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Eagles @ Giants - 12/19/10

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Mirezzi

I mean, fuck me. Everything about it is too good for Hollywood.


Giants up 31-10 with 8 minutes left...a forgettable chapter in the remarkable turnaround of Michael Vick's career...then...SOOOONIC BOOOOOM. Vick reminds us he's playing Madden while everybody else is playing football and the Coughlin-led Giants remind us that they're still capable of absurd lapses in energy / killer instinct.

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I really am a fan of DeSean Jackson's showboating.





I'm a not a fan. I'm a fan however of Anthony Spencer blowing up Mike Vick to the tune of $12,500.


BTW: Kaen and I are gonna fight over the merits of football. Basically, he'll use my head to bust thru some drywall, and we'll lol and go drink beer and agree to disagree.

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i watched that game and i had that feeling that the eagles were going to catch up and win. it was in my gut and it was a fantastic game! watched football for the rest of the day and still had that game in my head.

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never understood how you can compare the excitement and awe of the NFL with the other football.. it's a fun game to play but they should make the fields smaller so they aren't kicking the ball around for 95% of the match without scoring.

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he really needs to cut that out. he is one of the best receivers in the nfl and scores a lot of touchdowns. he should act like it. it drives me nuts because im a huge eagle fan and i love watching this guy but the things he does and says are just cringeworthy. be like barry sanders and act like you have scored before and will score again.

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i watched that game and i had that feeling that the eagles were going to catch up and win. it was in my gut and it was a fantastic game! watched football for the rest of the day and still had that game in my head.

it's how remarkably accurate that gut feeling is that had you thinking eh? i had that same feeling, in fact i've gotten quite good at identifying with it as soon as it comes up and basing my actions on what that feeling is telling me. it's very therapeutic, i find.





actually, i was watching this half assedly with the volume down and music on, and it was pretty cool.

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I don't watch football very much, but it is a shame that you don't see too many awkward touch down dances any more, like the one that occurs in this video at about 8:06:



i remember watching that game with the silly dance!


3000 again!

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