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i just broke my sleep deprivation record

Guest Helper ET

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i love you ET!!!


call me babe! i'll have dinner ready when you wake up


i hope ET likes Agrocybe, Conocybe, Copelandia, Galerina, Gymnopilus, Hypholoma, Inocybe, Mycena, Panaeolina, Panaeolopsis, Panaeolus, Pluteus, Psilocybe and Weraroa omelette :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest fiznuthian

i love you ET!!!


call me babe! i'll have dinner ready when you wake up


i hope ET likes Agrocybe, Conocybe, Copelandia, Galerina, Gymnopilus, Hypholoma, Inocybe, Mycena, Panaeolina, Panaeolopsis, Panaeolus, Pluteus, Psilocybe and Weraroa omelette :emotawesomepm9:


Ah yes he would enjoy a particular Galerina in his coffee..



ET for real though, its hard for me to understand why a person

wouldn't want to sleep. worries keep me up from time to time,

but rarely do i ever entertain the idea of going sleepless.

feels too good

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i've done the no sleep thing, by the third day i was pretty productive musically too. Had more focus, all that. It turns down the volume on the over-active but ultimately directionless mind. But on the other hand it is fucking terrible for you. :trashbear:

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For instance, when I recently asked a DMT elf for a prime factor of 23788, the DMT elf returned the visual rebus "Undulating Twinkie on rotating lotus, squirting." I'm not sure if that meant 23, but that's what I wrote down. Is that right?


If you want to ask such an entity to give you a prime factor of a five-digit number, it may give you the finger instead, or produce a grotesquely elongated phallus, or simply dive into a shimmering pool of hyper-plasma never to be seen again. Running an experiment like this is akin to asking a drunkard to spontaneously calculate the 40th digit of Pi when he passes out. You may get some interesting stuff, but only occasionally will you get the right answer, which is 7. This does not mean alcohol gives you advanced math skills, it just means even drunk people can make a lucky guess every now and then.




*dives in pool of grotesquely elongated phallus*

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I'm sleep deprived practically all quarter during school term, I'm up working for days straight. The weekend before our final review this quarter (affectionately called dead week) I got 2 hours of sleep all weekend (shittiest nap ever), working in studio for the rest [including all friday night]. It fucking sucks. Architecture school is proper hard.

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Guest Helper ET

woah guys i dont know what happened, i just found myself sleeping in a chair in my living room


game over i guess. i think i made it around 60 hours. i blame the alcohol. damn it. i was doing just fine. i also smoked some weed. now that i think about it, yup, shouldnt of gotten high. getting high makes you real tired


oh well, reached my goal, broke my record, and did not bad. had a good time, wrote a wicked track, all in around 60 hours. lets see you dance sucka, you got nothin on me


...and im goin to bed!


goodnight watmm!


(sweet dreams...)





































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Guest Helper ET

damn it. now that im thinking about it all, i shouldnt of done the drugs. drugs are bad mmkay? i was going strong. i bet i would still be awake...laughing at 60 hours, and staring at the wake of 72.


oh well, maybe i would have crashed anyway. okay now im done goodnight


ps - about 60 hours

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I wouldn't mind trying to stay awake for prolonged amounts of time. But I need money and a job so until my bank is full I'll survive as I am. Last time I stayed up for a few days I finished it by smoking Shisha. And after a final Shisha + weed I fell asleep and dreamt lovely dreams.

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Guest disparaissant

I didnt sleep for 2 weeks when I had a manic episode. I have witnesses

i don't know if i've gone 2 weeks but i have had moments where i realized that i don't remember the last time i slept and friends have told me it's been ~5 days.

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I did three days once... fucking murdered me. Was hallucinating near the end.


I'm old now and can't stay up until 1AM for more than a few days at the most per week, then it's bed by 10PM otherwise I'm useless the next day (I get up at 5AM for work)

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Three days of no sleep is hardcore enough for me to feel like I'm doing up some XxXtreme X games type shit, naw mean?

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