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what are your thought's on medicinal herbs and shamanism? mother earth, GAIA, is a sentient being and lays before us the tools to better understand her, and our own inner power, where we came from, and where we are headed. through ingesting her medicinal and psychotropic plants and molecules, we can heal ourselves, others, our communities, and better adapt to the sentient environment that surrounds.


Now this is just the broad cure-all kind of statement that I feel is generally unwarranted and misleading. Could you personally relate who exactly 'we' is supposed to be? What exactly makes you feel warranted to make such claims for 'us'? Do you really care about 'Mother Earth' and Humanity? Can you explain exactly how ingesting plants will heal 'us'? What did 'we' ever do to you to deserve your attention?


All those questions pop up immediately, but they aren't really that important. The question that I find even more important is: how are you personally going to make this happen? And what do you really want out of it?


I'm still in the process of determining those things for myself.

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what are your thought's on medicinal herbs and shamanism? mother earth, GAIA, is a sentient being and lays before us the tools to better understand her, and our own inner power, where we came from, and where we are headed. through ingesting her medicinal and psychotropic plants and molecules, we can heal ourselves, others, our communities, and better adapt to the sentient environment that surrounds.


Now this is just the broad cure-all kind of statement that I feel is generally unwarranted and misleading. Could you personally relate who exactly 'we' is supposed to be? What exactly makes you feel warranted to make such claims for 'us'? Do you really care about 'Mother Earth' and Humanity? Can you explain exactly how ingesting plants will heal 'us'? What did 'we' ever do to you to deserve your attention?


All those questions pop up immediately, but they aren't really that important. The question that I find even more important is: how are you personally going to make this happen? And what do you really want out of it?


I'm still in the process of determining those things for myself.

well, i meant "we" as an entire race. i certainly don't feel warranted to make such claims, i'm just expressing what i have felt deep within me as most true and important. it may be ineffable, but i simply can't contain my care and concern for other people to the point that i simply can't contain the ideas and thoughts that have inspired me most along the way. i most certainly care for our mother earth, and i only wish, so deeply, that i could spread this affection to every person possible just for the fact that they may find the connection deep within themselves too. this obviously displays concern for humanity as well, as i am of the human race, and wish to participate in the best way that i can to aid in our further evolution, possibly to that of higher dimensions.


personally, i find myself at odds with everyone around me, naturally. this is true, except for only 2-3 good friends of mine who share similar "new age" interests, the other unfortunately was shot and killed by a local police officer this last august, the story behind which can be found elsewhere on this forum, but his murder plays a pivotal role in my attempts to at least subvert my peers thoughts away from that of society and to that of love, oneness with nature, and mutual respect and compassion for one another. though at odds with most everyone i encounter, i don't put on a false front of any kind and try my best to discuss matters and act in ways that most effect my well-being and others well-being. i'm only being me, and "me" is something i'm still struggling to understand as well, man, and your concern for my intentions is very reassuring.

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what are your thought's on medicinal herbs and shamanism? mother earth, GAIA, is a sentient being and lays before us the tools to better understand her, and our own inner power, where we came from, and where we are headed. through ingesting her medicinal and psychotropic plants and molecules, we can heal ourselves, others, our communities, and better adapt to the sentient environment that surrounds.



here i would have to say what i have said before and that is it is in the how. we can self-inturprit what all these terms and relationships and titles mean and come up with our own personalized

and custumized meaning that fits our needs and wants as many individuals and cultures (we) have done for thousands of years-or we can face the bottom line of what the truth is as weighed out against cause

and effect and the relationship between self and other (killing or preservation) as well as purly physical reality vs the metaphysical and femenine vs maculine as compared to an intigrated single energy that is an almighty

eternal repersaentation of both ( the truth outside the duality of this dimensional universe), this being the true definition of God if there ever was a earth based way of describing what It is ( earth based language will never truly express what

God is,it will just attempt it because when you get down to it, God is ineffable and almost impossible to grasp with our infinitesimal infantile intellects down here - we must try though - with our heart of hearts we must try :^). like it was said a few posts

ago - i probably should not be even attempting to talk about this here - but i will mention a few things just for now. the inner secrets of the truth are not to be discussed lightly and so this is not officially the right forum for this (as much

as i have grown to like watmm - it has it's limits, lol ). this type of knowledge (wisdom) is sacred and must be treated as so. only those who have stepped (on their own accord) 'through the door' and excepted freely what they come

into contact with on the other side shall truly know and except the truth in their heart (white stone). the truth is not for everyone - although everyone will most likely rub up against it and be tried by its pure fire at one time or another

in their lives - it is these moments that those who are truly searching should be looking out/in for and asking for with the most exalted and inspired fervor.


