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Skinny little bully gets chopped in half by chubby kid.

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Guest yikes

now imagine if he broke his neck/head and paralyzed him or croaked him

the discourse would be quite different and casey would be in jail right about now for the same situation

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now imagine if he broke his neck/head and paralyzed him or croaked him

the discourse would be quite different and casey would be in jail right about now for the same situation


yeah, there's no absolute moral position to take... people are fully capable of judging the same situation in multiple ways based solely on the outcome. should it be that way? i dunno.

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in high school some kid wrote "all jocks must die" on the toilet wall.

the teachers and such went nuts, thinking this was a serious thing. a couple jocks were sent to the principal office and such. it was really just a joke to all students and we didn't take it seriously

good times


In my school, someone stuck this on the toilet wall. Thought it was a nice effort.



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in high school some kid wrote "all jocks must die" on the toilet wall.

the teachers and such went nuts, thinking this was a serious thing. a couple jocks were sent to the principal office and such. it was really just a joke to all students and we didn't take it seriously

good times


In my school, someone stuck this on the toilet wall. Thought it was a nice effort.



lol. who's that supposed to be?

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Nice kid. I wanna hear from the bully.


indeed. nice gentle kid. looks like standing up for himself was an extremely positive experience.


Traumatic and overwhelming, but yeah I think this has gone over surprisingly well, it could become really nasty had the school punished the wrong person (they kind of copped out with the mutual suspension action, but that's expected of most schools) Casey's dad and sister seem like nice enough people, which makes it really depressing to think about other kids like him who are bullied, especially those who end up committing suicide.


I'm glad the bully's mother responded too, I'm not really sure the bully needs to be interviewed, both because I don't think he deserves more sympathy nor more demonizing. He got what he deserved, and to some degree, the guilt should follow him until adulthood. If it's purely forgive and forget he can easily retaliate and get worse. Likewise, he shouldn't be perpetually bullied either. Sadly, I've seen far worse parents than the bully's mom (again I have no idea what their story/background is), who actually defend their kids or act completely oblivious, so I dunno, if she is as sincere as comes off on camera, maybe everyone can move on. Fingers crossed.

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Nice kid. I wanna hear from the bully.


indeed. nice gentle kid. looks like standing up for himself was an extremely positive experience.


Traumatic and overwhelming, but yeah I think this has gone over surprisingly well, it could become really nasty had the school punished the wrong person (they kind of copped out with the mutual suspension action, but that's expected of most schools) Casey's dad and sister seem like nice enough people, which makes it really depressing to think about other kids like him who are bullied, especially those who end up committing suicide.


I'm glad the bully's mother responded too, I'm not really sure the bully needs to be interviewed, both because I don't think he deserves more sympathy nor more demonizing. He got what he deserved, and to some degree, the guilt should follow him until adulthood. If it's purely forgive and forget he can easily retaliate and get worse. Likewise, he shouldn't be perpetually bullied either. Sadly, I've seen far worse parents than the bully's mom (again I have no idea what their story/background is), who actually defend their kids or act completely oblivious, so I dunno, if she is as sincere as comes off on camera, maybe everyone can move on. Fingers crossed.



well said.


the bully got his comeuppance...now my worry is that the cruel circle of humiliation will taunt him for the rest of his life, either making him incredibly meek and socially averse or bottle his rage up even more until it manifests in a homicidal spree 20 years later.


as much as we get a kick out of videos like these, I really think that these videos fuck up society in ways we never really consider. That guy is going to go to job interviews 10-15 years down the road and the bosses will most likely know about this.

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Nice kid. I wanna hear from the bully.


indeed. nice gentle kid. looks like standing up for himself was an extremely positive experience.


Traumatic and overwhelming, but yeah I think this has gone over surprisingly well, it could become really nasty had the school punished the wrong person (they kind of copped out with the mutual suspension action, but that's expected of most schools) Casey's dad and sister seem like nice enough people, which makes it really depressing to think about other kids like him who are bullied, especially those who end up committing suicide.


