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Asperger Syndrome


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If you never figured what's so funny about Kraftwerk, you're a candidate.


Jokes aside, I know one guy who probably has some form of Asperger's. It's not confirmed but he's suspecting that he's got it and so are his family and friends (including me). Very fluent in languages and stuff, and always up for a conversation, but sometimes it's a bit frustrating when you babble your mouth clean of excitement and all you get is "okay".




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i have a couple of accquaintence/friends who are quite autistic. One time they showed me some jokes they had written in typical blunt style and to this day I have not read anything more disquieting. It was as though a robot had taken the idea of a joke and tried to make some itself, analysing what was "funny" and structuring the jokes around it.


I also apparently have mild aspergers, but generally I think "screw that, I'm just a weirdo".

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My brother has got the aspergers. It's not an extreme case though. His obsessions include Megaman and Daft Punk currently. He's also an aspergers magnet because he's got five or so friends that seem aspergery as well, much more than he is. It's pretty funny when they all hang out at our house.

I was diagnosed to have traits of aspergers when I was young. I had a weird vocabulary, obsessed over odd things (Credit Cards, Windmills, Water Towers, Road Signs), and I rocked back and forth on couches and in the car when I listened to music. Still do actually.

I think my current obsession is probably music. Generally a socially acceptable obsession.


I think it's funny how if someone obsesses over "weird" things you can say it's an aspergery trait, but when so many people obsess over sports it's perfectly normal.

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Isn't the DSM-IV a nonsense for the most part

not going to say i agree with all your spouting chunk but the pharmaceutical companies and the new illnesses that appear in this manual

have bit to convenient relationship i would say, many people suffer from the fixed labels being dulled out. money is a very powerful force.



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so are we saying that assburgers is just poor social skillz? :cisfor:


it's not that he doesn't socialize well, cause he does...at times. Other times it's "Ok Zero, stay away from the poor frightened lady."

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i am a big fan, i really am!

but they're still a bit gayfrench

very true

i think we all liked Daft Punk at bit more before they decided completely steal kraftwerk's stage aesthetic and turn it into something gayer/french

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i am a big fan, i really am!

but they're still a bit gayfrench

very true

i think we all liked Daft Punk at bit more before they decided completely steal kraftwerk's stage aesthetic and turn it into something gayer/french



should the comparative adjective be frencher or frenchier? I feel this is vital to a complete understanding of the topic at hand.

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i am a big fan, i really am!

but they're still a bit gayfrench

very true

i think we all liked Daft Punk at bit more before they decided completely steal kraftwerk's stage aesthetic and turn it into something gayer/french



should the comparative adjective be frencher or frenchier? I feel this is vital to a complete understanding of the topic at hand.


you could use italics and francoise? francoisier francier? (correct me if i'm wrong, babar).

it's... purer?

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Guest Backson

i am a big fan, i really am!

but they're still a bit gayfrench

very true

i think we all liked Daft Punk at bit more before they were popular


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i am a big fan, i really am!

but they're still a bit gayfrench

very true

i think we all liked Daft Punk at bit more before they decided completely steal kraftwerk's stage aesthetic and turn it into something gayer/french



should the comparative adjective be frencher or frenchier? I feel this is vital to a complete understanding of the topic at hand.


you could use italics and francoise? francoisier francier? (correct me if i'm wrong, babar).

it's... purergayer?



Well that is certainly a point I am not going to argue!

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My aspie friend asked me if a rave was a good place to meet girls even if that sort of social situation would seem anathemic to this guy's way of living. I asked him where he got the idea and you know where he linked me?



a GameFAQs thread.



FOR FUCKS SAKE, WHO GOES TO GAMEFAQS FOR RELATIONSHIP ADVICE? (Unless you want to date a gamer woman, which is totally cool and understandable.)





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