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Influx of bad artist names

eh Speedy

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We should compile a greatest hits of this thread

(By 'we' I mean somebody other than me)

I wanted to do this for the DJ name thred - not manually - basically write a thing which fetches all the posts from the thred and parses out the things. Then u go to an internet website which serves you a random picking from all the things. But I don't know much web development rly so I haven't done it.

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We should compile a greatest hits of this thread

(By 'we' I mean somebody other than me)

I wanted to do this for the DJ name thred - not manually - basically write a thing which fetches all the posts from the thred and parses out the things. Then u go to an internet website which serves you a random picking from all the things. But I don't know much web development rly so I haven't done it.


oh man that would be awesome. with the amount of entries in this thread it could be passed off as being a hipster artist name generator.

Edited by modey
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i'm keen to try doing this. even if we just made a google doc. easiest way would be to make some script that can scan the thread for [paragraph break] [few words of text] patterns and spew it out into a text file, maybe?

ok, turns out you can doo all this crap in Objective-C (I'm too old for Javascript). here's my first attempt at a scraper:


#import "ViewController.h"
#import "TFHpple.h"

static NSString *baseURLString = @"http://forum.watmm.com/topic/66816-influx-of-bad-artist-names/page-";
static NSString *xpath = @"//div[@class='post entry-content ']";
static int page = 1;
static int numpages = 115;
static int maxTokensPerLine = 5;

@interface ViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *output;

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.output = @[].mutableCopy;
    [self fetchData];

- (void) fetchData
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", baseURLString, page]];
    NSURLSessionDataTask *downloadTask = [[NSURLSession sharedSession]
                                          completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
                                                  NSLog(@"error fetching the things, bailing.");
                                              TFHpple *hpple = [[TFHpple alloc] initWithHTMLData:data];
                                              NSArray *elements = [hpple searchWithXPathQuery:xpath];
                                              NSMutableArray *parsedElementStrings = @[].mutableCopy;
                                              for (TFHppleElement *element in elements)
                                                  NSArray *children = [element childrenWithTagName:@"text"];
                                                  for(TFHppleElement *childElement in children)
                                                      NSString *elementString = [childElement content];
                                                      [parsedElementStrings addObject:elementString];
                                              NSArray *filteredStrings = [self filterStrings:parsedElementStrings.copy];
                                              [self.output addObjectsFromArray:filteredStrings];
                                              dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                                                  NSString *combinedElements = [self.output description];
                                                  [self.textView setString:combinedElements];
                                                  NSLog(@"done fetching page %d.", page);
                                                  if(page < numpages)
                                                      [self fetchData];
                                                      NSLog(@"all fetched, writing json array to disk...");
                                                      if([NSJSONSerialization isValidJSONObject:self.output])
                                                          NSError *err = nil;
                                                          NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:self.output options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&err];
                                                              NSLog(@"error creating JSON: %@", err);
                                                          [jsonData writeToFile:[@"~/Desktop/bad_artist_names.json" stringByExpandingTildeInPath]
    [downloadTask resume];

- (NSArray *) filterStrings:(NSArray *)input
    NSMutableArray *newArray = @[].mutableCopy;
    for(NSString *str in input)
        NSArray *lines = [self stringsSplitByNewlines:str];
        for(NSString *line in lines)
            NSString *filtered = [self filterStringWithoutAlphanumericCharacters:line];
            filtered = [self filterStringWithMoreThanThreeWords:filtered];
            filtered = [self filterTabs:filtered];
                [newArray addObject:filtered];

    return newArray.copy;

- (NSArray *) stringsSplitByNewlines:(NSString *)str
    return [str componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];

- (NSString *) filterStringWithoutAlphanumericCharacters:(NSString *)str
    NSCharacterSet *charactersToRemove = [[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet] invertedSet];
    NSString *strippedReplacement = [[str componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:charactersToRemove] componentsJoinedByString:@""];
        return nil;
    return str;

- (NSString *) filterStringWithMoreThanThreeWords:(NSString *)str
    if([str componentsSeparatedByString:@" "].count > maxTokensPerLine)
        return nil;
    return str;

