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Gaza bound aid flotilla commandeered by Israelis

Guest theSun

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i choose to take the centrist point of view, I can't know which side to believe therefore I don't care. Both sides are equally as bad as eachother, they both lie therefore there is probably truth on both sides.


(my new mantra to feel more comfortable)

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.... and by the looks of the letters found on board the flotilla that is what was planned.


they planned for 9 of themselves to get killed? hell of a plan!


it's extremely surreal to me to see people saying things along the lines of 'well they knew what they were getting into so its not like they are totally innocent civilians' does nobody have any respect or understanding for civil disobedience and protest anymore? if not then basically we're sticking up our assholes into the air for all available dicks

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you clearly dont understand whats going on with this war. those people dont want to live, they believe when they die for their cause they will go to allah and be granted with 72 virgins or what ever. they do want to die.

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i really hope you're joking, you're not actually implying that the people in the ship were suicide bombers.... are you?



and another thing missing from this discussion is that the Israeli video released is extremely suspect, not for what it shows but for what it does NOT show. We have only seen a very small fragment of film, they refuse to release the entire tape. Selectively editing out a section and circling with MS paint the things they want your eye to focus on Why? Probably because the whole video will make them look even less favorable and my suspicion is that it's going to show that they fired shots first.

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Lack of any evidence either way is frustrating, and the IDF seizures of film and cameras is clearly backfiring on them.


i think this is a crucial aspect of this, why on fucking earth are they are guarding so much video footage, if they don't have anything to hide release it!

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I'm especially amused at the White House response... "Some people were killed... we want the killers to handle the investigation".



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Sometimes I wonder if there's a more shocking example of a group of people squandering the goodwill of the entire world after suffering a national tragedy, than America after 9-11...then I remember Israel.

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Sometimes I wonder if there's a more shocking example of a group of people squandering the goodwill of the entire world after suffering a national tragedy, than America after 9-11...then I remember Israel.



I picture this in a Bill Hicks voice.

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Guest Conor74

At least they are beginning to drop the humanitarian/aid worker line a little. Heard a spoeksperson on Irish radio yesterday say clearly and repeatedly that the aim of people on the Rachel Corrie, the Irish ship which was intercepted yesterday, was to break the blockade. Which is fair enough, making a political statement like that is valid protest, but they have spun out this story about bringing aid long enough. Think I would like to see some truth on all sides.

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Guest Babar



Palestinian liaison official Raed Fattouh, who coordinates the flow of goods into Gaza with Israel, said that soda, juice, jam, spices, shaving cream, potato chips, cookies and candy were now permitted.


fucking lol (© abusivegeorge 2007-2010)

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it's such a hilarious double standard to think what would happen if Iran were the one intercepting a ship (in international waters) and they killed an American with a bullet to the head. The funny/sad part is that this is exactly what happened except it was Israel.


but yeah let's keep up the lazy apathetic centrism and forced false equivalencies. both sides acted wrongly, 9 people dying is equal to the embarrassment Iraeli faced so in the end it's all a wash, it evens out, give them a break they were just defending themselves by shooting 9 people that did not fire on them , bla bla bla bla bla

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if Iran spent half as much on US weaponry as Israel does, they'd get into half as much trouble :)

It's too bad the Iranians don't have a more powerful lobby in America.

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Guest theSun

you guys see the movie defamation? i thought it was a pretty good insight into the world of jewery and the like for someone who isn't really up to date on the ADL and harvey finkelstein.

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Guest blicero

you clearly dont understand whats going on with this war. those people dont want to live, they believe when they die for their cause they will go to allah and be granted with 72 virgins or what ever. they do want to die.


yes, you obviously have a very firm understanding.


Sometimes I wonder if there's a more shocking example of a group of people squandering the goodwill of the entire world after suffering a national tragedy, than America after 9-11...then I remember Israel.




i think people are looking for a side to take, but both sides are way in the wrong. but i think that – if you have to take a side – you should take the side of Palestine, if only because they are the david to Israel's goliath.


anyone know about J Street? they are a pretty cool organization that is building momentum. Basically they are a pro-Israel group that is for peace in the mid-east and for the protection of Israel, but NOT at any cost. Essentially, they are pro-Israel, but anti Israeli bullshit (i.e. tanks in gaza, blockades, checkpoints, settlements). It's nice that there is finally a group in the middle between the all-or-nothing mentality of the jewish diaspora in the US.

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if Iran spent half as much on US weaponry as Israel does, they'd get into half as much trouble :)

It's too bad the Iranians don't have a more powerful lobby in America.


They did until 1979. U.S. supplied millions of dollars worth of top notch military equipment, for example Iran was the only other country to aquire F-14 fighters. After that the Reagan Administration initiated relations so batshit insane it would deserve a seperate post.


Oh the ironies and full circle loops of American foreign policy! :facepalm:

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Guest theSun

yeah, the cause of every US foreign policy problem is US foreign policy.


we're doing better than the brits did no?


editedit- i agree with you

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it's such a hilarious double standard to think what would happen if Iran were the one intercepting a ship (in international waters) and they killed an American with a bullet to the head. The funny/sad part is that this is exactly what happened except it was Israel.


but yeah let's keep up the lazy apathetic centrism and forced false equivalencies. both sides acted wrongly, 9 people dying is equal to the embarrassment Iraeli faced so in the end it's all a wash, it evens out, give them a break they were just defending themselves by shooting 9 people that did not fire on them , bla bla bla bla bla

well you don't have to fire at someone to threaten his life, dropping a man head down a couple of meters could also work, as well as knifing and bludgeoning..


btw there's a turkish autopsy report saying all of the deaths were caused by 9mm bullets from a very close range, which pretty much nullifies the argument that idf killed 1-3 people before landing on the deck.

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Guest blicero

we arm & ally w/ saddam.

20 years later we go to war with sadam.


we arm & ally w/ osama bin laden (a/k/a mujahideen).

20 years later we go to war with osama bin laden.

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