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who wants to be promoted

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i'll post your links


post something in here and i'll listen to it and if i like it you might see it floating around in blogs or something


this is what we need to do for eachother if we like something we hear, WE are the next generation of aphex twins


fuck all that other shit

fuck hudson mohawke (joshing, i actually love his work, just saying, more like FUCK warp, FUCK rephlex, FUCK planet MU FUCK DUBSTEP)


flylo gets a free pass, that guy is a genius

and wisp you're great

all those signed artists are

there are some artists here that deserve more widespread recognition, no doubt


a few come to mind....







there are more but those two, to me, seem the most obvious choices. great shit guys, great shit


so yeah if i get a moment in between outbursts of music creation i'll definitely post some of your stuff on other forums, like in real threads where i can pretend it's official. let me show you how

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Guest Lube Saibot

You do know everyone on the internet can go to every website by themselves, right?


Well, maybe not Lumpy.


But everyone else yeah.

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but it's way better to have someone else word of mouth your music around, for sure


it sucks constantly pimping your own stuff on other websites and people know it


just sent something to cock rock disco



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as long as it isn't like IDMF's label

as a member of both IDMF and WATMM i can safely say I like WATMM more


but their forum seems to have more talent. from what i've heard


pity asymmetrical head and such don't post their music here anymore. we need a forum for the elite of WATMM

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Guest tht tne

fuck idmf for sure




look guys


come on :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:


i don't really want to be associated with you in any way right now


i do not like you


i understand that you are mentally ill

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i think tomrorow i'll have a lot of time and i'll look into maybe making a blog dedicated to WATMM music, we can talk about it here but i think it would be very cool to have, and have one shared email and blog sn and password


i dunno. could be cool. and if we all put it in our sigs and infos elsewhere and spread the word it could be a nifty little thing to have



i don't know what going on tonight but i'm coming up with some crazy noisecore shit




tht you killed my buzz, bastard


but you inspired me to pound out the above track


we should maybe put together a comp of good tracks from our boys here? or has that already been done, i dont know whats going on i seem to remember a few comps being made

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