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51. We can keep the senate. Pfew.


What the fuck are these inbred idiots thinking?

Don't they realize why they are in bad situations?

It is because they all voted for republicans in the first place.

fucking idiots.





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A top Republican has urged Barack Obama to change course after the president suffered a severe setback in mid-term elections. John Boehner (lol?) said Americans had voted for "limited government", and pledged to roll back Mr Obama's healthcare reform "monstrosity".


Above is taken from a BBC news piece I was reading. If there are any Republican voting watmmers reading this, can you please explain why your party seems to have such a big problem with Obama's healthcare reform? Stopping insurance companies from excluding people with pre-existing conditions such as Downs syndrome, for example, seems pretty right on to me.

4. A federal health care option could make its own rules and benefits more attractive than those of private plans; and it could fund itself with increased taxes, which risks putting all private insurance competition out of business, since these are funded solely by their customers and kept alive by staying competitive with the rules and benefits of other private plans.



but it's an OPTION. PUBLIC OPTION. No one is forcing anyone to take it. Jesus. People are just fucking retarded.


guys, the version of the bill with the public option didn't pass. the health care reform we got is essentially "try to fix insurance companies, make people buy insurance." i don't agree with the government forcing americans to spend money on private insurance companies without providing an alternative (like buying into medicaid), but hey, tis life.


edit: also, it wasn't the republicans' fault that it didn't pass. obama could have passed the bill w/ the public option but he chose not to. cause he sucks.


NADER 2012.

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^ Yes -- I was citing arguments from before the whole deal was decided.


But I thought the public option version wouldn't have gotten through the ... was it the house?

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seems like they're mad because Obama didn't fix everything in 2 years.. which probably isn't even possible. the right's saying they now want to 'take back America', but from where are they talking? they haven't run the place right in almost 20 years.

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yeah, go democrats


so shaniqua here in detroit can get an extra $250/month on top of her existing welfare because she just shat out her 7th kid --- all paid for by honest, hard-working individuals.

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one thing i was kind of shocked by was the thought that if all the potheads in california had gotten off their fucking asses to vote then prop 19 probably would have passed without question.


being able to smoke legally sounds pretty great to me. the thought process people had apparently was: "we can already smoke why let the government control it."


i'd rather be able to go to the store, choose the level of weed, pay the same price every time, and know i can get it immediately whenever i might want it

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being able to smoke legally sounds pretty great to me. the thought process people had apparently was: "we can already smoke why let the government control it."



no, it was probably the medicinal places running the numbers and figuring they could make more money the way things are today.


your conclusions are always wrong...


bottom line is a retard isn't going to get any smarter if you don't help him out, and if all the retards in the world never get any better, the world will never get any better


what is this in response to , exactly?

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no, i've heard directly from other people who live in california that some were saying they didn't want to vote for it so the gov. wouldn't take their weed. (that said i do doubt that is the main reason, but come on).


also, dr. lopez, fuck off. you're pathetic.

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just want to say thank fucking god paladino lost the ny gubernatorial race. cuomo is a jagoff too but i paladino is wayyyyy worse as a person.

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Are you taking the piss?


The Way It Is Now: The San Francisco Police Code includes laws that prohibit certain conduct on public sidewalks. It does not specifically prohibit sitting or lying on sidewalks.


The Proposal: Proposition L would amend the Police Code to prohibit sitting or lying on a public sidewalk in San Francisco between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.


The measure makes exceptions for:


medical emergencies;

people using wheelchairs, walkers or similar devices because of a disability;

lawful sidewalk businesses;

authorized parades, protests, festivals or similar events;

sitting on fixed chairs or benches supplied by a public agency or property owner;

customers sitting in line unless they block pedestrians;

children in strollers; and

Pavement to Parks projects.

Proposition L would require the police to warn offenders before citing them for violating this law. Penalties for violating the law would be:

For the first offense, a fine of $50-$100 and/or community service.

For a repeat offense within 24 hours of a citation, a fine of $300-$500, and/or community service, and/or up to 10 days in jail.

For a repeat offense within 120 days of a conviction, a fine of $400-$500, and/or community service, and/or up to 30 days in jail.

