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the drunk driving thread

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian

Ever drove while drunk?

Do you regret it?

Would you ever do it again?

Are there instances where you feel it would be necessary?


Been thinking about this since I read a post on a cattledog forum I post on. The guy was smashed into by a drunk driver and it almost killed his dog. I'm raising the most wonderful little puppy now, so it hit me kind of hard thinking about losing him. I can't help but wonder how i'd feel if I ever hit and killed someone because I was driving under the influence. I'd probably hang myself in my closet if I were responsible for the death of someone else's child or loved one.


There was a time when I had driven while slightly drunk, a few times actually. Honestly, i have never been shitfaced and tried to make my way home. But even being a bit tipsy always concerned me after the fact, i'd fall asleep and wake up the next day thinking "What if...?" then try and forget it.. I hardly ever drink anymore though.


One of my coworkers totaled her car recently, and her family gave her a brand new Saab in excellent condition. (wtf? way to reward her for failure)

She still continues to drink a lot, hitting up the bar after shifts, even though the courts are going to take her licence away soon!

It really blows my mind because she's fairly intelligent and well spoken, yet it hasn't really occurred to her that wasting most of her money on booze n' cruizin is the reason she's about to have a severely restricted life. Really makes me think about how many backwoods simpleton hicks around here have even less of a conscience. The local news reports deaths because of drunk drivers about every two weeks, and its almost never more than a month before someone else kills someone or themselves with a car full of friends.


I saw a motorcycle driver get pulled out of a creek after smashing into a tree (on the other side of the creek no less) in the middle of the night, some 6 months ago. I was standing on the porch with my ex-roomate watching his lifeless lumpy body get extracted and placed in a body bag.. No EMT or fireman were in any hurry at all, and it was obvious he was dead on arrival. The only thing we could figure is that he must have been drunk, as that road was empty at night and VERY wide.. There's just no way at all he flew off the road that direction and hit that tree unless he was going very fast and was drinking.. Some 20-30 of his biker buddies were huddled around the creek watching what was going on, still carrying on like it was some kind of party.. :facepalm:

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Guest fiznuthian

LOL deze, i saw you posted here and immediately knew it was about the ride..

i'm sober dawg, no worries.

and my uncle works a body shop

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i can't drive, and living in london with no kids or anything means i don't really need to...


i do however get smashed all the time, and often ride my bike to the shops for another bottle of bucky. it's not safe, but it does feel fantastic, like you're flying, a joyous cloud of vaporised holy booze.

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Guest fiznuthian

i can't drive, and living in london with no kids or anything means i don't really need to...


i do however get smashed all the time, and often ride my bike to the shops for another bottle of bucky. it's not safe, but it does feel fantastic, like you're flying, a joyous cloud of vaporised holy booze.


haha, see that's a different ballgame i think..

i'd say biking drunk you're probably just far more likely to injure yourself than anyone else.

unless you're hauling through crowded sidewalks.


i would also like to add i don't think bad of anyone drinking,

its just drinking then manning a 1.5-2 ton vehicle on public road that really gets me steaming

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yeah, i did actually read a story a couple of years ago about some prik face cyclist who killed a teenage girl by running into her, she fell and cracked her skull on the pavement... i don't think he was pissed tho. just a prik face.


i'd say i hold anyone who drives drunk in utter disdain. when i was younger and dumber i got in the car with drunk drivers once or twice - incredibly dumb. i wouldn't do that now. but i think it should be legal to drink in vehicles if you're the passenger, open container laws are unfair on society's honest drinkers.

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Guest fiznuthian

yeah, i did actually read a story a couple of years ago about some prik face cyclist who killed a teenage girl by running into her, she fell and cracked her skull on the pavement... i don't think he was pissed tho. just a prik face.


i'd say i hold anyone who drives drunk in utter disdain. when i was younger and dumber i got in the car with drunk drivers once or twice - incredibly dumb. i wouldn't do that now. but i think it should be legal to drink in vehicles if you're the passenger, open container laws are unfair on society's honest drinkers.


absolutely, i agree with you there.. i really don't see a problem with someone riding in a car getting drunk,

so long as the driver isn't! though the laws are the way they are probably because its hard for policemen to tell

whether that car full of people raising bottles is being driven by a sober driver. but hey, if they see booze in the car

and investigate, whats wrong with just testing the driver? if he's A-okay why not just let them go?

cops around here FREAK OUT about it..

