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Anyone voting Tea Party?

Guest chunky

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I can understand (even if I don't agree) criticisms againt Obama but what I don't uderstand, however, is why there are so many people falling for the Tea Party propaganda and idiocy ? Can someone (American) explain this to me ? Ok to be dumb enough to vote republican, but how mentally challenged do you have to be to agree with the Tea Party ?



I've been struggling with this too.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

What kind of people want a government that nobody can escape from?

just about any variety of hierarchical thinker

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I can understand (even if I don't agree) criticisms againt Obama but what I don't uderstand, however, is why there are so many people falling for the Tea Party propaganda and idiocy ? Can someone (American) explain this to me ? Ok to be dumb enough to vote republican, but how mentally challenged do you have to be to agree with the Tea Party ?


Most of the folks who subscribe to the Tea Party are uneducated, closet racists. I bet that most of them had no problem when Bush was expanding our government. He was, after all, a white man. What do you think all of that shit about "restoring America" means? The republican party has been perpetually fucking these people out of their own interests for so many years that it actually hurt their party's numbers. The Tea Party is just a new branding image. As far as I know, every single Tea Party candidate up for election just so happens to be a Republican. It's politics as usual in America.


They've called Obama everything but a nigger. He's a socialist, commie, nazi muslim. They don't know what any of that actually means though. Truth be told, they couldn't care less what it really means. They know what it means to them.

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Libertarians are perhaps worse the Republicans. Especially college kids who have read Ayn Rand and think she had a good point.

There are some Libertarian types of people who aren't just whores for Objectivism, though.

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i don't know what to do, mayne. i'm going to go vote tomorrow, everyone should (duh), but i don't think i'm even mad at these tea partiers! there's no reason to be, they're inconsequential! they'll never amount to anything! maybe they symbolize some form of fascism... i don't know. it's not them, in my mind.


they represent the idea that we must be split down the middle, we need someone to disagree with. that whole way of looking at it really can't stand any longer. i don't have a solution, just saying.

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i can't live in this god damn society anymore, i don't want anyone to have to live in this society. it's not right. i do want to stand somewhere in this country someday and be able to say to myself, "i've made a difference." fuck yeah.


i'm young, i do hope i make the most of these years. and i also hope i only get smarter and stronger, i don't want to end up like so many people who give in.

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Ive looked up my first girlfriend on FB. She is apparently super smart. Programs computers for banks and graduated from Ithaca. She is also a teabagger. I dont think they are all stupid rednecks. Cause I know she isn't one. I can't make heads or tails of it. I think its comes down to a lack of empathy for the poor and a cynicism for government. Would you rather a bunch of idiots run things or people that pretend they are smart run things like idiots. Thats how I think they think

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Guest Scrambled Ears

Most of the folks who subscribe to the Tea Party are uneducated, closet racists. I bet that most of them had no problem when Bush was expanding our government. He was, after all, a white man. What do you think all of that shit about "restoring America" means? The republican party has been perpetually fucking these people out of their own interests for so many years that it actually hurt their party's numbers. The Tea Party is just a new branding image. As far as I know, every single Tea Party candidate up for election just so happens to be a Republican. It's politics as usual in America.


They've called Obama everything but a nigger. He's a socialist, commie, nazi muslim. They don't know what any of that actually means though. Truth be told, they couldn't care less what it really means. They know what it means to them.


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BTW I'd recommend "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World" by Patrick Buchanan as a MUST READ for anyone who is sick of Marxist idiot comedians, cultural Marxism, and unintelligent women. :sorcerer: Ya'll notice the 'Unnecessary War' part of the title? :beer:


I looked up the book on Amazon, read some reviews of it, the book is revisionist twaddle, which is no surprise considering the author.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Chunky why are you homophobe? Ive not really got a strong opinion on the concept of gay and the thought of them getting married seems like a nice day out for all involved. I dont understand why someone would have a problem unless its coming from a religious stand point, so please explain so I can get a better understanding.

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Chunky why are you homophobe? Ive not really got a strong opinion on the concept of gay and the thought of them getting married seems like a nice day out for all involved. I dont understand why someone would have a problem unless its coming from a religious stand point, so please explain so I can get a better understanding.

There isn't really such a thing as a "homophobe" or "sexist" or "Islamophobe". In WW1 all our best most brave and intelligent men died for nothing. WW2 same. Too many people grew up without fathers to lead them and show them how to live. By the 1960s, the children of the brave soldiers were adults and had their own children, who are now the ruling political class of today. They run the police, the government, the arts, the media blah blah. Roy Jenkins followed the consensus of this generation and was a very crafty man who pushed through changes to Britain that the British public never wanted. Neither the Tory nor Labour parties said in their manifesto that they would legalise homosexuality but they did it anyway, led by Roy Jenkins. So we were conned. And the public attitude towards homosexuality was worked on by various creepy pressure groups, Marxists and Trostkyists who wanted to destroy marriage, and I don't want to agree with these groups despite the fact they managed to create an anti-marriage consensus without anyone noticing their motives. Personally I see homosexuality as a habit of rich toffs and I don't really care about it, but marriage is a separate issue and I'd like to see those who attack marriage rot in jail for life. Why attack marriage? Same reason the Soviet communists did it. So that the state can become your husband or wife or mother or father. Get rid of the father of your children and live on benefits, where the state regulates your money and increases control over your life, tells you what to think, what to drink, what to eat, what to do, how your school should be run, blah blah. I think there's something out now called a "SureStart" centre which is a state regulated replacement for the married family and it reminds me of communism and I don't like it one bit. Roy Jenkins was, of course, leader of the SDP which disbanded and merged itself back into Labour, into the Liberal Party, and into the Conservative Party. I don't see what you have to worry about because all three main parties in Britain agree with nearly everything you believe, not that the public realise what's going on, mind.