- (NSString *)filterTabs:(NSString *)str
    return [[str componentsSeparatedByString:@"\t"] componentsJoinedByString:@""];




and here's the output as a JSON array: https://cl.ly/2f0t0i0p2v39



  "who cares",
  "cho wares",
  "Dicky Rowntown",
  "Rave Grohl",
  "condles the fat",
  " much...",
  "Watmm is a neverending whingefest!",
  "i agree.",
  "Mizz Richard Divine",
  "It went over quite well.",
  "can't forget Gnarls Barkley",
  "edit: or johhn lennnon",
  "R.E.P.R.E.S.E.N.T. !",
  "Just fuckin w\/ you dude.",
  "like JUST now?",
  "Word on the Strengph Gs!",
  "flay wilkins?",
  "Burt Squimpton!",
  "Bran Ianderson",
  "Huck Dunt",
  "Id Kickarus ",
  "Fife Lorce",
  "Bobble Bubble",
  "Pike Tyson's Munch Out",
  "Puper Sitfall",
  "Konkey Dong",
  "Trainbree ... etc.",
  "Pwin ▲▲ Teaks",
  "So Stupid... So So Stupid!",
  "Luke Vibbert",
  "forever the best name",
  " NAME.",
  "Id Kickarus is pretty good.",
  "nice rant.",
  "Lance Legstrong.",
  "cohn jarmack nightware",
  "Jichael Mackson!",
  "jon bovi",
  "Ded Tanson",
  "Beorge Gush",
  "Ian Breno?",
  "Morg Kronotron",
  "Snesley Wipes",
  "click dark",
  "That's a good one!",
  "blank frack",
  "wina teymouth",
  "urethra franklin",
  "burly chassis",
  "puke lerry",
  "that name sucks.",
  "teen laqueefa",
  "Pselodux - Sine Language",
  "Rooftop Access - Easy Glistening",
  "Famie Joxx",
  "Ku-tang Klan",
  "Poon-Tang Plan",
  "lol nice one",
  "gear brylls",
  "sylvester stallone",
  "i don't get it ",
  "p.p.s. pot hockets",
  "Mince McVahon",
  "Parry Hotter",
  "Larry Byndon",
  "Fulp Piction",
  "Gady Laga",
  "twex aphin",
  "Jean Juke Picard",
  "The Influx",
  "Art and The Bad Names",
  "Pal Pacino",
  "minivan morrison",
  "fill colons",
  "fleetwood imac",
  "ol birdy dastard",
  "K.K. Jail",
  "Spruce Bingsteen",
  "sock of fleagulls.",
  "buck cherry",
  "that's actually a band lol.",
  "Rian Beno",
  "Con Seannery",
  "Bord on Grown",
  "*pivot fanboy*",
  "Lynyrd Skynyrd",
  "ABBA (worst of both trends)",
  "tiger & woods  ",
  "it doesn't stop.",
  "James Noyce, ",
  "i like that one!",
  "dude not cool...",
  "Jan Borden",
  "Ruth Vader Ginsburg",
  "Use it. It's not taken.",
  "Bed Tundy",
  "Don JeLorean",
  "Wony Tilson",
  "Chill Pollins",
  "edit: FUCK",
  "Hark Mamill",
  "the ",
  "eg. job for a cowboy",
  "Burt Bacharach",
  "burt backgammon",
  "brook burkaback",
  "Spurt Backncrack",
  "Sook Backacock",
  "Dirk Tukmajerb",
  "Also Ducktails, wtf.",
  "Melodious Funk",
  "I like this one, though.",
  "Swill Mith",
  "Chewin' Macgregor.",
  "da supa lol",
  "pink freud",
  "duptown evil",
  "jenny and the bets",
  "black fag (oh dear)",
  "Smill With",
  "Shart Bimpson",
  "Barlie Chown",
  "Pappermint Petty",
  "Woopy & Snoodstock",
  "Lunus & Licy",
  "Dreadful Gate",
  "John Cool-Train",
  "Squid Viscous",
  "Pee \"Scratch\" Larry",
  "Lying Flotus",
  "Puke Wellington",
  "Rye n' Done",
  "ernest borg 9",
  "arse lolrich (might get sued)",
  "Michael Jukeson ",
  "Nuke Jukem",
  "Kim Jong Trill",
  "ernest borg9 is pretty likely",
  "lol, are you Mennis Diller?",
  "Jace Groans",
  "(and the angular quintet)",
  "Radiohead II",
  "Legion Heirs",
  "actual laughter was produced",
  "agreed on both fronts",
  "con johnner",
  "Colben Stephert",
  "Stohn ",
  "art  ",
  "Rock the Bomba",
  "BAMFony Bourdain",
