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You'll never really know how good you kiss


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Interesting huh? You get all kinds of feedback from everything you do, and it helps you be aware of how good you are at things. But things like kissing?


If anyone here has been kissing tons of people and got info on how good he is or if he has an idea how to test your kissing abilities please share.


Ok, sex also.

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I think slow is the way to definitely go. You gotta feel yourself into the rhythm of it. Being playful too with the kiss to build up tension so in otherwords don't just give it to a girl and suck her face off .... play with it. After all is supposed to be fun. ;-)

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Sometimes I slurp my gf all over the face until she hits me or pushes me away or something. Otherwise yes, taking it easy, playing, experimenting... art kind of. Being sensitive to what's going on with the opposite person. But how to tell if you're doing it right? What if try to build some sort of climax while being lame and boring for the last 10 minutes and not knowing it!

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I had my fun and thats all that matters.

Don't you care about the other person's feeling? :(

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... or kiss your mother and ask her what she thought.


pro tip.

That's probably a good idea. Mothers would tell the truth.


Not my sort of thing though.




ahhh i see, more of a "dad" man are ya.



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i've been told i'm good kisser, dunno if it's true or just something they say.


i have't received much feedback on my sexing tho, i probably suck at it.


basically, if you really wanna know, ask.

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While you're kissing her, wrap your fingers firmly around her cock. If it's hard, you're doing it right.


i had a snarky comeback on the cards, but this basically dissolved it in lols.

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I once made a girl cum by kissing her neck. It felt pretty awesome. She thought I was a good kisser, but anyone else I've been with hasn't been so big on the kissing. So maybe I'm a generally shitty kisser and she was a shitty kisser fetishist? Whatever, I kissed a girl to orgasm and that's my story. End of.

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