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Toy Story

Guest Donkey Rhubarb

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Guest Donkey Rhubarb

Ive just watched the first and second films again. Saw them back to back in nice bluray hd last night. I got choked up more than a few times in both films being the soft bastard that i am. Really looking forward to the 3rd film. Comes out around mid july time here in uk.


Any Toy Story loving here?



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Some idiots are saying that Toy Story 3 is about the Holocaust. More like the Lolocaust. Anyway - many spoilers ahead:



UGO has put together an interesting theory about "Toy Story 3," claiming that the story is actually about the Holocaust. Below is a clip from the article, which contains spoilers.




Andy is seventeen and about to leave for college. These toys are left behind, just as host nations left behind the Jews as the Third Reich conquered Europe.


Woody holds a meeting, where the assembled toy family discusses possible outcomes for their new position in the world. Change a few words and it is the same exact scene at the train station from Roman Polanski's award winning Holocaust drama "The Pianist."


"No, we won't just be abandoned. Surely we can be useful to them somehow. Yes, we've lost friends (Bo Peep), but surely that can't happen to us." Buzz Lightyear stands forward and suggests sanctuary IN AN ATTIC. Are you kidding me?


The cattle car comes for the toys in the form of a horrible garbage bag - but they don't go straight to extermination. They find themselves alive and at Sunnyside where they are put "to work."


Once there, they meet the toy version of Sonderkommando, toys who live the stay fed and well-sheltered (like Ken in his dream house) while leading other toys to a certain death. Newcomers are bashed and abused in the "Caterpillar Room" by non-age appropriate children until they resemble Muselmann and are eventually thrown into the trash chute.


The trash chute leads to a systematic sorting of metal (e.g. any last valuables) until, eventually, the fiery crematoria.


Our heroes get saved at the last minute, of course, and they find themselves a new homeland. It is a place where many of their kind already live and have an established foothold, and it would appear that security, finally, is at hand if they are vigilant.



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If you almost cried in the first two, prepare well for the 3rd and bring some tissues


Because you will be wanking! :emotawesomepm9: :emotawesomepm9: :emotawesomepm9:

:spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful:

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I just came home from seeing thisss. It was pretty awesome. My eyes watered quite a bit. I wonder how many kids will cry that they never want to throw away their toys. I am one of them.

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it was fucking awesome. and a successful movie is one that totally pulls you in and makes you enjoy the cheesy bit so much that you forget that you are a cynical cunt.


also animated totoro doll = fucking win.

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Guest Wall Bird

I hate Pixar for making me nearly break down into tears multiple times during this film. They really know how to create touching stories these days.



Did anyone else feel like this film was pretty bleak at times? In particular the scene in the incinerator?


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I hate Pixar for making me nearly break down into tears multiple times during this film. They really know how to create touching stories these days.



Did anyone else feel like this film was pretty bleak at times? In particular the scene in the incinerator?



Just saw it today, and it was amazing, definitely a near tear-jerker. I was a little worried that Pixar would ruin my childhood but they kept the quality of the first and second films while still being able to make it fresh for 2010. 9/10 easy

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Pixar are fucking great and make fantastic films. Wall-E was IDM as fuck till the humans turned up.


Right. Which makes it not a "fantastic film." Haven't seen the new Toy Story but I find Pixar overrated. Lots of tedious moralizing with little sense of exploration, wonder, or mystery - all of the things that actually turned me on as a tyke.


That said, Ratatouille was pretty dang good. Best movie of theirs so far imo.

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Fuck Randy Newman and that retarded voice of his...


I worked for him once when he played in Boston. I almost hit him with a mic stand.

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Fuck Randy Newman and that retarded voice of his...


I worked for him once when he played in Boston. I almost hit him with a mic stand.




Accidental. But he didn't even notice.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

So it didn't result in him writing an impromptu song about microphone stand mishaps and little people delivering bitch slaps?


eh without Toy Story overplaying his ridiculousness I wouldn't have a problem with this Randy Newman character. He could write all the wacky songs annoying voiced songs he wants as long they never were overplayed because of an incredibly popular animated movie franchise.

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