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There was this once... We got so wasted after the Squarepusher show in Graz (Postgarage)... At first I was driving my friend's car around at the parking lot, just taking circles around for fun... Then we went for the streets... I actually didn't even had a driving license at that time... You know, 5 of us in the car, no one really knew what was going on... The music was loud, we were laughing all the time... It was a stupid idea, and we were lucky drunk pricks - there were lots of cops around in the city at that time... Just... Stupid, don't do this ever. We didn't get pulled over though... An asshole's luck I guess.

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1. yes

2. yes

3. maybe

4. yes


the time i did - i was just the soberest person there. the guy who owned the car was beyond gone. it was a short drive, and traffic was slow, and i got my people home safely. (funnily enough, a mormon girl we were with got pulled over for changing lanes too fast - she was not intoxicated howevs.)


i regret it because i know, statistically, the drunk one always kills, and never dies . . it's so irresponsible. at the same time, if it were to happen again, i'd probably do it again and do my best to be safe. thankfully i've been much less interested in getting plastered lately, and if i'm going to be unsober i never put myself in a position where driving is necessary. so i try to avoid the issue altogether.


drunk driving = :cry::sad:

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Guest ruiagnelo

i have returned home, quite a few times actually, in a kind of early drunk stage, and it was not that cool.

i was conscious that i was able to return home safely, but i clearly felt that my abilities had weakened.


fortunately never had trouble, and i usually don't do this anymore now.

never driven totally drunk tho, and i don't even wanna imagine that.

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I have driven drunk in the past. Mostly drunk as in over the legal limit, but a few times drunk as in totally wasted, too. Always fully aware of the stupidity of it. Never been pulled over. Had a fender bender once whilst off my tits but there was no police on the scene. The other guy's insurance agent saw right through me though so I readily admitted to being in the wrong.


Then the whole conscious/premeditated drunk driving thing evolved into occasionally driving drunk at times when I went somewhere by car and just ended up drinking too much due to lack of self-discipline. The car's right there so why call a cab, wait for the first bus or train, or call your parents, right?


I'm definitely not proud of it and these days I avoid drink driving like hell, that is to say I'll have a few drinks but spread across the evening to the point where I honestly estimate to still be safely under the legal limit. But then again when I'm not driving, I seem to have no qualms about riding along with drivers under the influence.

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i have returned home, quite a few times actually, in a kind of early drunk stage, and it was not that cool.

i was conscious that i was able to return home safely, but i clearly felt that my abilities had weakened.


fortunately never had trouble, and i usually don't do this anymore now.

never driven totally drunk tho, and i don't even wanna imagine that.


this sums me up pretty much as well.. a couple of times I have felt tipsy and yet I felt that I could drive myself home.. at other times I'm just gone and I don't take the chance... but nowadays I just don't drink or drive at all

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in high school used to drink and drive, smoke and drive, take nitrous and drive, and had friends who would take acid and drive. Through busy parts of town and on curvy mountain roads, it's a miracle we didn't ourselves or anyone else. Feel bad about it now, what a bunch of dunces...

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Guest hahathhat

went to see autechre/quaristice tour stop in boston. got pretty pissed up waiting for them to come on. danced (probably in a manner i wouldn't want to see footage of later). show ends, i wander off the parking garage. i'm still pretty loaded. now, boston is not an easy city to drive in under normal circumstances, and it's even worse if you don't already know the roads. it's full of one-way streets and sneaky stop signs that are easy to miss, and people can be aggressive dickholes.


it was not a fun ride. i know i ran at least one stop sign 'cos i didn't see it in time. i found myself going the wrong way down a one-way street and had to turn around (i've done this a couple times while sober too). i knew vaguely where i was going but not entirely, so i was also trying to watch street names. breathed a sigh of relief when i made it to the highway. got off the highway, figured i was ok (stupidly) so i pulled out my cigarette holder full of marijuana cigarettes. i spill them all over, under my car seat. i had to pull over in a church parking lot to pick them up


so yeah. hate that shit. no good. in retrospect i should have just taken a nap in my car (which is what i do now).

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Yeah my roommate here in STL has been pulled over drunk a FEW times and hasn't gotten a DUI. Now, he's gotten arrested for OTHER shit, WHILE driving whilst drunk, but never a DUI thrown his way for some reason.

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