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Airports are becoming frightening.


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There should be planes you can walk on 5 minutes before take off and if it gets blown up, hey ho, at least we didnt waste our lives in 2/3 hour holding pens. If a terrorist want to blow shit up, they will regardless of security, theyre sneaky like that.

Werd. I'll take my fucking chances over this paranoia time wasting bullshit. I mean, there was always a chance of terrorist attacks, when I was a tiny kid. Really what are the fucking chances? It's not worth all this paranoia. Of course I do believe in security to an extent, but we passed up that extent some time ago. With the fucking liquids. :facepalm:



There should be airports and airlines for the non-paranoid. They'd always be fully booked. Cause after all the whole point of this is that it is done in our names to protect 'us'. Well if we don't give a fuck about it, why can't we just have our own check-ins/planes, an whole damn separate setup.

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. Really what are the fucking chances?



glad you asked!


You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack

You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack

You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack

You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack

You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack

You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack

You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack

You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack

You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist


(this includes 9/11 as being a real terrorist attack, remove 9/11 and the chances are very close to 0)

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I'm glad they're putting a bit more effort into stopping unwanted items traveling onto big silver birds. And at what expense? Having someone who can't even see you when you're being scanned, look at one of thousands of x-rays briefly to make sure you're not hiding something which you shouldn't be? I have no problem at all and don't understand people who do. It's someone you don't know ffs not your damn mother. Who gives a flying fuck. If they are that bothered, whack your old fella out and embarrass them to hell.

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. Really what are the fucking chances?


glad you asked!


You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack

You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack

You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack

You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack

You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack

You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack

You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack

You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack

You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist


(this includes 9/11 as being a real terrorist attack, remove 9/11 and the chances are very close to 0)

Thank you! Some of the numbers do seem a bit low though, as mentioned. Maybe I'm more likely to get terrorised than I thought! :wtf:



I'm glad they're putting a bit more effort into stopping unwanted items traveling onto big silver birds. And at what expense? Having someone who can't even see you when you're being scanned, look at one of thousands of x-rays briefly to make sure you're not hiding something which you shouldn't be? I have no problem at all and don't understand people who do. It's someone you don't know ffs not your damn mother. Who gives a flying fuck. If they are that bothered, whack your old fella out and embarrass them to hell.

It's not just that though. It's that our freedoms are being eroded bit by bit and this is part of it. Next thing you know, you'll have to go through a fucking year-long screening process just go fly across a couple of states to go see your grandkids. But who will want to do that anymore when we can just chat over the internet and send emails! I guess I'm complaining for nothing, we'll have no more need to travel at some point anyway. :facepalm: We'll all work from home, have our groceries teleported into our kitchens and have sex with life-like dolls.

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I'm glad they're putting a bit more effort into stopping unwanted items traveling onto big silver birds. And at what expense? Having someone who can't even see you when you're being scanned, look at one of thousands of x-rays briefly to make sure you're not hiding something which you shouldn't be? I have no problem at all and don't understand people who do. It's someone you don't know ffs not your damn mother. Who gives a flying fuck. If they are that bothered, whack your old fella out and embarrass them to hell.

>completely misses the point

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This is kind of bullshit.


There is gonna be the day when a terrorist hides a bomb up his urethra , and airports will have to adopt a system to inspect your urethra , its gonna be painful , but its all for the greater good , think of the children.

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here's one from the tsa's website:




i don't think this picture is real, because the low quality doesn't make it very useful for identifying weapons or what have you. but i point this picture out because it's an official one on the tsa's website. what are they accomplishing by posting a fake example and, if it is real, what are they accomplishing by using shitty technology like this?


also, here's a fun article if you like reading about pagan rape victims being traumatized by the tsa... oh, and the lady was patted down by a male officer.



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I'm willing to be catapaulted across the world in less time i can cook a roast but only if i dont have to stand in line and have people touch/look at my butt.


I cannot sleep at night knowing theres some creep jerking it furiously to the cold outlines of my son's precious genitals. Truly freedom is being able to maintain my insecurities about my and my family's naked forms.


i cant stand the way we live anymore, get me out of this fascist hellhole.



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honestly this machine seems to streamline security, making it less baring on those who just want to get their ass on the plane so they can jam ambient music and pass out. Who cares if some person sees u naked... I got more important things to worry about.

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i'm sorry that you don't care about your right to privacy. i do.


also, this does not streamline security. please look up israel's airport security. they have to deal with real suicide bombers there and they see the backscatter machine as a waste of money and inefficient. i'm browsing on my phone, so i can't google it, but i'm sure someone else can.


i'm all for efficiency but not at the cost of my rights.

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Hoodie , what rights , your rights will never be violated , you will probably never get scanned by those fucking body scanners.


People like to complain how their rights are being taken away by the man , not ever in my existence i have been stripped from my rights.

Its all a farce , people are bored , complaining is a hobby that keeps the masses busy (and not bored with life)


Stop listening to the radio hoodie , those lunatics will rot your brain with paranoia.

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dude, i was at an airport 2 weeks ago. they would've tried to send me through the machine if there wasn't some guy in it already. and my rights? my right to fucking privacy. my right to not be searched without a warrant/probable cause. if the government wants to use my tax dollars to pay for the TSA's stupid equipment, they'd better follow the goddamn rules set out in the bill of rights. i don't care if i technically consent to a search when entering the security line. that shit doesn't fly on highways (i'm pretty sure there was a court ruling against drug search checkpoints on highways). why is it allowed for planes? i'm probably wrong about this, but hell, someone explain to me why this is legally allowed in airports.

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Violation of privacy?? , no way jose , violation of privacy would be if they install cameras all over you house and watch you masturbate , that's fucking invasion of privacy.

Going tru a machine that doesn't even show your dick is nothing , i can do it all day i don't care , its actually better than having so stranger touch your private area.

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I'm glad they're putting a bit more effort into stopping unwanted items traveling onto big silver birds. And at what expense? Having someone who can't even see you when you're being scanned, look at one of thousands of x-rays briefly to make sure you're not hiding something which you shouldn't be? I have no problem at all and don't understand people who do. It's someone you don't know ffs not your damn mother. Who gives a flying fuck. If they are that bothered, whack your old fella out and embarrass them to hell.



in other words, you don't mind having your privacy violated because you're not doing anything wrong


dude, i was at an airport 2 weeks ago. they would've tried to send me through the machine if there wasn't some guy in it already. and my rights? my right to fucking privacy. my right to not be searched without a warrant/probable cause. if the government wants to use my tax dollars to pay for the TSA's stupid equipment, they'd better follow the goddamn rules set out in the bill of rights. i don't care if i technically consent to a search when entering the security line. that shit doesn't fly on highways (i'm pretty sure there was a court ruling against drug search checkpoints on highways). why is it allowed for planes? i'm probably wrong about this, but hell, someone explain to me why this is legally allowed in airports.


apologist style response : flying is not a right, its a privilege, if they want to body cavity search you, they have that right.

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1. it doesn't show your cock/vagina

2. its easier and faster than other forms of security check out that they have used in the past

3. Is less fucking invasive that some guy touching my parts

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