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Inception - Chris Nolan + Leo DiCaprio = best movie of the summer?

Rubin Farr

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Guest Calx Sherbet

pretentious? i think that's over-analysis of what the non-complainers are saying.


unless that's not what you meant

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calx -- i was referring to blicero's post yesterday equating disliking this movie with disliking radiohead which in the world of hipsters and watmmer's means you're a pretentious cunt.


let it be said, enjoy or dislike whatever the fuck you want but please stay away from the high horse from which people seem so inclined to tell you that what you say is not only wrong but you have a hollow double standard, are full of shit, whatever.


inception: best film of the 90s.


this film is unreleasable


wow. epic hyperbole.


i was making fun of something awepittance said in the ae subforum...

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i was referring to blicero's post yesterday equating disliking this movie with disliking radiohead which in the world of hipsters and watmmer's means you're a pretentious cunt.


let it be said, enjoy or dislike whatever the fuck you want but please stay away from the high horse from which people seem so inclined to tell you that what you say is not only wrong but you have a hollow double standard, are full of shit, whatever.


inception: best film of the 90s.

said by a frenchman

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Guest blicero

calx -- i was referring to blicero's post yesterday equating disliking this movie with disliking radiohead which in the world of hipsters and watmmer's means you're a pretentious cunt.


I wasn't trying to say that no one can dislike this film, i was just pointing out that a lot of the critical comments in this thread sound a lot more like blind hate, than reasonable criticism. there may be a ton of valid complaints about this film, but there sure aren't many in this particular forum thread.


this film is unreleasable


wow. epic hyperbole.


i was making fun of something awepittance said in the ae subforum...


ah, i see. nm.

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zero chance that Moves of Ten (if it was Ae's first release and it came out in 2010) would get released on any huge electronic label. My opinion on why it was released is because Warp will release anything the boys give them


just for reference.


there may be lots of blind critique but, especially in the beginning of this thread, there's a hell of a lot of blind love a la "omg best fucking film of the summer, does yer head in." i think we can ignore that shit and carry on with a more in depth discussion but who fucking cares.


inception: best book

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Guest Mirezzi

It has to be said. Nolan fans are rabidly protective of his movies. This thread has been blood in the toilet since the first vaguely critical thing was said about Inception. What's even funnier is how much further all the supporters are willing to go with the "science" of its science fiction.


DUDES, the tachyon beams went through a series of quantum fluctuations when Cobb was in limbo. If you knew anything about event horizons, it would make perfect sense but you're TOO STUPID and full of HATE to appreciate Inception.



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Guest blicero

OK, haters and fanboys aside, i still stand by my initial responses.


This movie was great.


That is all you need to know.



this thread is filled with far too many people who (for some reason) didn't seem to "get it" or are disappointed because they expected the most amazing film ever, apparently.



  • it totally justified the 2h30m runtime, w/ barely any filler
  • it had a perfect amount of head fuck factor, but i still walked out of the theater with a firm grasp on what happened (a/k/a not like Lost).
  • I thought the acting was good
  • the score was great
  • it was action-packed, but not action overload (a/k/a gender-neutral)


btw, by referring to people who people who (for some reason) didn't seem to "get it" i wasn't trying to be pretentious. i was just saying that i felt that very little was left unexplained. i didn't walk away with any major burning questions (other than the intentional: "was the whole thing a dream?")

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Guest Mirezzi

The internet is essentially afire with people defending Inception against any and all criticisms. I made a post several pages ago from the Guardian journalist who wrote about that very topic. It often goes something like this:


Viewer says the dreams made no sense to them. Viewer is called retarded. Keep in mind, this is a science fiction film so it has to rely a bit on the suspension of disbelief. If you were willing to suspend disbelief, you filled in every hole on your own and loved the movie. If you were unable to suspend disbelief, you spent most the movie with an incredulous expression and hoped that the snow ninjas would keep you engaged instead. If not, you were me and you were facepalming in boredom for much of the 150 minutes.


Viewer says dreams are juvenile in that they're comprised of gunplay and video game cutscenes. Viewer is called a hater and/or told that the dreams aren't even dreams, but rather the creation of Juno the Architect.


Viewer says the film failed to engage them emotionally. Viewer is called a hater. Despite the subjectivity of whether or not Inception was emotionally engaging, fans (not necessarily at WATMM) seem to think Viewer is retarded if he/she didn't shed tears when Cobb talked about his deceased piece of exotic pussy.


Viewer says the film was too long and contains too many overlapping or contradictory styles. Viewer is called retarded, a hater, and/or told that the run time was 2.5 hours but only felt like 1.5 hours because it was so densely packed with fun-n-guns.


Might WATMM take the first mature step regarding this movie and just say, fuck it, let's all be bros, /hi5 and agree to disagree? I hate to go all postmodern on this, but really, as I said many pages ago, I envy everybody's reading of the movie who enjoyed it so much. I didn't enjoy it almost at all. I tried to explain why but was told I was being a "blind hater." How the fuck am I supposed to respond to that? I'm not blind hating anymore than others are blind loving as far as I can tell.


too lazy

I said one rabid thing in this thread and it was more or less because blicero sent me a private message begging me to take all the bait he's been laying down in here...I think what I did was noble and, in return, he kindly ate a dick.

