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American "Tea Party" Morons


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America seems a funny old place to me.


Like Obel I think a lot of English people are confused with what could be so wrong about having a system like the NHS. Obviously it boils down to some sort of communist ideology which some Americans are greatly opposed to.


Can I ask an American WATMMer what would happen in a scenario which happened to me. Then we can see.


I fell of my mountain bike and got a spiral fracture on one of my metacarpals (I broke my hand in otherwords). I went straight to hospital and was seen within 30 minutes, x-rayed and diagnosed. My hand was put in a splint to stop movement. 4 days later I was in surgery to get pins placed so the bone would heal. Woke up, job done, went home. Had 3 months off work in total, 2 months the hand was splinted (but checked and re-dressed every 2 weeks), 1 month for rehabilitation and physiotherapy sessions. All I paid for was my strong painkillers which was about 20 dollars in total.


How much would that cost an American with no health insurance?

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i wonder what its like being a japanese female in america, as my wife has told me on occasion of the ignorance and racism she experienced in UK. what are your thoughts on this?


My stepmom is Japanese. She has talked about racism before. She grew up in Kansas and used to live in a well-to-do suburb outside of Chicago.

It's usually small things like people changing their tone of voice as if they think she can't understand English and shit. On a few occasions she's encountered some actual bigotry. No one burned any crosses on her lawn or anything like that. What can you do?

One time, my grandma came over for Thanksgiving and said something about something being a "Jap-trick" in front of my stepmom. It wasn't directed at her but my stepmom was like :facepalm: .

Wtf is a Jap-trick?


Lol reminds me of the time me and my mate, who's mother is Chinese, were at a party. So we were chatting away and I was talking to some guy about some bollox and he was talkin to two girls.


Then one of them was like "So where are you from originally?" and he just said "I live, like, right down the road". I couldnt contain my laughter.

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I fell of my mountain bike and got a spiral fracture on one of my metacarpals (I broke my hand in otherwords). I went straight to hospital and was seen within 30 minutes, x-rayed and diagnosed. My hand was put in a splint to stop movement. 4 days later I was in surgery to get pins placed so the bone would heal. Woke up, job done, went home. Had 3 months off work in total, 2 months the hand was splinted (but checked and re-dressed every 2 weeks), 1 month for rehabilitation and physiotherapy sessions. All I paid for was my strong painkillers which was about 20 dollars in total.


How much would that cost an American with no health insurance?


Seriously, that would be pushing, if not far in excess of $10,000. If that happened to me right now I would probably be forced to file for bankruptcy.

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Guest theSun

an uninsured americans life would be financially over at that point. easily $10,000+, depends on the hospital too.


also, when i broke my arm (10 years ago) and went to the hospital for an xray we were there (from ER to leaving) for 11 hours.

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I fell of my mountain bike and got a spiral fracture on one of my metacarpals (I broke my hand in otherwords). I went straight to hospital and was seen within 30 minutes, x-rayed and diagnosed. My hand was put in a splint to stop movement. 4 days later I was in surgery to get pins placed so the bone would heal. Woke up, job done, went home. Had 3 months off work in total, 2 months the hand was splinted (but checked and re-dressed every 2 weeks), 1 month for rehabilitation and physiotherapy sessions. All I paid for was my strong painkillers which was about 20 dollars in total.


How much would that cost an American with no health insurance?


Seriously, that would be pushing, if not far in excess of $10,000. If that happened to me right now I would probably be forced to file for bankruptcy.



Lost for words.


If you were Scottish or Welsh the cost would of been zero as pescriptions for drugs are free. Thats all I paid, the cost of the 2 pescriptions. And trust me the treatment I recieved was pretty good, you do hear of some horror stories about the NHS but on the whole I have always been happy.


So all the kids in The States who go MTBing, skateboarding and BMXing and risk serious injury must have rich parents. Otherwise any normal youngster wouldn't even consider it.

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i agree a lot of these redneck yokels don't even know what the terms mean they are throwing around. stuff like communist, socialist, marxist, fascist, nazi, baby killer, hippy, elitist, leftist, fag, n*gger, jew, mud people, etc. all mean the same thing to these fuckheads - i.e. Un-American (as in NOT WHITE). the right wing extreme of the republican party is the most uneducated racist sexist homophobic pro-christian political group in America, and since Bush stole the election in 2000, they think they can roll back the clock to the 1960s, when they think they lost this country to "the hippies" and "the blacks". this bill, along with things like credit card reform, and hopefully bank reform are a wake up call that the rest of us sane people will not allow our crazy country cousins to run the show anymore, or frighten us into silence. :tongue:

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Im not sure they are uneducated. I dont think they are all dollar store rednecks. I know some of them and they have college degrees. One went to west point. They make me sick, though. Most college grads dont know what socialism is, really

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Im not sure they are uneducated. I dont think they are all dollar store rednecks. I know some of them and they have college degrees. One went to west point. They make me sick, though. Most college grads dont know what socialism is, really


sure they do! socialism is EEEEVIIIIILL!!!! think of the chiiiildren!

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a lot of states give kids free health care. If u end up with a bill for 10k plus you can pay just 5 dollars a month for as long as it takes. I sent in a copy of my empty bank account, and a letter telling them I was broke and they would probably never get anything out of me and I never heard form them again.

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