  "The Bro",
  "radio on the tv",
  "zrank fappa",
  "garfunkel & simon",
  "Stod Rewart",
  "Mr Eddie Fercury",
  "Kheyonce Bowles",
  "Assive Mattack",
  "HP Jarvey",
  "Hamilton Airplane",
  "Cameltonian Mechanics",
  "Will Biv Defoe",
  "DJ Harvey",
  "That's badass.",
  "Cosby, Skills and Hash",
  "Gavin Russom  ",
  " good one",
  "Bean Sooth's smash single \"Teef\"",
  "Ian Breno",
  "Hark Mammal",
  "Kill Valmer",
  "I don't get it!",
  "Lue Tries",
  "Ratman and Bobin",
  "Bhe Teatles",
  "Aphex Triplet",
  "Foo Fighters",
  "oh wait",
  "Grave Droll",
  "The Six Pestols",
  "also, DOPE LUNGREEN",
  "skilltester stabbone",
  "The Farrison Horde",
  "Pwnin' Polanski",
  "Fartin' Scorsese",
  "Haulin' Oats",
  "Howlin' Tobin",
  "The Two Wang Clan",
  "Luther VanBoss",
  "Kickhole Nidman",
  "Licky Rake",
  "Ill Body",
  "Hell McFearson",
  "Rupert Grint",
  "Amen Tobin",
  "Cockie HerbHands",
  "Bott Scakula",
  "Douche Manballa",
  "Rupee Murdoch (chiptunes)",
  "Clit Mansell",
  "Gyro Sánwich Spigeti",
  "vermin ban arren",
  "Awl Pokenfold",
  "Blarence Coddicker",
  "Maft Donk",
  "Squirrel Jam",
  "Smashing Blumpkins",
  "Beff Juckley",
  "That's just funny",
  "deacon blue",
  "also; bleacon due",
  "you mean like ",
  "Or ",
  "me thelvins",
  "Stubbs Eutow",
  "Mowgli Jackson",
  "Squid Phillips",
  "Gus Gipper",
  "Ricky McSwizzlestick",
  "Option 30",
  "This will hit it big.",
  "fucking hell",
  "J.D's and Lentil Men",
  "Will Feral",
  "Deely Stan",
  "The Fackson Jive",
  "Chai \"L'atay\" Koffsky",
  "Nim Chimpsky",
  "just dropped in to say",
  "Ferrous Bueller",
  "Bustin' Hoffman",
  "Axl Blows",
  "Ninja Simone",
  "Sultanas of Swing",
  "mdma sandler",
  "Sauna Dumbers",
  "Popo Cops",
  "Benzo Steinazopine",
  "Aquatic Warriors",
  "Peen Wolf",
  "veruca assault",
  "Haha nice one!",
  "Sandra Bollocks (",
  "Brian Emo",
  "Killing Juke",
  "enihcam redrum",
  "(machinedrum meets \"the shining\")",
  "Isla Phisher......oh wait.....",
  "this is probable.",
  "MC Spammer",
  "Noise of Art",
  "The Wat",
  "luke vibbert",
  "Vibbert & friends",
  "from the page:",
  "It's pretty good!",
  " mix",
  "Cunt Eastwood",
  "Smelly Ripa",
  "Rad Bitt",
  "wholly fucking shit.",
  "edit: Trance Formers",
  "Crap Your Pants Say Yeah",
  "would buy",
  "Harry Chronic Jr",
  "i mean, what the hell",
  "Mint Eastwood",
  "just made that up btw",
  "DJ Dodger Stadium!",
  "Snesley Wipes",
  "Rushin' Circles",
  "DJ TwinkleTwat",
  "MC ButtChutney",
  "DJ hahathhatsnottahat",
  "green j",
  "Garry Boldwater",
  "Cornette Oleman",
  "Parah Salin",
  "Ok, that's just good",
  "Mobster Bisque",
  "Slam Chowder",
  "Grief Stew",
  "Tootin' Carmen",
  "DXM Krew",
  "Tommy Hill Figure",
  "Glenn Stephani",
  "Tim Heckler",
  "Thin White Juke",
  "Bloke Party",
  "Jew Kids On The Block",
  "Jeve Stobs",
  "Gill Baits: Trout Microsoft Replica",
  "Bass Ventura",
  "Tricky Martin",
  "Bards of Canada",
  "Mailor Soon",
  "Donny Jepp",
  "The Saily Dhow",
  "Aiona Fapple",
  "Genuine lol!",
  "still laughin @ bare grillz",
  "fady lingerer",
  "The Junior Downey Robertsons.",
  "Juice Willis",
  "Lude Jaw",
  "Best Wank",
  "hah ! nice one",
  "Zole fuck awesome",
  "Ellen Degenerate",
  "Chords of Bananada",
  "overheard at dinner:",
  "Ellen Degenitals",
  "just saw Dro Carey ",
  "Spittney Beers",
  "Day Funnaway",
