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Where do you find meaning in life?

Guest Helper ET

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modern life is meaningless. mythology exists to give life meaning. i would rather believe in all the colourful myths of the old religions that provide life with context and meaning than the new myths of the big bang and all this boring soulless Dawkins wank. "hey we're just a tiny insignificant chemical scum on a meaningless insignificant ball of rock orbiting a meaningless insignificant star".... Great... cool story Bro


I fucking hate Dawkins and his boring ignorant self righteous crap


he's fucking showbiz

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maybe stop trying to figure it all out, stop trying to aspire to some elusive perfection and try to enjoy the ride? you won't make it out alive anyway.




Just enjoy being.

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I always thought, and this is my humble opinion, I wouldn't force it upon anyone else, is that the meaning of life is to live. To experience it. That is the simplest answer, but to me it is also the most true.


You find meaning in simply existing. That is why a lot of people dont understand me when I say violence, evil, and destruction is just as beautiful as something...well, beautiful. It is all part of some sort of strange universe that we somehow came to exist in. (When I say this i mean it on a purely aesthetic level btw, im not suggesting I go around saying YEAH MURDER IS BEAUTIFUL)

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modern life is meaningless. mythology exists to give life meaning. i would rather believe in all the colourful myths of the old religions that provide life with context and meaning than the new myths of the big bang and all this boring soulless Dawkins wank. "hey we're just a tiny insignificant chemical scum on a meaningless insignificant ball of rock orbiting a meaningless insignificant star".... Great... cool story Bro


I fucking hate Dawkins and his boring ignorant self righteous crap


he's fucking showbiz



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or if that's not exciting enough for you, some Terrence McKenna:




Also, fuck all those materialist/reductionist views of life and consciousness. I feel like people who grow up with a Judeo/Christian religious background/environment often find themselves in the middle of a huge (stupid) dichotomy: "realistic" science and evolution on one hand, and crazy homophobic and dogmatic faith on the other. Kind of a sad situation, especially with fame hungry tightwads like Dawkins running around(go back to biology, you half-assed philosopher wannabe) I'm not saying go join a hippie/crystal/spirit/cult (actually, why the hell not?), but there are many areas of life and consciousness where meaning is to be found.

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Guest Masonic Boom

you're all right. I'm going to quit my job and my stupid "rationalist" lifestyle and run off to Elephant & Castle to join the Tibetan monks, maybe they'll let me live in their basement in exchange for my painting paisley and swhirlies all over their walls since their shrine is all done out like that. Hurrah! meaning problem solved.

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i see what you did there


You hear about that guy who stole all the plumbing fixtures from that house? He even took all the toilets. The police have nothing to go on.

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modern life is meaningless. mythology exists to give life meaning. i would rather believe in all the colourful myths of the old religions that provide life with context and meaning than the new myths of the big bang and all this boring soulless Dawkins wank. "hey we're just a tiny insignificant chemical scum on a meaningless insignificant ball of rock orbiting a meaningless insignificant star".... Great... cool story Bro


I fucking hate Dawkins and his boring ignorant self righteous crap


he's fucking showbiz




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In wanks and vaginas; in miniscule beats of flys wings against the air; in lightning and robots; in lazers and chickens, and other game birds; in my friends laughter as we get pissed up and forget the world. The meaning is everywhere

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i ne'er thought i'd see so many thoughtful, genuine responses in this thread. i'm touched *wipes speck from eye


props to SR4 for seeing the beauty in the second part of the cycle. it can be hard to swallow, but we all need to go through destruction, loss, meaninglessness, pain. just as judas was the man who gave jesus what he needed to fulfill him, our straying from the path is what will lead us to peace and joy. amen.

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I haven't read this entire thread, but I'm guessing troon has posted at least 5 times



just post something stupid about Eoin's favorite rugby jersey and get out.

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