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the X Files thread

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Guest Abuse

edit: also try to find another mainstream show that finds excuses on a regular basis to tie-in psychedelic drugs somehow to the main plot. they get eaten alive by a giant mushroom, scully gets an ergot infected tattoo, toad licking kids hallucinate loch ness monsters, cult leader feeds his followers Ibogaine, etc


Don't forget Mulder's ketamine trip!

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Guest disparaissant

oh yeah i just bought all of The Lone Gunmen on DVD for $2.25 from a hollywood video that was going out of business last month. it's no x-files, but hey. it died because it predicted 9/11.

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Guest happycase

Just starting season 1. I'm a little bit tipsy and am laughing very hard sometimes not because there is anything funny but becasue i am really enjoying this show immensely.

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I got series 1-6 on DVD as they were £9.99 each on play.com last year. Ive watched 1-3, they are ace. I remember seeing some of it on tv at the time, but they were usually on late on a school night :whistling:


I never saw any of series 7-9, but I think ill buy these when ive eventually caught up.

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i've only seen a total of around 4 episodes, out of the entire series. i'm trying to decide whether i should download or just buy them, i wish there was a netflix equivalent in australia though! i finally have a fast enough connection to stream high quality stuff.

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Guest ansgaria

The 'X-cops' episode was shown last night, I couldn't help myself, I just had to watch it. If it was because I had work in the morning, I had watched the next 2 episodes. I remember loving X-files when I was younger. A lot of my mates would watch cartoons (yes, that much younger) and I would watch X-files. And then be too afraid to sleep.

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Just a bit over one more month to go and they open shop up here.. hope they carry the same selection.


I just said fuck my service provider and it's ridiculous 30gb monthly cap and switched in preparation for the many hours I'm going to spend in front of the screen.

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Man, when I was 16/17, I wanted to make it with Invisigoth from the Kill Switch episode like nobody's business (which is why I'm telling you all).




Thanks for giving me teenage boners, William Gibson.





(Also, thanks VHS)

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Just a bit over one more month to go and they open shop up here.. hope they carry the same selection.


I just said fuck my service provider and it's ridiculous 30gb monthly cap and switched in preparation for the many hours I'm going to spend in front of the screen.


Ironically, the public libraries here in the States do more volume in DVD 'rentals' than Netflix does... :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud





Just a bit over one more month to go and they open shop up here.. hope they carry the same selection.


I just said fuck my service provider and it's ridiculous 30gb monthly cap and switched in preparation for the many hours I'm going to spend in front of the screen.


Ironically, the public libraries here in the States do more volume in DVD 'rentals' than Netflix does... :emotawesomepm9:


Good point.


You can get seasons 1 thru 9 from the Multnomah or Washington County libraries.


If you're a student then you have access to all of the college libraries in the country through ILL -- you can also watch tons of out of print movies or unlicensed anime this way.

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almost done with the first season. in 3 days. that's a lot of sitting in front of a computer.


it does seem formulaic sometimes, very much actually. i'm hoping it will mature a bit over the following seasons.


it is always entertaining though, regardless of any cheesiness or plot holes.

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Don't forget to stop at the end of season 7 and then make up a satisfying conclusion on your own, vamos.



(Sorry guys, I still have an [irrational?] hatred of Robert Patrick.)

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

I've seen this series in syndication so much it's hard to really sit down and watch an episode anymore to appreciate how good some of them were. Kind of like Seinfeld.


Right now I'm trying to compile all the bizzare 1-eye blinks of Scully. Most of the time gillian anderson blinks normally, but every once in a while a strange involuntary bells palsy blink slips in.


The show would have been a lot better without Cris Carter and Frank Spotnitz, though.

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I really wanted to revisit the early X-Files but I won't, I've had so many disappointments by revisiting old shows, some things are best left in their time. When the X-Files first aired I was 10 or 11 and it aired on Sky One, back then it was the first time we got satellite TV and yes at that age and time it was really scary. The 90's were the prime time for this stuff, the supernatural, aliens, crop-circles, UFOs, ghosts ... then came the information age and ruined everything, now anyone can make a ultra-realistic ghost video and post it on youtube, it's not the same, everything can be faked since everything is digital these days.


Anyone watches Fringe? It's very similar to the X-Files but I can't get into it for the reasons I mentioned and I also find the actors and characters very uncharismatic.




90's panties = 90's hard on


Yes! And to think they wanted to ban you.

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Guest Z_B_Z

i watched the first season again not too long ago for the first time in years. the 90s cheese tends to enhance my enjoyment of it.. maybe its just nostalgia but who cares. the brad dourif episode was top notch.



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The 90's were the prime time for this stuff, the supernatural, aliens, crop-circles, UFOs, ghosts ... then came the information age and ruined everything, now anyone can make a ultra-realistic ghost video and post it on youtube, it's not the same, everything can be faked since everything is digital these days.



Yeah the 90's were the only time I think that The X-Files could have worked as well as it did, Aliens were huge, Conspiracies distrust of Government, ect.

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Guest Z_B_Z





these things are still very much in the popular imagination..


i dont like that show btw. just sayin..

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ghost hunters is homosex... maybe once or twice have they actually seen something spooky and they live off that fame, 99% of the time it's them dancing around in the dark to some "spooky" ambient music that covers up any possible sound you could have heard whenever they stop and freak out like "did you hear that?"


I'll be working my way more through season 2 of the X files later on tonight :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest disparaissant

Don't forget to stop at the end of season 7 and then make up a satisfying conclusion on your own, vamos.



(Sorry guys, I still have an [irrational?] hatred of Robert Patrick.)

it's not irrational. he's terrible. his character on the x-files was terrible and the only reason i could tolerate him in t2 is because he didn't open his STUPID FUCKING MOUTH!


(my hatred is more irrational than yours)

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The show would have been a lot better without Cris Carter...


lolwut? the show wouldn't have been at all without Chris Carter.



Anyways, I can't remember specific episode titles but:


-the one with the inbred hillbillies

-the one with the guy from africa who could disappear


And I liked the arc...or about 90% of it...


Must watch again....dammit though, netflix gets here just as school starts....

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