  "Kenny Logons",
  "ericu curaputon",
  "Goy Division",
  "The sachs pistols",
  "Arnold Schwarzenigger",
  "s'not bad",
  "Beatsy Collins",
  "Blu-Ray Cyrus",
  "Bomb Cruise",
  "Bomb Hanks",
  "Bomb Selleck",
  "Skeevy Ray Vaughn",
  "Hahah fucking awesome.",
  "GIF Richard",
  "Whitney Houston 500",
  "Marvin`s Gay",
  "Barry Gusey",
  "Hell Gibson",
  "Chief Kegwin",
  "Dennis Space Hopper",
  "Dubber Johnny",
  "Organ Freeman",
  "Carmen Electro",
  "Kevin Spacey Dub Collective",
  "The David Lynch Mob",
  "Tron Javolta",
  "Nelly Fartudo",
  "I especially love ",
  ", that is indeed inspired.",
  "George Foreman Grillex",
  "Lords of Chlamydia",
  "Nelly Turdfato",
  "Gringo Starr",
  "Cher Guevara",
  "Jodie Foster The People",
  "Ron Jambo",
  "Smelly Fart Turdo",
  "Great band!",
  "dildo dagginz",
  "adolf hipster",
  "Hillbilly Crystal",
  "run dmt",
  "The Taliband",
  "Bass Bin Laden",
  "Fego 1337",
  "saw Long John Saliva today",
  "Bong Jovi",
  "The Bob Hoskins Dilemma",
  "Phil collins mix.",
  "Old spice girls.",
  "Fart of Noise",
  "QWERTY Harry",
  "Theme of Sudden Impact",
  "Rustie Ass Swords",
  "Ice cream Vangelis",
  "Michael Cocaine",
  "The Leonardo dicap Trio",
  "Mob Barley and The Sailors",
  "rustie trombone®",
  "Kim Jong Fun!",
  "Curt Kobain",
  "Kurt Kobaïan",
  "Genitallica (a mexican band)",
  "Cing Krimson",
  "How To Dress Well",
  "Worst artist name ever.",
  "Ricky Spinks and the Tiddlywinks",
  "My fest biend.",
  "Rock Santorum",
  "Stanklin the Turtle",
  "stromboli thurmond",
  "Kate's Bush",
  "FartyDL ",
  "Lawrence of A Labia",
  "The Venetian Bear Jamboree",
  "Danderine Team",
  "Asap Rocky",
  "Billy Crystal Meth",
  "The Kevin Costner Suicide Pact",
  "Both real artists\/bands.",
  "The George Costanza Poledance Extravaganza",
  "Jenn Boredom",
  "DJ Smelly Smell",
  "spaminal collective",
  "Gang Gang Dance",
  "Kount Mimbie",
  "Mob Barley",
  "Laming Flips",
  "Pushing Smamkins",
  "The Fight Footers",
  "Pwn Temple Pilots",
  "Broads with Candida",
  "Thats a lol. ^",
  "Lying POTUS",
  "Brofex Twin",
  "Bros of Canada",
  "8 Brozen Modules",
  "Flying Brotus",
  "Brogdan Raczynski ",
  "Broken Note....",
  "...ah shit.",
  "Ace of Space",
  "Ludwig van Brothoven",
  "Wolfgang Amadeus Brozart",
  "awesome lol",
  "serious lol",
  "Future Bros of London",
  "Amon Brobin",
  "Jennifer Lowpass",
  "hehehe, whole new thread:",
  "Brodike Stare",
  "The Bro",
  "Brobital or Broital",
  "Steve Broach",
  "My Brody Valentine",
  "and of course Brothomstates",
  "oh no I can't stop",
  "The Black Bro",
  "BRO State",
  "Brobal Communication",
  "try doing these ones",
  "Half vegetable half Natalie Portman",
  "Jennifer Bropez",
  "Brotney Spears",
  "Justin Brober",
  "The Bronus Brothers (bro bros?)",
  "Bjrork (meh)",
  "B.R.O. (LFO)",
  "Brog Pocket",
  "The Brodigy",
  "Fatbro Slim",
  "Chemical Bros ",
  "*shoots self*",
  "Maurice Brovel",
  "Bro Zombie",
  "Broback Mountain",
  "Super Mario Bros",
  "Brodey Kendrick",
  "William Brorbit",
  "Mike Broldfield",
  "Brochum Welt",
  "Angelo Brodalamenti",
  "The Bros Volta",
  "The Flaming Bros",
  "John Talabro",
  "Bro Iver",
  "The Niggardly Narwhals",
  "Ozzy Osbrone",
  "The Bro-betweens",
  "OK Bro",
  "lol'd at OK Bro",
  "Pillowy Mounds of Mashed Potabros",
  "... brodhosbn ",
  "David Browie",