Proposition L would require the Police Department to make written reports to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors about the effect of enforcing this prohibition. It would also require the City to have a neighborhood outreach plan to provide social services to people who chronically sit or lie on public sidewalks.

Fiscal Impact from The Controller of San Francisco:


also, there were a lot of little clauses in Prop 19, that still punished people in certain situations... far more than a lot of people I talked to, were comfortable with. I know a lot of people didn't vote because of how the law was worded. then there is the conservative element of cali, which is indeed quite large, and then of course the damn lazy youth not giving a shit about anything (I read t hat 18-30 year old voter turnout was 20%). Oh yeah, and then there is the medical marijuana growers who really didn't want it to pass. Maybe in the future, but not yet.

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bottom line is a retard isn't going to get any smarter if you don't help him out, and if all the retards in the world never get any better, the world will never get any better


That's a Sagan quote isn't it?

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it reveals the intricate relation between the "intelligent man" and the "retard."


Mental retardation (MR) is a generalized disorder, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that appears before adulthood. It has historically been defined as an Intelligence Quotient score under 70.[1] Once focused almost entirely on cognition, the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals' functional skills in their environment. As a result, a person with a below-average intelligence quotient (BAIQ) may not be considered mentally retarded. Syndromic mental retardation is intellectual deficits associated with other medical and behavioral signs and symptoms. Non-syndromic mental retardation is intellectual deficits that appear without other abnormalities.

Mental retardation is a subtype of intellectual disability, and that term is now preferred by most advocates in most English-speaking countries as a euphemism for mental retardation. However, intellectual disability is a broader concept, and includes intellectual deficits that are too mild to properly qualify as mental retardation, too specific (as in specific learning disability), or acquired later in life, through acquired brain injuries. Intellectual disabilities may appear at any age.

Developmental disability is any disability that is due to problems with growth and development. This term encompasses many congenital medical conditions that have no mental or intellectual components, although it, too, is sometimes used as a euphemism for mental retardation.

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this republicans taking back the house is actually going to work wonders for Obama, now his excuses for being blocked will actually seem believable among his followers.


also every single medical marijuana worker i've spoken too says they don't want Prop 19 to pass. if the entire medical marijuana community had pushed for Prop 19, it would be a law now. Unfortunately they want to keep a hold o the market, as soon as it becomes fully legal they will see a decrease in profits over time from competition.

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A top Republican has urged Barack Obama to change course after the president suffered a severe setback in mid-term elections. John Boehner (lol?) said Americans had voted for "limited government", and pledged to roll back Mr Obama's healthcare reform "monstrosity".


Above is taken from a BBC news piece I was reading. If there are any Republican voting watmmers reading this, can you please explain why your party seems to have such a big problem with Obama's healthcare reform?


Do you really have to ask? it's nothing more than a 'parrot fox news' game for them, they are thinking/ doing what the pundits tell them to do. It comes down to nothing more than pure team loyality. They are sore losers, for the past 2 years all they want to do is be in power again. The Healthcare thing seems to have been a successful wedge issue for them to gain ground, so they have exploited it as much as possible. I really don't think the republicans who say things like 'obama care' are capable of true critical thinking. The republicans have just flipped the same switch they put on before when Clinton was in office. Build momentum by just opposing everything the democrats do or want no matter what it is. ITs like a strategy game for them

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A top Republican has urged Barack Obama to change course after the president suffered a severe setback in mid-term elections. John Boehner (lol?) said Americans had voted for "limited government", and pledged to roll back Mr Obama's healthcare reform "monstrosity".


Above is taken from a BBC news piece I was reading. If there are any Republican voting watmmers reading this, can you please explain why your party seems to have such a big problem with Obama's healthcare reform?


Do you really have to ask? it's nothing more than a 'parrot fox news' game for them, they are thinking/ doing what the pundits tell them to do. It comes down to nothing more than pure team loyality. They are sore losers, for the past 2 years all they want to do is be in power again. The Healthcare thing seems to have been a successful wedge issue for them to gain ground, so they have exploited it as much as possible. I really don't think the republicans who say things like 'obama care' are capable of true critical thinking. The republicans have just flipped the same switch they put on before when Clinton was in office. Build momentum by just opposing everything the democrats do or want no matter what it is. ITs like a strategy game for them


spot on

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