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American "Tea Party" Morons


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Look...I will most likely not be with you fellow WATMMrs much longer. And so, before I leave, as a born and raised MidWesterner American, I want to reassure you that these fuckers DO NOT REPRESENT most of the USA.


Yes, many of us like our guns, fine. You don't get it. That's cool. But really, I'd use my gun to defend most of you so what's the fucking problem anyway?

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Guest margaret thatcher

calm down mate. what's this got to do with guns?

i think you're taking this personally. it's not a personal thing.

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And so, before I leave, as a born and raised MidWesterner American, I want to reassure you that these fuckers DO NOT REPRESENT most of the USA.

I live in rural America, and more people than not seem to be just like the tea-baggers in that video.

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from my personal experience all the level-headed dissent against the healthcare proposal remain quiet or at least subdued...I mean, there's no rational argument to be had with any of these protestors...someone cold have good points against the bill but the anti-intellectual rise of thought in the US would force the propagandists to essentially exile them from participation. This couldn't be more true than by looking at the Republican reps in office themselves....I know a ton of Republicans who I don't agree with on many fronts, but they are knowledgable about the subject and passionately believe what they believe in....these Republicans would be the first to be accused as "traitors" to the Republican party by these types of people.

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i wouldn't even call them conservatives, they certainly don't advocating "conserving" anything other than the current social order....they are more traditionalist reactionaries than anything else.

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well, in those respects, whoever said in this thread that it all boils down to whether its a right or a privilege seems to come to the forefront at that point.

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just tell these tea party morons that jesus would love free healthcare for all so he wouldn't have to go around doing all that healing.



on that note these people are more satanist than christian, ironically...never thought about that.

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just tell these tea party morons that jesus would love free healthcare for all so he wouldn't have to go around doing all that healing.



on that note these people are more satanist than christian, ironically...never thought about that.


that's a pretty fair point actually

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as a long term solution, socialised healthcare is a good option. For all the Americans who dislike social healthcare proposals, come to the UK to witness how the NHS operates and conducts itself - it's definitely one of the best things to happen to the UK.

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Guest hahathhat

is there anything you can do about this? obviously, you can't argue sense into someone... but is there some offhand remark i could make, that would pick away at the edges of their stupidity, keeping them up at night, gradually causing their reality to crumble?


'cos that'd be tight.

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that new left media video is a little frustrating to me. i've seen that guy / group do similar videos at palin rallies and the like.


the problem is that videos like that are what's causing general mob mentality and stupidity in america. it's edited and constructed in such a way as to further a specific agenda, and show events in a certain light. it's snarky "clever" infotainment, not legitimate journalism.


this does NOT excuse those people from saying stupid things, mind you... but the reason they're all so up-in-arms about healthcare / politics in general is because they're receiving their "news" and formulating / adopting their opinions from irresponsible media. and this "new left media" stuff is doing the same. it allows smug, holier-than-thou liberal hipster types to sit around and drink PBR and say "OMG, did you see that video with the tea partiers? what morons! they don't even know what provisions of the healthcare reform bill are the ones that bother them."


well you know what? neither do i. granted, i've not spent a great deal of time reviewing this stuff. of what i do know about it, i'm slightly furious that the method the US gov't has come up with to ensure everyone has health care is to say "get health care or pay a fine". i'm slightly furious that every reasonable, non-corporate-benefiting option has been stricken from the bill. i'm slightly furious that this country CANNOT get around kow-towing to its corporate masters.


however, some of my opinions are likely misinformed. the only place i can get information about this stuff, outside of spending the bulk of my days reading every amendment to the bill and watching complete coverage on c-span, is to watch the news. and the news doesn't do its job.


granted, the state of bureaucracy these days is such that getting to the bottom of things and presenting the PURE FACTS seems impossible. but rather than seeing a finger pointing "look at the circus" video, i'd rather see someone track down the folks in that crowd who have legitimate gripes about what's happening with the bill. rather than showing the wingnuts with bad grammar on placards, track down logical, factual based arguments from intelligent people. maybe there aren't any anymore.


getting angry about ignorance distracts from the true issues, and furthers ignorance in the other direction. rather than focusing on the issues, we're focusing on people who aren't focusing on the issues, and it's sad.


i personally think the US is irreparable. stupidity and blind devotion to a "side" are the norm. partly due to disinterest and the celebrity of politicians, and partly due to the impossible swamp of nonsense that politics has become.


my new analogy for anything politically related that comes up in conversation is that no matter what any of us do, even obama, even the most honest and well-spirited political hopeful, it's no more effective than shouting at a house fire.


it's depressing, really.