  "the Brolling Stones",
  "Caustic Windbro",
  "Bitchie Hawtin",
  "Bitchard D James",
  "Lionel Bitchy",
  "Poop Dogg",
  "Blue Man Poop",
  "Brostep bro'fied",
  "Flux Brahvillion",
  "Broctor P",
  "Brahdge and Bruvski",
  "Children of Brodom",
  "Arvbro Pärt",
  "Mr Brongle",
  "Absbrolut Brodka",
  "Godspeed You! Black Bro",
  "Jon Spencer Bros Explosion",
  "Bros Against the Machine",
  "School of Seven Bros",
  "The Black Bro",
  "Dave Brobeck",
  "Miles Brovis",
  "Alice Brotrane",
  "Herbro Handcock",
  "Scott Broplin",
  "Jelly Bro Morton",
  "Broey Deschanel",
  "Rave Matthews Band",
  "Bro Scott-Heron",
  "A Bro Called Gerald",
  "Beastie Bros",
  "Fuck i'm bored right now.",
  "The brolling stones",
  "Bro Dylan",
  "the Broors",
  "Brohemian rapbrody",
  "i'm just wasted now",
  "k I'm done now",
  "Smally Bigs",
  "Skittle, alias Overweight Overcast",
  "Truk Kobain",
  "The Brolice",
  "Stewart Bropeland",
  "Phil Brollins",
  "Peter Gabroel",
  "Crash Bro Dummys",
  "FiBrona Apple",
  "Alanis Broisette",
  "Gin Brossoms",
  "Bro Naked Ladies",
  "Bro Diddly",
  "Brian Maiden",
  "Herbie Hancock Goes Bananas",
  "George Looney",
  "Charles' Mansion",
  "The Dung Ones",
  "DJ Smelly Smell",
  "you already posted that",
  "Red Wobster",
  "Spongewob Ravepants",
  "queercore names",
  "Pansy Division (real)",
  "Black Fag",
  "Demdikes Starin'",
  "Gays Against The Machine",
  "Yoko Homo",
  "Kraut Brock",
  "ulrich schnauzer",
  "Gym Jar Moosh",
  "A Roast Myth",
  "Squid Barrett",
  "Rat Stevens",
  "John Goober Mellencamp",
  "Annie Linux",
  "Oh awesome!",
  "Scavenger Cunt",
  "Alpa Chino",
  "Jacked Nicholson",
  "Robot De Niro",
  "Reefer Sutherland",
  "Diles Mavis",
  "Fred Zeppelin",
  "Rage Against The Washing Machine",
  "Geoff Leppard",
  "Dandwell Sistrict",
  "Celine Diode",
  "Drive By Trackers",
  "Matthew Sweep",
  "Quant Eyes (sorry)",
  "Roland Barthes",
  "Splice Girls (probably already posted?)",
  "Sunny Mono",
  "Alexei Lossless",
  "MPC Hammer",
  "Birth of the Cooledit",
  "The Bandwidth",
  "50 Hert",
  "BPM Dawn",
  "Billy Korgan",
  "The Dewey Decibal System",
  "Envelope Cruz",
  "Starlheinz Kockhausen",
  "Loopy Fiasco",
  "Justin Timbrelake",
  "Concrète Blonde",
  "Delia Dolbyshire",
  "Bitched-On Swach",
  "The Fab Fourier",
  "Liz Fairlight",
  "Tomita Cruise",
  "an actually stupid one,",
  "Dolphins Into the Future",
  "Otis Operandi",
  "dibs on Slashthread",
  "Zooey Bechamel",
  "DJ Worst Witch",
  "Agile Aardvarks",
  "Brisk Bears",
  "Dawdling Dinosaurs",
  "Fast Ferrets",
  "Hasty Hamsters",
  "Idling Iguanas",
  "Lethargic Llamas",
  "Nimble Newts",
  "Plodding Penguins",
  "Quick Quayles",
  "Rapid Rodents",
  "Engelbert Humperdonk",
  "*tip o' the pipe*",
  "Nicolas Cage the Elephant",
  "Karmony Whorine",
  "Call of the Nguyentermoon",
  "Third Leg Foundation",
  "Blue oyster cult - seriously...",
  "Has ",
  " already been mentioned?",
  "urethra franklin",
  "Bell-end Sebastian",
  "Cock Toe Twins",
  "Chixie Dicks?",
  "Click Dark",
  "DJ Salinger",
  "MC HammerFall",
  "Dub Billin'",
  "Teen la queefa",
  "^ lol",
  "fink ployd",
  "Kris Pistofferson",
  "Phony Mitchell",
  "Choco Pastorius",
  "Cosmo Framer",
  "George Bonanza",
  "The Doug Fuggles Quintet",
  "Dials Mavis",
  "Tintin Quarantino",
  "Marlin Bran Dough",
  "boards of kaenada",
