, it's that simple. Except on Sunday when I beat the fuck out of someone but that was a totally different scenario.

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Guest Lube Saibot

your just a dick mate. hes a bit of a dick too but that doesnt justify you being a cunt.


Only the self-righteous shitstrom in this thread so far has already justified me in being a cunt. But whatever. Go nuts.


you're being trolled, chill

Yeah seriously, Lube ppl are just egging you on.



Oh and one more thing towards Lube, chill man. If you get called out on stuff and act overly defensive about it then Watmm will just pick on you more. It's a tough lesson to learn.


Yeah man, i get it, its just inane what sorta subtle bullshit i'm being called out on. Oh, and thanks.

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Just stop being so indignant when you get insulted. Everyone in this forum bickers and insults each other, generally speaking in a very exaggerated way too. The longer you put up this "I'm outraged at the way I'm being treated here" type of attitude, the worse off your reputation will be, and your post count is pretty low so be careful unless you want to be "That Angry Asshole Poster"

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Guest Lube Saibot

Just stop being so indignant when you get insulted. Everyone in this forum bickers and insults each other, generally speaking in a very exaggerated way too. The longer you put up this "I'm outraged at the way I'm being treated here" type of attitude, the worse off your reputation will be, and your post count is pretty low so be careful unless you want to be "That Angry Asshole Poster"


I'm way too OCD\generally neurotic to start taking into account things like "reputation on a messageboard". I have no intent or ability to veil and censor statements beyond rule requirements, to conform to some unwritten standard of wattummer personality, or to consider post counts over what is being said. It just seems a bit silly. I assume that is a dealbreaker, no?


Given the above, should i stop posting outside the confines of "lol", "this^", trolling and nonsense\crap?

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Guest Lube Saibot

Ok I give up, he's a cunt



edit: also wouldn't people who are OCD and neurotic care more about that sort of thing?


That's the point, i'm too OCD and neurotic to allow myself to care, it would snowball indefinitely.


in b4 cumswap macros

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Yeah, so this guy I worked with. Ive had some friends that were embarrassing and basically assholes, one in particular, but this guy at work was the beyond awful. First you are at work in a confined place (kitchen) His voice was loud and obnoxious. He would degrade my looks in front of the female coworkers. He would take little things I said and blow them up and go on and on about them at the top of his lungs. He would not respond to verbal threats, reasoning and ignoring him was not an option. Having a ducks back and not letting it bother me also didn't work as I'm human and an annoying loud voice combined with verbal insults is not something you can just laugh off and ignore. It takes a special cocktail of negative traits in a person to really cut me to the core. I have a really long fuse. The only way to deal with this person would be to quit or actually hurt him since verbal threats did not work. I quit, and I blame my clinical depression at the time on him and his Chinese water torture of a mouth

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OH... and he always talks like a jew and acts like kramer from seinfeld!


Well, sounds to me like he deserves/deserved to be stoned to death.


there were a couple of times i saved him from getting his ass beat... the first time i kicked his ass in front of the the dudes that were going to beat him up and they left confused. the second time, 2 dudes confronted him demanding an appology for saying something about one of the dudes to his girlfriend. my friend refused to appologize, i showed up and the dudes looked pretty menacing. i went to the kitchen and was listening to the whole thing. i then walked into the living room where they were and i made my friend appologize cuz i was fed up with all the back and forth nonsense... the dudes then left with no incident! my friend and i were roomates during that altercation!

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well, about hurting - i really don't want to. not physically at least. emotionally - it just feels wrong... i mean i know it's the most natural reaction, but i don't want to do it.


i know i could talk to him. explain to him in detail how i am annoyed by the things he does and try hard not to hurt his feelings by telling him all this. but right now i'm just so fed up with all the crap, i really don't care about him anymore. i don't care about his feelings, i don't care if i hurt him.

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well, about hurting - i really don't want to. not physically at least. emotionally - it just feels wrong... i mean i know it's the most natural reaction, but i don't want to do it.


i know i could talk to him. explain to him in detail how i am annoyed by the things he does and try hard not to hurt his feelings by telling him all this. but right now i'm just so fed up with all the crap, i really don't care about him anymore. i don't care about his feelings, i don't care if i hurt him.


Are you afraid of him?

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well... he's been training all sorts of martial arts, so yeah, i don't think i can just punch him in the face and make him stop that way. but i do know i have the power to make him miserable, or ultimately, get him fired.

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