medicinal herbs for healing are a wonderful thing - but there is a fine line between beneficial herbs for healing acute illness and the toxic effects of a plant inducing what we with our lesser

understanding equate with a spiritual or divine (enlightening experience)! yes even shaman and ancient wise men can be tricked by this - tradition and ancient culture is not necessarily automatically

synonymous with truth. truth is truth and we tend to sensationalize the past tribal ways blindly without looking at all the errors and half truths that have been interwoven just as is more blatantly being done today.


mother earth is for taking care of our physical bodies - but there are limits to how that feminine energy on it's own can be looked at as purely divine. the feminine on it's own is just as imbalanced and incomplete

as the masculine on it's own down here in physical reality - this is what alot of people don't get - definition!- the difference between here and there - divine reality as opposed to what is going on down

here in this fallen world. we choose to look at the surface - but the rabbit hole goes deeper then we can imagine and there is more to know then we could possible find/acquire in an entire lifetime - yet most

choose the surface - they remain on the outside.


the use of psychotropic plants is just a more physically tangible way for the masses to think they are having a divine experience. i hate to break it to you and it is hard to share this with out sounding

pompous and puffed up - but the truth is that the streams of divine consciousness and knowing God in this reality are must subtler and hidden and more difficult to obtain. they are not just a substance

that you can ingest - but it is a relationship that slowly opens up and is cultivated for years and is built on trust and truth and love.


the truth is not necessarily what we would expect or what we want it to be - but it is the truth none the less. i tell you truly.


i have already said to much.

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This thread is like a bad acid flashback to toolshed.down.net circa 2003.



Which would be ok if I didn't already know the next album was going to be terrible.

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the first most beaustiful thing i've ever seen was when this kinda thing happened but i DIDNT smoke dmt. i was half falling asleep and i 'saw with my brain', randomly when i was 21 at uni. very bizarre, like seeing god in the second picture.

Damn, this happened to me too! I was sober, just dreaming, and I saw a yellow glowing entity - suddenly it sucked me into golden vortex, which felt like heaven inside my head. Great stuff!



I sometime hallucinate when I'm hungover.

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I was interested to contribute to the DMT thread but then i got to the Gaia part, i'll take my exit now


edit: and don't get me wrong i'm a huge Mckenna fan and very into philosophizing about psychedelics, i'm just not a believer in the religion of Gaia nor do i think it belongs in this discussion. The Gaia philosophy is as baseless as Christianity or any other religion, DMT is an actual re creatable provable spirutual experience that you can hand to any single person and say 'hey want to see god?'. Too often do i feel like psychedelic culture embraces a lot of bad new agey theories and wraps them into more interesting ones

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to toot my own horn, my post was the most level headed, but no one seemed to have anything to add to the questions asked in it :closedeyes: .


i also like to distance myself from all the hokey new age crap that gets spewed out from the psychedelic circles. nothing wrong with speculations and philosophizing, though. like some dude said, if someone tells you who/what god/truth is, mistrust them.

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I just bought some but found out the valium haze I've been in for the last few days might counteract it so I'm waiting a bit. Pretty excited, its the last drug I want to try but haven't. Anyone know the best way to smoke it?


did you buy it under a valium haze? If so what makes you convinced it's actually n,n-dmt and not something like 5-meo ?

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can i ask a stupid question, why is dmt spiritual and lsd or mushrooms not?


i think that has more to do with people's preconceptions than anything else. i've talked to people who've done the ayahuasca ritual and as excited as they were (and as much as i'd love to go to peru someday myself).. judging by their stories it really doesn't sound more crazy than either of the above.. just a different flavor of a similar phenomenon

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can i ask a stupid question, why is dmt spiritual and lsd or mushrooms not?

mushrooms, lsd, cannabis, peyote, morning glory seeds, they are all very spiritual mind opening substances, all psychedelics are/or can be when done in the right mindset and with proper preparation.


the main reason i find the Gaia theory to be so profound is through my experiences with mushrooms. they really help you realize the sentience of our Earth and to appreciate and love it. it's like a history lesson really, i felt more connected to our earths natural history and collective consciousness, no doubt. it's very tough to explain looking back, but it certainly made a lot of sense, like :cisfor: -of course! it just pulled a serious heart string, so to speak, that's all.

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Guest theSun

i know what you mean mr. capitalist. i had the same feeling of connectedness in my limited shrooms experiences. just feeling the shit around me didn't make me believe any differently about my reality though. in retrospect, i don't think that shit exists outside my head, so it's hard to accept any conclusion.