  "gocab for cutie",
  "joyrex division",
  "jefferoo airplane",
  "abusivegeorge michael",
  "fugazgi... fusagi... uszi-- FUCK THIS",
  "black sabbaph",
  "All win! No lose.",
  "\"influx of baph artist names\"",
  "boy gaarg",
  "bio fucking hazard",
  "the verticalhold steady",
  "talking asymmetrical heads",
  "neneh cherry's multiple assgasms",
  "kenny logakhggkhkgkhtins",
  "impotentwhitecapitalist motorcycle club",
  "annie imac ",
  "pete thong",
  "gloryhole estefan",
  "spruce bringsteen",
  "usagi and the yojimboners",
  "De La Zole",
  "(an actual one I saw)",
  "Raymond Scott Walker",
  "The Key-Skrull Dextars",
  "You mean Urethra Franklin?",
  "ElectroNick Nolte",
  "Shat Parp.",
  "encey hammer (just met her)",
  "haha, lovely thread.",
  "pear squisher",
  "Murkey Teatballs",
  "Oneoldtrix Losepounds Forever",
  "john coltrance",
  "the Ranky Mailings",
  "Localmom Erasewrinkles",
  "Meatwood Fack",
  "Krisstopher Kross",
  "Kriss Kross",
  "Monterey Babe Aquarium",
  "Roofie in the Ho's Swish",
  "Batman-Turner Overdrive",
  "Pelvis Resley",
  "Heidi M",
  "Bjorn Cyborg",
  "Nick Jackolson",
  "White Dog Shit Ensemble",
  "alber tein stein",
  "mad donna",
  "burt bacharararackach",
  "canoe reeves",
  "engelbert hyperdonk",
  "Staul Panley",
  "Scene Gimmons",
  "Creter Piss",
  "Free Aceley",
  "Tranny Lennoxxx",
  "Paul McFartney",
  "Soldering Iron Maiden",
  "Fia Marrow",
  "Addy Woolen",
  "Young Neil",
  "Chris Chan Acid",
  "madonno, don't :(",
  "Mr Bean Against The Machine",
  "The John Carpenters",
  "will.i.am orbit",
  "Seen on turntable.fm...",
  "Queef Latina",
  "Smooshing Poopykins",
  "Pashing Munchkins",
  "Star Jonestown Sassacre",
  "The English Beat Manifesto",
  "The Cunt For Red Cocktober",
  "Mailer Soon",
  "Fun DMV",
  "bustin jawdrick",
  "Baking Brad",
  "Mormon Nailer",
  "Jam Saxon",
  "Genghis Troon",
  "Bapazz Shalaces",
  "Cing Kannibal",
  "Dead BMX",
  "Lee Banaldo",
  "LOL Lolhurst",
  "Cash Shoes (unsalted)",
  "Talk O'Bell",
  "Eating Dumplings",
  "Salt Shitman",
  "Poop Logg",
  "S Fart 7",
  "BJ by Thomas",
  "Billy Korg'n",
  "Thirstin' Moore",
  "Hack Zill",
  "Jill 'n Coke",
  "They Might Be Bros",
  "The Teh",
  "Dead Cannot Dance, Actually",
  "Dead Candace",
  "Dead Can Can Dance",
  "Dead Canned Acne",
  "Can - Dead Dance",
  "*bans self from thread*",
  "Yeah, that's kinda badass.",
  "lol, fucking awesome",
  "Imagine the lawsuit.",
  "Dr. Albanian",
  "Skank Anansie",
  "Death Gropes",
  "Bob Dylbalina",
  "Joyrex Division",
  "Dirty Protesters",
  "Polyphonic Squee",
  "big daddy kaen",
  "deee let...",
  "Gocab for Cutie",
  "vasiotone for the painfully alone",
  "OneToThirtySix Point Never",
  "Shit Attack Shit Attack!",
  "ruiagnelo baidalamneti",
  "A\/D C\/D",
  "the xxx",
  "Moron 5",
  "Done Erection",
  "Iona Fapple",
  "Aphex Twink",
  "Currie Anterwoord",
  "Briss Crown",
  "LMFAO Schwartz",
  "Red Hot Pilli Choppers",
  "lol, i love this thread.",
  "Blob Dylan",
  "Celine Diode",
  "Dirty Squee",
  "Boondock Sints",
  "Hank Hills Have Eyes",
  "Massive Shit Attack",
  "Boastie Bees",
  "Shartin' Scorsese",
  "Fryin' De Palma",
  "Dances Lord Coppolla",
  "Skeevin' Spielberg",
  "The Bro .. oh wait",
  "Farrison Hord",
  "lying flotus ",
  "Knob Ed Harris",
  "Gary Debussy",
  "Lee Scratched Perry Mason",
  "Peter Fondler",
