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The Official 2010 World Cup Thread

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Dirty Protest

im so glad I didnt bother going to the pub for this pile of steaming camel jizz.





It was like someone accidently wrote John instead of Wayne on the team sheet.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

Wow we forgot how to play football


I'd agree but that presupposes something i'm not entirely sure of.

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Guest Rambo

Fat Frank has been anonymous.


He's always anonymous. It's just that occasionally he's anonymous and scores. They are his 2 modes.

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Guest Rambo

It does annoy me that Gerrard is moved to a position he doesn't even like to accomodate clearly inferior players. Sometimes it's okay because when you look at it from the perspective of the team performance you get a net positive result but to do it when he's comfortably been man of the match in the previous game annoys me.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

bah. went to the english pub here and it was all good except for the football which sucked. now back to work.




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Guest Conor74

he's comfortably been man of the match in the previous game annoys me.




Against the USA? Think a few US players might feel a bit surprised...

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Guest Mirezzi

Yeah, keltoi, did you see the game? It's hard to feel good about it, despite the amazing comeback from the U.S., when you see how a fucking 3rd world useless cunt of a referee can once again trot out there, throw some cards around, and make an arbitrary decision that keeps a team from winning.


That's not negative nancy, nor is it miserable pissing, whining, bitch. Guilty as charged, sometimes, but this isn't the occasion. I'm still completely irate over it.


The only thing that makes it feel less shitty is knowing that the U.S., thanks to England's inability to lace up their boots, actually control their destiny against Algeria. It will be difficult to get all three points though, because the Algerians are pesky and irritating on defense.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

yeah we have the best league in the world arguably, but then that's largely because of all the foreigners we attract. and yeah we won the world cup once way before any of us were even born, but fuck.


fuck it. it's not the players. it's not the manager. it's the whole game in england. i guess you can blame the FA or something. i generally know fuck all about football, but this is how it's been explained to me recently:


from a young age kids are put in leagues, and the focus is on winning games. at that age the focus is on getting the ball up to the big lad or lads in attack. and this tactic works, for a while.


but as the kids grow up this 'big lad' advantage means less and less, but that's the only way they've ever played, so the game becomes more and more physical.


but all this focus has ignored the tactical skills the argentinians and brazilians have been concentrating on from a young age. and tactical skill gives far better results in the long run, definitely more than physicality. RAGE.

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Sincerely don't mind losing the next game. Put us out of our misery, please.


pretty much this. Fucking embarrassing. Let's see....who played well for England. Well Beckham at least looked good sitting on the bench. Otherwise, utter shit. At least James didn't punt one into our own net.

Rooney - invisible, with shit touch.

Gerrard - visible, with shit touch.

Fuck it. Shit shit shit shit shit shit all around shit. Capello won't give up on fucking 4-4-2 which is clearly shit. The players don't look like they give a shit at all. Gerrard loses the ball and doesn't fucking chase after it? What the fucking fuck.

I'd rather have us lose now than get fucking owned in the round of 16.





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drop rooney for the next game and put the spurs forwards in there, and add joe cole for barry and put gerrard back in midfield - dawson will be put in defence after double yellow carding to charriger (thank god)






Johnson Dawson Terry A.Cole


Lennon Lampard Gerrard J.Cole


Crouch Dafoe




thats a winning formula .. if it fails put on rooney and play like this:





Johnson Dawson Terry A.Cole


Lennon Lampard Barry J.Cole






P.S did anyone see the AFCB flag?


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