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The only thing that I haven't seen as being "faithful" yet are the ages of the characters. Do you all realize that Robb Stark is 15? Yeeeaaah. But whatever, great shit. Can't wait until the final episode.


born 1986

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fans threaten to boycott GoT because a certain character dies even though it happens in the books. jesus fucking wept :facepalm:


(e9 spoilers:)


No, there is no replacing Ned Stark. The book never replaces him either. From the moment he dies, until where we are now, waiting for Book 5, there is never a central figure in quite that way again. Because with Ned’s death that conceit, that supposition that pervades every fantasy story, is thrown out the window. No one is safe. There was a tag on LiveJournal, back when LiveJournal had not been done in by Facebook: Everytime You Ask About The Next Book, GRRM Kills A Stark. Starks aren’t the only ones to go either. As The Player said “The bad end unhappily, the good unluckily. That is what tragedy means.”


on the money.


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The only thing that I haven't seen as being "faithful" yet are the ages of the characters. Do you all realize that Robb Stark is 15? Yeeeaaah. But whatever, great shit. Can't wait until the final episode.


They deliberately aged the younger characters and GRRM has gone on record saying that he wished he could retroactively change them to be older in the books.

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The only thing that I haven't seen as being "faithful" yet are the ages of the characters. Do you all realize that Robb Stark is 15? Yeeeaaah. But whatever, great shit. Can't wait until the final episode.


They deliberately aged the younger characters and GRRM has gone on record saying that he wished he could retroactively change them to be older in the books.


i just wish people would stop fucking moaning about direwolves making noises. and i haven't even read the fucking books.

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I like how the act of killing a main character somehow in-and-of-itself makes a show more "edgy", unconventional, and praiseworthy. It's only good if it fits and makes the overall story richer, more meaningful. That meaning could be just "life is cruel and random", but hopefully there's more to it, hopefully it sets up some future dynamic or showdown, or precipitates some change in the remaining characters. I haven't gotten to the part in the series where X dies yet, but I'll be interested to see how it's handled.


Someone mentioned the Sopranos, but I think the Sopranos usually took the easy way out; they rarely killed off core, likeable main characters (until the very end). I think most character deaths on the show were fairly cynically used to create a season climax. They'd introduce a new guy for the season, then kill him off at the end of it. Or kill off the unlikeable characters like Christopher. The only exception to this rule that I can think of was Adriana, and I think that was one of the high-points of the show in terms of gut impact. Bobby's death just felt like "one good guy has to bite it, let's pick the least important but most cuddly one." Anyhoo...

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I like how the act of killing a main character somehow in-and-of-itself makes a show more "edgy", unconventional, and praiseworthy. It's only good if it fits and makes the overall story richer, more meaningful. That meaning could be just "life is cruel and random", but hopefully there's more to it, hopefully it sets up some future dynamic or showdown, or precipitates some change in the remaining characters. I haven't gotten to the part in the series where X dies yet, but I'll be interested to see how it's handled.


Someone mentioned the Sopranos, but I think the Sopranos usually took the easy way out; they rarely killed off core, likeable main characters (until the very end). I think most character deaths on the show were fairly cynically used to create a season climax. They'd introduce a new guy for the season, then kill him off at the end of it. Or kill off the unlikeable characters like Christopher. The only exception to this rule that I can think of was Adriana, and I think that was one of the high-points of the show in terms of gut impact. Bobby's death just felt like "one good guy has to bite it, let's pick the least important but most cuddly one." Anyhoo...


i'm not gonna spoiler it cos it's not a sopranos thread - big pussy was a kinda core character. richie aprile and the execrable ralph cifaretto were sorta core characters - big plot developments across two or three seasons hinged on them. and pussy's death was fucking with tony right til the end. tony b even, arguably. yeah you knew that tony's core bunch of buds were probably safe - at least until the last season. but no-one else was safe, and in the last season the sense that even bobby and silvio weren't added an extra edge. and i liked chris! :cry:


the developments in GoT make sense to me; kill off drogo/daenerys; no plotline to speak of left there. same for any other character bar nedd. kill off nedd, and it's not killing off a plotline, quite the opposite - it's tinder to a big-ass plot fire. that being said, GRRM is apparently a cunt for killing people. 59 named characters die in the first book, and apparently even more in the second one.

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i have yet to read that, it's been on my list for a long time.


edit: actually, bethesda are the masters of killing big-name stars :emotawesomepm9:


incidentally, the best way of describing GoT to people that i've found has been 'sopranos meets lord of the rings'.

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Guest Franklin

also there can be no better central character death than in "A Canticle for Leibowitz"


"meat! meat!" :emotawesomepm9:



haha. ya the first time you read it you're like, "but there's like half of a book left."


one of my favourite books actually.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

The only thing that I haven't seen as being "faithful" yet are the ages of the characters. Do you all realize that Robb Stark is 15? Yeeeaaah. But whatever, great shit. Can't wait until the final episode.


They deliberately aged the younger characters and GRRM has gone on record saying that he wished he could retroactively change them to be older in the books.


i suppose we're lucky they did else it would be some aimed at teens staring teens type o shiit

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Guest abusivegeorge

Am I allowed to post a link to some jpegs of her when she did pron? Will this get me in trouble? It doesn't load up pics straight form the link, you have to click a link then click other links within to see her pictures. Can anyone help me? I'm really scared.


They are very mild and very rubbish btw it's barely porn but there's a really nice one of her in some blue pants with her legs spread and you can totally imagine what her vagina looks like coz some of the creases of her pants fold into it.


I mean knickers, not pants.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Braver than me, was just watching her videos on xvideos also, I preferred her trip to the dentists.


Actually the one with Sarayda Turkish isn't bad either.

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emilia clarke is too good for porn. i predict great things for her; she's an excellent actress and the camera fuckin LOVES her.


i think i actually prefer her with dark hair

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Guest abusivegeorge

emilia clarke is too good for porn. i predict great things for her; she's an excellent actress and the camera fuckin LOVES her.


i think i actually prefer her with dark hair


Agreed, darker hair cetainly compliments the complexion of her skin, the shape of her face even looks slightly different. She'd play a good vampire.

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quick straw poll: fav characters?


me - tyrion(best thing about the show), drogo and dany, varys (fucking underrated), nedd, and littlefinger.

fuck, there are a lot of characters in this show.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Tyrion is definetly my favourite character! I really hope he doesn't die. I also hope he murders Jamie inbred Lanaster.

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