  "Genesis P-easoup",
  "Genesis P-hilcollins",
  "Penises G-orridge",
  "Pete Static",
  "Cigar Ross?",
  "A Fly Called Gerald",
  "Spag Hetti.",
  "Hairy Peen Stanton",
  "Bomb Ferret",
  "Squidley Rott",
  "Sick Horny Beaver",
  "Crussell Rowe",
  "Count Bassy",
  "Dials Mavis",
  "Typhoid Ramirez.",
  "Harris Pillton",
  "Huge Hefner",
  "Phony Shaloub",
  "Forge Gorman Skrill",
  "Statrick Pewart",
  "Political artist names FTW",
  "Blony Tair",
  "Beorge Gush",
  "A-Rack Bobama",
  "Cavid Dameron",
  "Bordon Grown",
  "Mangela Urkel",
  "Aholf Ditler",
  "Ranklin Froosevelt",
  "Gahatma Mandhi",
  "Saddam Sossoon",
  "Chiston Wurchill",
  "Target Matcher",
  "Lukewarm -T",
  "DJ CDJ",
  "Drone Gunstringer",
  "Arthur Dollar",
  "Beter Puck",
  "tweaker pimps",
  "the bumblebeetlez",
  "Millicent Jackknife.",
  "Be Thug",
  "Skrilleen Dion",
  "Nuns and Moses",
  "Knitting Schick Dimples",
  "Bob Skrillan?",
  "Shock, Hate & Slaughter Men",
  "holy fuck, best",
  "Crabs Casio",
  "Lobsters Bingo Hall",
  "Goa West",
  "Devil 42",
  "The Robert Shawmen",
  "Federal Reserve Zeppelin",
  "Pink Roid",
  "Poo Unlimited",
  "Constipation Society",
  "Alice Pooper",
  "Scat Power",
  "Ricky Shartin'",
  "Canny Loggins",
  "The Turdles",
  "Splashing Blumpkins",
  "Burlap Ives",
  "Walliam Shitner",
  "Diarrhoeba McEntire",
  "The Feces",
  "Black Deuce",
  "Doo Doo Golls",
  "Bowel City",
  "Dead hor5e",
  "Dead c@",
  "Dead l085ter",
  "Dead cra8",
  "Dead 5eagull",
  "limbonic fart",
  "the fartfull dodger",
  "30 seconds to fart",
  "my dying fart",
  "Apoplectic Monster Lagoon",
  "Chevy Chase & Status",
  "Living In A BOC",
  "Madonna Summer of Hate",
  "Bachman Turner Oversteps",
  "Fink Ployd",
  "Dreen Gay",
  "Raspa and Cuspo",
  "Wob Barley and the Mailers",
  "Marilyn Hanson (bmmm hopp)",
  "The Fazy Crog",
  "Béla Batcóck",
  "Georges Bidet",
  "Alban [burger]",
  "Skrilldegard von Bingen",
  "Dilated Pooples",
  "Assuming Lettuce is Good",
  "Mr. Mister Bungle",
  "Faithless No More",
  "Derrick Mayhem",
  "Velvet Underground Resistance",
  "Wu Tang Clan of Xymox",
  "Girl Talking Heads",
  "Ethan Hawkwind",
  "Chase & Status Quo",
  "Jack Black Sabbath",
  "Nelson Mandela Soul",
  "George Duke Nukem",
  "The Bach Street Boys",
  "Danny Dyer Intelligence Agency",
  "Duran Duran Ghali",
  "Bare naked ladyhawk wind",
  "The The Ting Tings",
  "RIhanna Montana",
  "U2 Unlimited",
  "Van Morrisey",
  "Sugar Ray Charles",
  "The Beatles 2",
  "The Last Mariachi",
  "The Jesus And Mary Sidechain",
  "The Beertles",
  "Knitters With Attitude",
  "Fad Bart",
  "lady raga",
  "clifford d james",
  "nintendo prepubescent altercation",
  "rofl. so shit it's good.",
  "J Quesadilla",
  "Picasso's Sex Phantoms",
  "Official Fisherman",
  "Boston Foghorn Federation",
  "The Foreskins",
  "Supersonic Barnacle Assassin",
  "Jake Gyllenhall & Oates",
  "Pb Dirigible",
  "Gang-Grene Dance",
  "Electric Astley",
  "The Fresh Prince Charles Manson",
  "Sharon Stone Temple Pilots",
  "Sweeney Todd Duckstader",
  "Lady Boyz 2 Men",
  "Slipmatt Dillon",
  "Portaloo Reed",
  "The Boards of Aphextre",
  "DJ Jazzy Jeff Buckley",
  "Meat Treat Antipasto",
  "Poopfrom the Butt",
  "Toto von Schirachmaninov",
  "El Samurai",
  "get cape wear cape swim",
  "mike paradinas in your punani",
  "ceephax so solid crew ",
  "bananablim ",