I'm glad the bully's mother responded too, I'm not really sure the bully needs to be interviewed, both because I don't think he deserves more sympathy nor more demonizing. He got what he deserved, and to some degree, the guilt should follow him until adulthood. If it's purely forgive and forget he can easily retaliate and get worse. Likewise, he shouldn't be perpetually bullied either. Sadly, I've seen far worse parents than the bully's mom (again I have no idea what their story/background is), who actually defend their kids or act completely oblivious, so I dunno, if she is as sincere as comes off on camera, maybe everyone can move on. Fingers crossed.


well said.


the bully got his comeuppance...now my worry is that the cruel circle of humiliation will taunt him for the rest of his life, either making him incredibly meek and socially averse or bottle his rage up even more until it manifests in a homicidal spree 20 years later.


as much as we get a kick out of videos like these, I really think that these videos fuck up society in ways we never really consider. That guy is going to go to job interviews 10-15 years down the road and the bosses will most likely know about this.


Yeah, you nailed it, that's the big unknown and concern. My hope is that this can be one of the first major "tests" of the hyper-connected digital age in where to draw the line. There are adults now with "normal" lives who have bullied and been bullied, and none of them will ever have to worry about their past being permanently on record for the world to witness. So in that sense, this is very unfair to the bully. Why should he be tainted by this when people who did the same before the decade or so never were? It's just one example too, think of all the potential consequences legally and socially (i.e. getting hired) to actions like comment posts, downloading copyrighted files, posting/responding to taboo craigslist ads, any aspect of sexting, etc. At some point you'd hope that a "forgive and forget" standard can be established, especially when privacy is so easily compromised and exploited.

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Yeah, you nailed it, that's the big unknown and concern. My hope is that this can be one of the first major "tests" of the hyper-connected digital age in where to draw the line. There are adults now with "normal" lives who have bullied and been bullied, and none of them will ever have to worry about their past being permanently on record for the world to witness. So in that sense, this is very unfair to the bully. Why should he be tainted by this when people who did the same before the decade or so never were? It's just one example too, think of all the potential consequences legally and socially (i.e. getting hired) to actions like comment posts, downloading copyrighted files, posting/responding to taboo craigslist ads, any aspect of sexting, etc. At some point you'd hope that a "forgive and forget" standard can be established, especially when privacy is so easily compromised and exploited.


I agree.. I can't see adults being held responsible for actions they committed when they were like 12. That's ridiculous. We all do stupid things when we are kids.


The foolish optimist in me kind of hopes that the more all the shit that society previously swept under the rug is exposed, the more society will grow the fuck up and learn a bit of forgiveness and tolerance. Most adults are nothing more than big man-babies.

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lying little fetal alcohol cunt

he has...a fucking eyebrow piercing.

and a tail. he is 12. totally lying through his gigantic teeth.


Let's just assume he's telling the truth. He was picked on...he still got a friend to film it and made sure there was an audience. That's a huge red flag right there. Kind of surprised no one brought up the exploitation factor in the interview, but I guess the intent is to clear up the air and mend things, which is good.


The dad doesn't seem to get it, lot of apathy overall. Richard's mom seems a bit less misguided, she seemed sincerely apologetic and upset more at the idea that it could of ruined both kid's lives had injuries occurred. Well, honestly, I don't think Richard had much to look forward in terms of future employment and such, regardless of the incident happening or not. I hate to make this assumption, but I'm pretty sure Casey is much smarter kid with more opportunities ahead of him.

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lying little fetal alcohol cunt

he has...a fucking eyebrow piercing.

and a tail. he is 12. totally lying through his gigantic teeth.


Let's just assume he's telling the truth. He was picked on...he still got a friend to film it and made sure there was an audience.



we're back to the obvious fact that people just don't show-boat like that when they're getting picked on.

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