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Firefox 4

Rubin Farr

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Really liking the Pin App feature! I don't think they have that in Chrome, do they? Is it in any other browser? I think its pretty nice. It basically gives you mini permanent tabs that stay at the top of the screen. So when I open my browser, I automatically have my email, facebook, blog, soundcloud, and last.fm or whatever i want, already open in small tabs which save me a lot of space & time.

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if you hate it so much use another browser. isn't open-source software amazing? it's all free!

edit: if you really care and find bugs. doubt it though.


people who actually take the time and effort to report bugs are arguably more important to the development process than the devs.


even with its problems its better than any of the other ones.

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  • 1 month later...



here's mine


i'm bothered that the new tab button isn't attached to the tabs but i did get it over to the left



edit: my bad, figured that out

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  • 1 month later...

firefox 4 has gone tits up twice now and I really don't know why, im not installing a bunch of shit just ad block, but after a while it just does shit like stops responding or locks up. I went back to 3.6 and it works great but was wondering if any of you have tried Firefox 5 and if its any better :S

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I'm on 5 now, it's pretty much just a bug-fixed and more resource friendly 4 - Not sure why they decided to go with an entire milestone leap with the version numbering given the small change...

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Using 5 now. I like how they've condensed all the buttons at the top, but I don't like how I have to double click to add a new tab. In 3.6 I could just click once up at the top and have a new tab. I prefer that method.

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Firefox 5. The plus button is there, but I used to be able to click anywhere up top and add a new tab. Now you have to double click. It slows me down.


I didn't see anything in the options to change it.

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Do you really think I didn't know about command+t?


If my hand is already on the mouse, there's no reason for me to lean in to get my left hand onto the keyboard then hit command+t when I can just make a quick gesture with my right hand. I understand it's a fraction of a second, but I don't want to have to sacrifice that since I'm already used to browsing faster.


Also, fuck you. I'm drunk.

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haha what a pussy reply, pussy ;-p


my keyboard is in my lap, yo. left hand permanently perched on the left hand side of the keyboard. Privileges, of netting from the couch.



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haha what a pussy reply, pussy ;-p


my keyboard is in my lap, yo. left hand permanently perched on the left hand side of the keyboard. Privileges, of netting from the couch.




Wow! Are you from the future?

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haha what a pussy reply, pussy ;-p


my keyboard is in my lap, yo. left hand permanently perched on the left hand side of the keyboard. Privileges, of netting from the couch.




Wow! Are you from the future?


I just keep reminding people until one day they realise that they need to do this themselves. They won't remember why, but that old PC build sitting in the closet will be dragged out and plugged into their living room TV, and after that they won't look back. I actually shudder at the thought of having to sit at a desk for this qit.


For actually working though, it's probably sensible to not be too comfortable.

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i dunno is that is very ergonical, mod man?


yeah, well whilst my bloated frame seems to enjoy it, i'm not sure that after all these year, my neck agrees.


i got your posts gyst but didnt get it 100%


i was replying to the post above yours. my edit will solve the misunderstanding.

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haha what a pussy reply, pussy ;-p


my keyboard is in my lap, yo. left hand permanently perched on the left hand side of the keyboard. Privileges, of netting from the couch.




Wow! Are you from the future?


I just keep reminding people until one day they realise that they need to do this themselves. They won't remember why, but that old PC build sitting in the closet will be dragged out and plugged into their living room TV, and after that they won't look back. I actually shudder at the thought of having to sit at a desk for this qit.


For actually working though, it's probably sensible to not be too comfortable.


I was making a joke, because: laptops

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