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[NSFW] Girls+Robots in the same picture


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In order to campaign for one of my favourite teams, I decided to go on chat roulette and ask the girls if they could pose for me with some robots.


I started off my project with a resounding failure:






It seemed that these girls didn't have robots. For example, I asked this girl if she had a robot





but the best she could come up with was this:





This girl was really trying to be helpful:






Emphasis on trying:





Oh well, at least she was closer than this girl:





But I didn't want to give up. So I decided to just hold up my own robot and take some quick pictures:












It turns out I wasn't the only one looking for something specific. This girl had a project of her own:






And I even influenced somebody's project:





These girls didn't have a robot, but they still wanted to help, so one of them dressed up as a robot:





This girl tried to make herself a robot-friend out of a cellphone, some tape, and a pen:






It was obvious that I wouldn't succeed. So I devised a new strategy. It was obvious that I wasn't going to get any pictures of girls with robots, but I could at least get pictures of girls and drawings of robots:







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Guest abusivegeorge

Fucking lol, this is fantastic I support your conquest for honest sexy girl robot gatherings, whole heartedly.

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Thanks y'all.


It isn't fake. It's actually pretty easy (well, considering I didn't get a single really good picture of a girl and a robot together). I found most girls between 10 and midnight (Toronto time, whatever that is), and if you are alone, and not a dirty creepy ugly dull-eyed loser, then they'll talk to you.


I just found an artist of unknown gender who drew me this:



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Right after she said "I like dicks" she followed it with "can I taste yours?" But I clicked next before taking a photo, unfortunately. I don't know how she was expecting to taste mine over the internet.

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I was thinking I'd just take some pictures with girls I know in real life. Problem is the only robot I have is the little alarm clock, but it'll have to do. I'll probably end up continuing on chatroulette because it's a bit addictive.


But ya'll should continue the quest with me. Find as many pictures of girls and robots as you can. Take them yourselves. Go on chat roulette and spread and ask all the pretty girls you find.


Girls and robots in the same picture for IDM 2010!!

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Guest Fishtank

Actually the act of getting girls to pose with robots and or robot related paraphernalia is IDM is it not?

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