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Guest Dirty Protest

So bigotry doesnt really exist and helping young parents who may not have the social structure of a close family with childminding and breast feeding advice is akin communism. I dont quite understand what empathy has to do with Roy Jenkins. No fuzzy middle ground with you Chunky, just "facts"(im enjoying the use of punctuation) as you see them.


So now youve pretty much avoided the homophobic question and weve established that theres no such thing as Islamophobia, whats your problem with Muslims?

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So bigotry doesnt really exist


Bigotry exists. Homophobia doesn't. It's a neologism coined by radical Trotskyists in the 1950s to attack and destroy the married family which is the protector of civilisation and liberty.


"and helping young parents who may not have the social structure of a close family with childminding and breast feeding advice is akin communism."

Why don't they have a close family structure? Because the left destroyed that family structure. They are replacing it so that the state becomes your family. Yes, this is similar to the methods of the soviet communists.



"I dont quite understand what empathy has to do with Roy Jenkins."

Me neither, what do you mean?


"No fuzzy middle ground with you Chunky, just "facts"(im enjoying the use of punctuation) as you see them."

Yep, pretty much.


So now youve pretty much avoided the homophobic question and weve established that theres no such thing as Islamophobia, whats your problem with Muslims?

I didn't avoid it. Homophobia really doesn't exist. Lefties like to control language so they can control thought so they can control actions. I'm not falling for this con, no matter how many in the world fall for the progressive consensus.


Regarding Muslims, I don't have a problem with them. I have a problem with Social Democratic politicians of the Labour, Liberal Democrat, and Conservative parties. They ignored what the majority wanted and allowed millions of Muslims to live and settle here, changing towns and cities in Britain into smaller versions of Islamic countries. I don't want to live in Iraq, so why did they allow Britain to become more like Iraq? Because they don't believe in borders. Why did Pakistan and India split in two? How many people died? Why do they have borders now? What will happen once the different religious groups in Britain decide they can't live side by side any longer despite what social engineering laws say? How many people will die?

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Guest Dirty Protest

"cities in Britain into smaller versions of Islamic countries"


Where is this happening? Apart from Whitechapel, its not. I lived there for 3 years and I found the Bengalis on the whole to be friendly, family oriented and hard working, surely all of the things youre wanting from a society.

I fucking love diversity, it makes food, music, conversations, art....................... so much more interesting. And the English patron saint coming from Israel makes me smile. Why dont you do what Enoch did and move to Northern Ireland where a lot of people still love a bit of old fashioned sectarianism.

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Guest hydrozone

Chunky why are you homophobe? Ive not really got a strong opinion on the concept of gay and the thought of them getting married seems like a nice day out for all involved. I dont understand why someone would have a problem unless its coming from a religious stand point, so please explain so I can get a better understanding.

There isn't really such a thing as a "homophobe" or "sexist" or "Islamophobe". In WW1 all our best most brave and intelligent men died for nothing. WW2 same. Too many people grew up without fathers to lead them and show them how to live. By the 1960s, the children of the brave soldiers were adults and had their own children, who are now the ruling political class of today. They run the police, the government, the arts, the media blah blah. Roy Jenkins followed the consensus of this generation and was a very crafty man who pushed through changes to Britain that the British public never wanted. Neither the Tory nor Labour parties said in their manifesto that they would legalise homosexuality but they did it anyway, led by Roy Jenkins. So we were conned. And the public attitude towards homosexuality was worked on by various creepy pressure groups, Marxists and Trostkyists who wanted to destroy marriage, and I don't want to agree with these groups despite the fact they managed to create an anti-marriage consensus without anyone noticing their motives. Personally I see homosexuality as a habit of rich toffs and I don't really care about it, but marriage is a separate issue and I'd like to see those who attack marriage rot in jail for life. Why attack marriage? Same reason the Soviet communists did it. So that the state can become your husband or wife or mother or father. Get rid of the father of your children and live on benefits, where the state regulates your money and increases control over your life, tells you what to think, what to drink, what to eat, what to do, how your school should be run, blah blah. I think there's something out now called a "SureStart" centre which is a state regulated replacement for the married family and it reminds me of communism and I don't like it one bit. Roy Jenkins was, of course, leader of the SDP which disbanded and merged itself back into Labour, into the Liberal Party, and into the Conservative Party. I don't see what you have to worry about because all three main parties in Britain agree with nearly everything you believe, not that the public realise what's going on, mind.


what a load of bullshit.

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