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medicines that have profoundly benefited your life

Fred McGriff

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I was discussing this last night over dinner-- during major phases of my life there has always been something going wrong with my body... mostly cosmetic, but still without the corrective measures I took I wouldn't be the dapper, confident gentleman that I am today. I'll start in chronological order:


1) Orthodontic Braces. Not a medicine but it's medical-related. I had awful buck teeth. I mean they stuck WAY out, I looked hilarious and was the butt of many jokes. I was in braces for 3 years--had I not had them my teeth would still be extremely buck and I would still be a virgin. My career path would've been something extremely antisocial, like a lab technician, or I would've ended up a massive drug abuser and be dead already. Or maybe I would've gotten into hockey.


2) Accutane. Just when I'm starting to come into form and beginning to approach the ladies, I get hit by the worst acne imaginable. It was really heavy on my face. Not your average acne, but really bad acne. Accutane saved my face. It has been a controversial medicine in recent years, but accutane kicked the every living shit out of my acne, dried it the fuck up, and sent it off packing for good. Don't think I've gotten a zit in 10 years. Thank you, accutane. Without accutane I would have an acne-scarred face, and would probably have settled for tier 2 or 3 pus pus.


3) Effexor. Anti-anxiety/depression medication. Took this for a summer when I was flipping my shit on anxiety attacks and tension headaches and loneliness. worst time of my life... mid-twenties. Effexor pretty much made me a robot for half a year but it was exactly what i needed, and I am very thankful for it. I cleared my head up, got my shit together, and ever since I've been off it, I've been mentally stable.


4) Pepcid A/C. Sparked the culinary revolution in my life. I take a 20 mg pill every morning and I no longer have acid reflux problems. I eat freely, and never before in my life had I been able to enjoy food as much as I do now because reflux used to whip my ass.


So those are the big four medical fixes in my life. I am very thankful for my health and never take it for granted. Here is a smilie with an aphex sign: :aphexsign:

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Guest viscosity

effexor had the worst withdrawal symptoms, can't miss a dose or things get uncomfortable


use propranolol and now atenolol but i usually fall back on other things lol

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i had wicked bad teeth before braces too, one of my canines instead of growing straight down and pushing the baby tooth out, grew almost directly outward. Had the baby tooth pulled and an extra stage of braces, got a muscle in my inner upper lip snipped to bring my gap teeth together, and now my teeth look pretty deec.

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Fish oil if that counts.


1) Orthodontic Brace


I also had braces when I was younger. As much as they ruined my social life back then I am really glad I got them.

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Maxalt -- Saves me from crippling migraines. Migraines that force me to close my eyes and curl up in bed for hours on end completely unable to do anything productive. I have bombed many tests due to severe anxiety migraines. I've learned to now either drink a bunch of water or eat a lot of food if I feel one coming on, but Maxalt does the deed in a pinch.


Penicillin -- for almost killing me with hives and throat swelling, and making me realize I was allergic to Penicillin.


Amoxicillin -- for curing my returning Lyme Disease. Didn't know I had the disease until the late stages when it had already done permanent damage. I will probably go blind earlier because of one fucking tick.

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Penicillin -- for almost killing me with hives and throat swelling, and making me realize I was allergic to Penicillin.


i'm allergic to penicillin too

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Penicillin -- for almost killing me with hives and throat swelling, and making me realize I was allergic to Penicillin.


i'm allergic to penicillin too


Likewise - in fact, I'm allergic to so many medications, that thankfully, I haven't had to take anything for anything.

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Guest analogue wings

Ventolin because not being dead is good

Prednisone because not being dead is good

Morphine because not being in agony is good

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Accutane. It worked (the only thing that actually does) I used to get severe acne on my back, used to bleed so bad. Anyway, yeah all gone now. Though I had side effects.

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