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17 stitches a snapped arm and a fence post


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Guest Dirty Protest

I had a similar thing happen to me back home, jumped by 6 people with nailed bits of wood,I grew up in an estate just outside Mordor. Dont let it cloud your view, 99.9% of people are decent, just sometimes its hard to remember when its the arseholes that seem to keep making themselves prevalent.



seriously though, good for you for standing up to them. hopefully they will be pounded in prison for a little whiles.


i feel no remorse for people like them...there was a guy in the local area that tried to rob a house, apparently the houseowner had a samurai sword. chopped the robber's arm clean off and he bled to death.


there was a huge uproar and the houseowner was put on trial for murder. personally I think he should have been given a medal and been allowed to put the thief's arm on display outside his home.

WTF? Are you Charles Bronson? I had a cunt litter outside my door, im going to gouge his eyes out and shit in the sockets.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

yeah stay healthy dude, watch out for infections.. glad you are ok. it's crazy, this is the kind of thing that happens on a sunday night? i wonder how old those kids are..

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i guess about early 20's, both scottish, both chavs/neds whatever. thing that annoys me most is this didnt have to end like this, they were getting beat plain and simple, we could of all gone home with a few bruises but no, this fuck has to pull a weapon and now we end up worse off, what happened to a good old fist/head fight huh?


my dedication to mashing chavs is even more focused from now on, justice will be delivered!!

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that is seriously fucked up man, glad you made it out alive.


i don't know what the laws are like over there, but have you considered carrying around a pocket knife or something? i know some good realistic street self-defense videos if you want to watch them, maybe do some knife training as well


the thing about those punks is that the cops WILL catch up to them at some point, might even be years from now for probably something unrelated, so make sure they have an extremely good description of them

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i guess about early 20's, both scottish, both chavs/neds whatever. thing that annoys me most is this didnt have to end like this, they were getting beat plain and simple, we could of all gone home with a few bruises but no, this fuck has to pull a weapon and now we end up worse off, what happened to a good old fist/head fight huh?


my dedication to mashing chavs is even more focused from now on, justice will be delivered!!


i think it's pretty apparent that the sort of people who sexually assault a girl, then go after her friends for peacefully sticking up for her arn't going to be playing nice on any level. most fights have that kind of narrative where both parties have a sense of injustice or indignance, even if it is "what the fuck, i was only saying hello to her" (despite other party being a groping scumbag or the like). obviously they weren't the type to 'save face', just reprehensable scum who would fight to the last tooth. in the same situation i would be shitting myself. +respek! :S


they just wanted you to host their music


that's a lol

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that's shit. Good on you for being the decent one.

and am in total agreement about weapons being brought into shit. The sad thing is, he'll be on to his mates about how "hard" he is for doing that, when really he's just a coward who shat himself in the face of an ass whipping.

At least you'll have a fucking hardcore scar.

Eat more pizza! Get better!

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Guest futuregirlfriend



my friend got randomly punched in the face the other week. the two guys just ran off when he didn't fall over. i'm sure he won't mind me posting as he seems fairly proud of his new schnoz.









another reason for me to get outta here.

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my friend got randomly punched in the face the other week. the two guys just ran off when he didn't fall over. i'm sure he won't mind me posting as he seems fairly proud of his new schnoz.









another reason for me to get outta here.


That happy slapping prank shit is so deplorable, I love it when these assholes get theirs though.


related gif





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Guest peaches

so do these "chavs" do stuff like this normally over there?


in fact, what in the world is a "chav?" they sound as fun as a handful of leeches shoved down your mouth.

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so do these "chavs" do stuff like this normally over there?


in fact, what in the world is a "chav?" they sound as fun as a handful of leeches shoved down your mouth.

I'm pretty sure if you do a title search for "chav" there may be a humorous thread about them.

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still cant believe this. kaen, let us know if you or your mate gets work comp, sounds like they certainly should...jesus...6 weeks ou of work



these fucking poor POS chavs don't understand the concept of a job unless it delineates flinging shit about each other or fucking big hoop earring 14-year old Miley Cyrus cocksuckers I AM ANGRY FOR YOU KAEN SHARE YOUR ANGER WITH ME LET US FEED ON IT

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Guest Mirezzi

1. This is fucking horrible, sorry to hear read about it, kaen.

2. I had never heard of this "happy slapping" phenomenon until this thread and I'm blown away by it. I wish I could say I didn't find it all very fascinating, but my inner Bunuel is all aflutter.

3. This is incredible and I watched it 100 times:




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Guest Smuckers

hope your buddies arm heals up alright. Had a similar thing happen to me once outside a pub. luckily ended up with just a cut under my right eye but my friend somehow broke his arm. clean break too.


get well soon on the ol' noggin, mayne.

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