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So what just happened?

Guest peaches

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Guest peaches

Around an hour ago.


I began to feel strange. My breathing became fast. Nearly staccato. I felt my thoughts get faster and faster. Like trains, crashing into each other.


At around 20 minutes, this is where things began to get weird. I felt like my entire body was being pricked by electrical pins. A tingly, painful feeling. I'm still feeling that, somewhat.


Let's say around 30 minutes in. Paranoia is intense. Feelings of sadness. I felt like I was about to die. I began to hyperventilate. I felt like I was gone. Have you ever experienced your mind seemingly disconnecting from your body? Not fun. The music (I was listening to Ultravisitor by Squarepusher.) seemed so... fake and unreal. Everything was unreal. I heard the song and I saw the speakers and the computer and my bed as well as the stacks of books that decorate the shelves and walls. I wasn't quite sure that they were there, or if they even existed, or if I even existed.


40 minutes. Everything described above has risen to an intense, nightmarish crescendo. I genuinely thought that I was dying. I began to feel disoriented. Dizzy. I'm wasn't even sure what the hell was going on or if any of it was real. Noise. Definitely noise. Where is the noise coming from? I forgot at that moment. Began breathing very heavily, very quickly.


After that everything seemed to calm down for a bit. I sat down on my bed, crossing my legs, back against the wall. I closed my eyes and blocked everything else out. I focused only on my breathing, and getting it to a normal level and intensity.


I am now sitting here wondering what just happened. That was rather unpleasant. Tell me what just happened to me, watmm.

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Guest peaches

youre in canada so im guessing you were being suffocated by nelly furtado's ass. lucky


i had a guy rub his ass against me once but i havent seen any nelly furtado around here

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Guest abusivegeorge

Well for me thats a really long anxiety attack. Yes they really can last that long, theu can be very quick over within in two minutes or they can progress slowly, like yours did. Sometimes they are recurring, and you just have one after the other untill eventually you pass out. I suffer all forms of anxiety attacks.

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Guest abusivegeorge

anxiety attack. how old are you? i started getting these when i was 10. took me a decade to start getting them under control.


22, and a fuked body from alcoholism.


Oh sorry that looked like a resposnse to my post lol.

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for one glorious hour, you became confield as experienced by a cake.

mark my words, you will tell your grandchildren about the time you became confield as experienced by a cake.

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Guest Space Coyote

I too would wager this was a panic attack.


I've had one I remember vividly that was brought on probably by stress and having smoked some average weed just prior. I was lying in bed late on a school night and thought a friend from the internet could/would travel from interstate and kill me for some unknown reason. The experience was near unbelievable. My heart rate was wild and inconsistant. My arms and legs felt like they had an extreme sensation of 'pins and needles' to the extent that I lost sensation as to where they began and ended and felt like they had melt into my bed/rug somehow. I knew that of course they hadn't, but the feeling was so intense and seemingly real that it was difficult to escape the thought that *something* was happening to them. I passed out a couple of times or experienced periods of time loss where I would look at the clock thinking this can't possibly last all night and to just try ride it out only to find 10-20 minutes had passed when I looked away and back again shortly after. I had the light on in my room but when I closed my eyes it felt like I was falling through space. I toyed with the idea of calling for my parents and asking them to call an ambulance but I must've just had my bearings enough that while this was excrutiatingly unpleasent, I knew that it wouldn't last and the consequences of letting my parents know would far outweigh this hour or hour and a half or so of discomfort. I think eventually I was so exhausted that I half passed out, half fell asleep and woke up the next morning feeling disturbed but definately grounded.


Another time I was at my friend T's house, again having smoked weed which I had done countless times with him and his girlfriend (who is part indigenous Austrlian/warlike) at this point, when I was slowly overwhelmed with paranoia and a sort of nausea possibly caused my the underlying unspoken knowledge that his girlfriend hated me. I announced I felt way too far gone and was having trouble breathing and not feeling ok. I got up and started the 10m walk to the bathroom and was obviously having balance issues. For some reason his girlfriend, apparently having set aside her dislike for me and now concerned, got up and helped keep me steady as I slowly made my way into the bedroom which the bathroom was connected to. I remember that as I stepped from the kitchen into the bathroom the muscles in my legs felt very much like they had turned to jelly and would no longer support me at which point I started falling sideways onto this girl.


I have an odd memory here of now being at another friend's house and having some conversation with him and it having the strange dreamlike quality where you don't question how you suddenly got there or why you don't remember the situation you were previously in a few minutes ago.


Next thing I know I'm on the ground in the bedroom of my friend T and he is crouched over on top of me yelling my name. Apparently I had been out 'cold' for about 30 seconds to a minute and hadn't responded to a couple of hard slaps and much yelling of my name. They said they were just about to call for an ambulance when I roused up out of this state. Also apparently my body was very stiff and they weren't able to move me or lean my upper body into a more upright position although in retrospect I can't imagine why they would have tried.


Some might attribute the second story to a 'white out' but I think it was an extreme end to a fast onset panic attack as I've been overwhelmed by weed a couple of times and it wasn't really anything like either of the two above stories.

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drugs, panic attack, or you almost had a stroke. Or you've been up for a couple days. Most likely panic attack though, sounds exactly like it. Sometimes "coming down" off of one is weirder and worse than the actual experience, especially cuz it can take a while for the feelings to wear off.

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