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I felt like it was a really good flick, but then I imagined that on a different day I might label it shit. That's how it goes with these kinda movies, it's all about what you feel like. Or is it just me?



Avatar would, however, be shit in all possible contexts :nelson:


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Guest Calx Sherbet

calx -- i was referring to blicero's post yesterday equating disliking this movie with disliking radiohead which in the world of hipsters and watmmer's means you're a pretentious cunt.


let it be said, enjoy or dislike whatever the fuck you want but please stay away from the high horse from which people seem so inclined to tell you that what you say is not only wrong but you have a hollow double standard, are full of shit, whatever.


oh i see

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So have the days of just sitting down and enjoying a film gone out of the window? Because I am sorry but you cannot say that these films were really that fucking shit (as shit as you're making them out to be). You can only say that because what you've done is you've analyzed the film in depth whilst watching it, and I am assuming you must do this with all movies. It must be real hard to find a movie you sincerely enjoy. I can name some shit movies, and they really are shit, like you don't even need to analyze them to know they are shit, and Avatar does not enter that league of shittiness, which I'm getting from you both.


Go and watch "Borstal Boy" and then come back and tell me that avatar and inception are shit. The problem is when you're sitting watching a film and analyzing (and you must be, to give these films such bad cred) it like that, you can never fully enjoy it anyway, so it's a double negative.


Sit down, watch a movie, have no expectations, and try not to pick fault. Try it next time you watch something, and you might enjoy it a little more.


Not having a go at you guys at all, it just seems the days of watching a movie without being so fucking negatively critical are way out the window.


I mean you say it was shit, but then you say it's a good popcorn movie. Does not compute, a good popcorn movie is not shit.


Maybe I'm being really hypocritical here and just over analyzing you guys, but fuck me, it's 8 am and I've not been to bed yet and MY FUCKING NEIGHBOURS ARE CUNTS.



no shit! i seriously don't notice ANYTHING that people complain about in a movie unless it's so brutally obvious. i mean, once they point it out, then i can kinda see it more clearly. but critical and negative is the majority of what i hear about movies. i never see in depth reviews or examinations of movies where the person is like "wow, that fuckin ruled!"


i don't think i would even have enough in me to write that much pessimism over a movie.


ugh, frustration urghgrufurghur


for me what i see people doing is they are far more critical of a piece of art that is ambitious and tries to be creative. These same people excuse over and over again things of banality as being 'better' because they arent trying to be 'something more than they arent' i find this type of double standard pretty hollow but i see it with music & art all the time. Why do you think Burial is so popular? Repeatedly thought out criticisms in this thread are negated by statements like 'avatar was better because it wasn't trying to be anything it wasn't' really? You don't think james cameron was taking all his themes and philosophies in that movie very seriously? The distinctions seem very arbitrary.

But yeah sometimes the standards for movies being intellectual or foreign enough in here are so high it makes me wonder why are so many of those people here in a music forum when 80% of them settle for the popcorn of electronic music, Boards of Canada with no complaints.


i kind of agree with you, but then i can't totally get behind this. i get very irritated at the extreme reactions to any kind of criticism, however intelligently expressed it is. it's like, if i don't like a movie, or piece of music, or whatever, and i express this in an eloquent manner, i'm suddenly trying to posture myself as a contrary pseudo intellectual. it feels like there's a lot of anti-intellectualism on the internet, and i can understand where a lot of it comes from. if you just dismiss something as "shit" and don't actually back up your criticism, then your post is utterly worthless. but if you provoke a discussion by being the dissenting voice in a thread like this, where probably 95% of the posters enjoyed the movie/think it's great, you shouldn't be met with kneejerk responses like "he must only watch black and white criterion movies" or "he doesn't like populist art" or whatever else i've seen countless times in threads like this. this is a discussion board. we're here to discuss things.

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I actually thought there was TOO much explanation in the movie, way too much dialogue breathlessly explaining what's happening, and that by leaving some more gaps for interpretation, people would fill in the blanks themselves and there wouldn't be as many accusations of "mistakes" in it.


I'd totally watch it again, though. I mean it was satisfyingly kick-ass.






But wheb Cobb's wife jumped off the building and he was like "aahh no JESUS CHRIST!!!" I LOLed.


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i am not a fan of rushed scenarios.


if i would have paid for the movie i would have walked out when leo said "she'll be back, and when she does, have her draw mazes"

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there have been plenty of legitimate, intelligent posts of a critical nature in this thread (cf alcofribas posts)and for the most part they are met with complaints and the diversions i just mentioned.



sorry didn't mean to speak generally (or even to most of the people here voicing criticisms of the movie) in my comments, it was specifically directed at people who forgive Avatar because it was 'obviously made ot be a popcorn movie and nothing more' like assuming they are psychic and can actually gauge Cameron's intentions. Of course the guy didn't think he was just making a 'fun popcorn movie'. Anyone remember quotes from Cameron equating the milestone of Avatar being like when man walked on the moon? guy took that shit way more seriously than Michael bay takes transformers 2. Thats just my take on it but yeah this wasn't directed at people who are offering more thought out critiques of Inception, it was for those who hold some sort of double standard for 2 different projected classes of movies: popcorn movies and intellectually challenging movies.....faggot

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