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that new left media video is a little frustrating to me. i've seen that guy / group do similar videos at palin rallies and the like.


the problem is that videos like that are what's causing general mob mentality and stupidity in america. it's edited and constructed in such a way as to further a specific agenda, and show events in a certain light. it's snarky "clever" infotainment, not legitimate journalism.


this does NOT excuse those people from saying stupid things, mind you... but the reason they're all so up-in-arms about healthcare / politics in general is because they're receiving their "news" and formulating / adopting their opinions from irresponsible media. and this "new left media" stuff is doing the same. it allows smug, holier-than-thou liberal hipster types to sit around and drink PBR and say "OMG, did you see that video with the tea partiers? what morons! they don't even know what provisions of the healthcare reform bill are the ones that bother them."


well you know what? neither do i. granted, i've not spent a great deal of time reviewing this stuff. of what i do know about it, i'm slightly furious that the method the US gov't has come up with to ensure everyone has health care is to say "get health care or pay a fine". i'm slightly furious that every reasonable, non-corporate-benefiting option has been stricken from the bill. i'm slightly furious that this country CANNOT get around kow-towing to its corporate masters.


however, some of my opinions are likely misinformed. the only place i can get information about this stuff, outside of spending the bulk of my days reading every amendment to the bill and watching complete coverage on c-span, is to watch the news. and the news doesn't do its job.


granted, the state of bureaucracy these days is such that getting to the bottom of things and presenting the PURE FACTS seems impossible. but rather than seeing a finger pointing "look at the circus" video, i'd rather see someone track down the folks in that crowd who have legitimate gripes about what's happening with the bill. rather than showing the wingnuts with bad grammar on placards, track down logical, factual based arguments from intelligent people. maybe there aren't any anymore.


getting angry about ignorance distracts from the true issues, and furthers ignorance in the other direction. rather than focusing on the issues, we're focusing on people who aren't focusing on the issues, and it's sad.


i personally think the US is irreparable. stupidity and blind devotion to a "side" are the norm. partly due to disinterest and the celebrity of politicians, and partly due to the impossible swamp of nonsense that politics has become.


my new analogy for anything politically related that comes up in conversation is that no matter what any of us do, even obama, even the most honest and well-spirited political hopeful, it's no more effective than shouting at a house fire.


it's depressing, really.



pretty much hit it on the head.

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Guest acknowledgeandproceed

That's trrbl... [those people] are awful mean and white. And angry. About Worst part is the total lack of responsibility on the part of any culpable party involved in whipping these gullible and frightened people into an overarching vendetta kinda mood. {You tell the angels in heaven you never saw evil so singularly personified as in the face of the} Fox commentator that sold you on Bush's victory, or any number of the stupid spy movie bullshit they fantasize about and re-enact during a vague show of safety. Benjamin Franklin said something to the effect of those that would sacrifice liberty in the pursuit of safety deserve neither, but that lecherous old man doesn't figure into the new Texas standard in textbooks much, so I'll just shut up and flip out.

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that south park video made me lol pretty hard.


jesus, fucking, christ these people are stupid. i mean, STUPID. basically one or two steps up from literally being the 30 year old village retard that every suburb has walking around playing with his basketballs.


i really think the bottom line is that we should pity these people. i go from pure fury, middle fingering the screen, shouting "FUCK YOU PIGS!" because these people are everything i'm against, at least for americans, to serious sadness and head shaking. these people don't know any better. i feel sorry for them, not deeply, but i do. mostly i just hate them...sigh. i'm a hateful person, but really, these people...jesus fucking christ. i wish there was a way to just make them realize for an instant;;;;; "I...oh lord and Savior, I am a fucking moron." and to see the expression on their face as tears drop to the ground at their new revelation.


ok thats enough i feel better now


i actually don't know much about the bill, but i DO know that it is moral to give healthcare to the totality of the populous, it is a god given right, and the fact that these people are so vehemently opposed to it is enough reason to hate them with a passion, as well as to hate the FUCKERS that run Fox News and the FUCKING PIGS that fund anything to do with it. all fucking pigs.

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