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the feeling of connection i had was just a heightened poetic realization that we (life on this earth) are all made from the same stuff. that's what i've gotten out of my experiences in general though back when i used to take trips.. metaphorical models, not so much beliefs or truisms. and a few nifty creative ideas as well

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we know twiddlebot, it seems obvious that we all have the best intentions here.


to toot my own horn, my post was the most level headed, but no one seemed to have anything to add to the questions asked in it :closedeyes: .


i also like to distance myself from all the hokey new age crap that gets spewed out from the psychedelic circles. nothing wrong with speculations and philosophizing, though. like some dude said, if someone tells you who/what god/truth is, mistrust them.

shit azototh, sorry for ignoring your post man. it is very level-headed, and lays out the facts and studies from a non-biased point of view.


and i agree with all of your closing statements, as well. i am only speculating and philosophizing. just trying to reach some clearer understanding.

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i think the Hindu like monism experience is very common on psychedelics. And it's also very open ended for interpretation. All living creatures are made from the same particles that encompass the universe. The gaia theory on the other hand relies on the faith based belief that the Earth at one point in time was a utopia or that it can be 'molded' or allowed to turn into a beautiful idealic utopia for all of the living creatures and humans to enjoy in harmony with each-other. While it is a nice thing to believe, there is little evidence to support it. It also relies on the idea that tribal societies did not squander their own natural resources, the 'noble savage' theory. Native americans hunted the buffalo into near extinction for example.

Part of my general problem with the Gaia theory is that it leads people into a a very strong faith based environmentalist religion, i believe there is a natural urge in the human brain to find some sort of comfort in a higher being or a 'god' and for atheists (those who chose not to believe in a preexisting cultural religion) i feel like it's a double standard to accept a lot of the dogmatic environmentalist/gaia things as fact and base your beliefs on them. Quite a lot of it is unfounded and theory based much like Christianity.

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but it's true that DMT is very common in plants around the world, which in itself is pretty interesting. what is the reason that's it's so prevalent. does it have another function for the plant, like THC is a parasite repellent in cannabis? i doubt the only reason it's there is to get higher primates shot into another dimension.

there is a DMT researcher (not straussman) who thinks that some of the hallucinations themselves one experiences on DMT serve an evolutionary purpose. Specifically the inspiration for megalithic architecture and complex structures.


the similarities of the DMT experience is interesting, but one has to keep in mind it might be the same phenomenon that happened with alleged alien encounters, after one well documented and publicized case described the now typical short, skinny alien with big head and large eyes, these sort of descriptions started to be the de facto standard. and the popularity of the x-files further fueled that. same with the light tunnel seen in near-death experiences, also a similar phenomenon happened there.


have you heard of the research done with electro magnetism on brain hemispheres to stimulate the 'god' inside you? They have put people into these devices where afterward they describe the distinct sensation of being visited by entities that the subject is convinced did not come from his own brain. The leading researcher behind this has theorized that once we as humans developed the intelligence to be aware of our own mortality that the brain evolved a component to 'deal with the stress' of knowing you're going to die eventually. This mechanism to quell the stress is the illusion or belief that there is some kind of infinite or never ending aspect to human consciousness usually through the presence of a higher power. Just looked up the guy's name, Michael Persinger (article about his research - this is your brain on god)

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Guest Scrambled Ears

to toot my own horn, my post was the most level headed, but no one seemed to have anything to add to the questions asked in it :closedeyes: .


i also like to distance myself from all the hokey new age crap that gets spewed out from the psychedelic circles. nothing wrong with speculations and philosophizing, though. like some dude said, if someone tells you who/what god/truth is, mistrust them.


well you asked some pretty tough to answer questions that nearly anyone who takes some faith in psychedelic experience would struggle to answer honestly. i think in many ways though that these questions are actually very old philosophical musings. can we really know anything a priori? i reckon not...but this seems to have some serious implications on what one might consider personal freedoms...which leads us around again asking something about collective consciousness and the value of individualism at all...


but then as people like alfred jules ayer point out...we need some sort of principle of verification from two wholly separate sources (how does one even achieve this?) or the whole thing seems like it could be an exercise in collective farse...it seems about as absurd to think that we might have some way of objectively determining the validity of psychedelic experiences as it would be to say someones experience of divinity. what was that about prime numbers?


also im surprised that when people talk about mckenna they dont site his most "intense" psychedelic experiences being 3 brain seizures on the night of his death...


be safe e-friends


take what you will from drugs (and i wouldnt say there's nothing to be had) just dont go listening to any of these guys


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also im surprised that when people talk about mckenna they dont site his most "intense" psychedelic experiences being 3 brain seizures on the night of his death...


where can i get more detail about this? did he even have time to describe it or speak of it?


i always wondered if Terrence Mckenna was disappointed by perhaps how unpsychedelic actual death was..

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