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Curb Your Enthusiasm - Season 8

Rubin Farr

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Guest Z_B_Z

michael j fox? really? i dont mean to be offensive, but doesnt parkinsons make him shake constantly?


that would be insane if they worked that into the plot of an episode.


in any case, good news.

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michael j fox? really? i dont mean to be offensive, but doesnt parkinsons make him shake constantly?


that would be insane if they worked that into the plot of an episode.


Judging from the season 8 trailer, they did incorporate it into the show! And yeah I'm really pumped for this, Larry David is a genius, I can't praise him enough

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  • 3 weeks later...

seasons 6 and 7 were so good, i can't wait!


between this and breaking bad, july should be a great month for TV (and TV torrenting).

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Guest bitroast

getting alot of reminders about season 8 from the Curb Your Enthusiasm page on facebook.

boxus = correct on season 6 and 7. shit's gonna be fucken amazing : )

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oh for fucking fucks sake, i've been expecting this to air @ june 10'th for weeks, and just now i find out it's not june but july 10'th, goddamnit.

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  • 1 month later...

so it doesn't feel tired at all yet? even though i liked the last 2-3 seasons, i felt like the episodes were almost too predictable and following the old formula. maybe the scenery change will do it some good.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

it definitely feels predictable.


larry does something that seems ok (or unlikely) and then everyone goes off at larry for the rest of the show then it all wraps up at the end with larry making a waah face



still an enjoyable 20mins of tv

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Guest mudguts

yeah a bit predictable hard to watch when u know it gonna happen. i gotta say a bit unbelievable at times aswell. still funny tho!

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great episode, i didn't think it felt stale at all. the show is extremely repetitive, but it doesn't bother me. just watching larry and the other regulars interact is a treat, the dialogue remains fresh and witty even though the plot driving it follows the same course pretty much every time.

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