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stupidly expensive clothing


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Guest Rambo

fucking cotton? that shit should be at least cashmere if I'm going to pay that much. I saw some really thin cashmere v-necks and nordstroms for 50% off $300.


The fact that they are selling it at 50% off and still making a shitload makes me lol

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I knew someone who worked for a really fancy, couture fashion shoe designer in NYC. He said they made a pair of custom, thigh high alligator boots that cost $35,000.00. No lie.

I asked another friend, who worked for a fancier shoe designer if that was possible and they told me not only was it possible but their designer had a pair of similar boots for $40,000.00.



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I thought this thread had evolved into ugly clothes.


Any amount of money is too expensive for those things though I guess. :emotawesomepm9:

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I'm pretty sure you can find this shirt in just about any thrift store in the United States for 5 dollars or less.


this reminds me of a 'designer' in edinburgh who finds old clothes in junk shops and cuts and pastes them together with shit clothes he finds in junk shops. he'll take 2 old jackets like an army jacket and a denim one, cut them in half, then crudely sew them together and sell both resulting 'jackets' for £500 each. he's making a fucking mint out of stupid hairdressers.


a friend of mine (hairdresser) came out 1 night with a denim jacket that looked like it had a plank of wood glued to the back, then ripped off leaving splinters and a layer of glue and distressed wood. the front was splatterd in hardened glue like he had been bukakeed by a group of bull elephants... we (his friends) laughed so much he's never worn it again in public.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I'd hardly say watmm is the place to expect people with a high sense of fashion (does anyone here wear anything other than jeans and a t shirt?) but yea these are all horrible/expensive.

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and I thought shit couldn't get any uglier than ed hardy "designer" items. :facepalm:

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jeans & t-shirts ftw, though i seem to be making the move from jeans to slacks. slacks seem like a nice middle ground between my carharts and a pair of sweatpants (of which i own none - long johns take care of that department). comfort coupled with the illusion that i'm a working man.. win/win (biwinning)


make no mistake though, some seemingly normal jean-clad dudes are really fashionistas. an acquaintance of mine once spilled coffee on his jeans at a pancake house, and became so flustered that he left (taking our ride with him). we couldn't figure out what was wrong. turns out his pants cost over $300 and now that he'd spilled something on them, he couldn't sell them back on ebay so that he might be able to afford the next season's most-wanted jeans. denim = the dandy's analog.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

like this...



This could be toned down a bit and be okay, if it was died one colour or something. To be fair these look like they are well put together, not just hack jobs. PS lol at the bull elephant line

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Has mubarak's suit already been mentioned, 25.000 dollars :)


( http://www.politicolnews.com/hosni-mubaraks-suit/ )


"When your a dictator price is no object and when you are stealing from the state coffers no fantasy is too great, or wish unfulfilled and one of them is exemplified in Hosni Mubarak’s suit"


this sets off about 5 "stop reading now" grammar alerts in my head. what a frightful opening sentence.

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Guest Rambo

I'd hardly say watmm is the place to expect people with a high sense of fashion (does anyone here wear anything other than jeans and a t shirt?) but yea these are all horrible/expensive.


I love how people always talk like this in an attempt to separate/elevate themselves from the rest of watmm. You see this all the time.


"Women? What do you mean women? This is watmm we are talking about!" Subtext: i exclude myself in that. I'm successful with women. Otherwise i wouldn't be making that joke of course!


"watmm is full of nerds" Subtext: I am cool


"I'd hardly say watmm is the place to expect people with a high sense of fashion" Subtext: i have a high sense of fashion.

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