  "Love Over Volcanoes Erupting",
  "Bitchy Boys",
  "Filthy Fuckers",
  "james addiction",
  "barry womanilow ",
  "l33t foxes ",
  "beat meat manifesto ",
  "the amy winehouse experience ",
  "Marooned Eyelid Sandwich",
  "The Soybean Saints",
  "Less Than One",
  "One 8",
  "Twoohtrix Point Never",
  "Boyz III Men",
  "3 Unlimited",
  "3 in a Room",
  "3 Live Crew",
  "3 Many DJs",
  "The Four Tenors",
  "Four Doors Down",
  "Four Days Grace",
  "Four Seven Mafia",
  "Fourth Eye Blind",
  "The Fab Five",
  "Five Tet",
  "Dillinger Five",
  "5 Non Blondes",
  "The Five Tops",
  "Gang of Five",
  "Royce Da 6'10",
  "Jurassic 6",
  "Pizzicato Six",
  "Maroon 6",
  "Ben Folds Six",
  "The Jackson Six",
  "Six For Fighting",
  "Eve 7",
  "Electric Seven",
  "Seven Feet Under",
  "Sevenpence None the Richer",
  "Eight Mary Four",
  "Avenged Eightfold",
  "Eight Year Bitch",
  "Orange 10mm",
  "Matchbox 21",
  "The xxi",
  "31 Seconds to Mars",
  "39 Special",
  "Sum 42",
  "51 Cent",
  "Eiffel 66",
  "Buck 66",
  "Prefuse 74",
  "Current 94",
  "99 Degrees",
  "Blink 183",
  "Front 243",
  "Kid 607",
  "809 State",
  "MC 901 Ft Jesus",
  "1001 Homo DJs",
  "Death From Above 1980",
  "Andre 3001",
  "Deltron 3031",
  "Powerman 5001",
  "10,001 Maniacs",
  "The Alabama 8",
  "'n sync erator",
  "Kitsch N*SYNC",
  "Tribute skyscraper to incomplete albums",
  "Dyllis Philler.",
  "MC Bad Breath",
  "Lolly Parton",
  "Rofl Harris",
  "Zole Train",
  "Zolly Murs",
  "Hangable Auto Flahbulb",
  "The Erection",
  "Erect Clapton",
  "Boner Thugs n Harmony",
  "Prick Astley",
  "Spank Cock",
  "Ce Ce Peniston",
  "Little Richard Dawkins",
  "Men With Hats",
  "Biggs Hoson",
  "Sonja Goofy",
  "Steptoe and Sun Ra",
  "hah, almost forgot about them",
  "Dat Funk",
  "Ghostbass Dilla",
  "Oberheim Steamroller",
  "Moogie Down Productions",
  "ARP Garfunkel",
  "3-2-1 Kontakt",
  "Skeet Skeet Skeet Ulrich",
  "The KLFDM",
  "Sexplod-U! Black Modey",
  "Jew Order",
  "Goy Division",
  "Goy Division",
  "Koresh Mode",
  "Imam Tobin",
  "Fatwa Slim",
  "Prefuse72 Virgins",
  "Beth'el Cool J",
  "Lauren Hillel",
  "Briss Brisstopherson",
  "Chanukkah Khan",
  "Circumcision du Soleil",
  "Dr Dreidel",
  "Gefilte Spill",
  "Gentile People",
  "... Goy Borge?",
  "Kosher Roth",
  "Lil L'Chayim",
  "Menorah Jones",
  "Shul of Seven Bells",
  "the beatless",
  "Jello Darkness, My Old Friend",
  "Herp Alpert",
  "Delia Derpyshire",
  "Derpy Projectors",
  "Peep Derple",
  "Yentl People",
  "Michael Bassfender",
  "Fickle Bassmender",
  "Lame Impala",
  "George Bush",
  "Slack Babbath",
  "Raves On A Plane",
  "Ernest Borgten",
  "Compact Disc Dummies",
  "Hong Kong Dong",
  "Ernest Borgseven of nine",
  "Merry Poopins",
  "Beat Loaf",
  "Depeche Chode",
  "King Magenta",
  "elton dgoHn ",
  "flying lo tuss",
  "Shit Stained Teeth (shock-metal band)",
  "No AFX",
  "Gook Schmellington",
  "Aphex Pistols",
  "The Hakuna Matata Jazz Trio",
  "shreddie mercury",
  "Das AFX ... whatever",
  "1.21 Niggawatts",
  "Victorian Glitch Neo-Transitive",
  "Nigur Ross",
  "Rigueur Sos",
  "Prance - Purple Gay'n",
  "Raking Dad.",
  "Digital Fishstickz",
  "Ian Wankin",
  "Dreddie Mercury",
  "Lemon Leshugga",
  "ill scott heron",
  "Sick Astley",
  "Phat King Cole",
  "Bach Psychosis",
  "Kilometers Davis",
  "Michelle Bachmann Turner Overdrive",
  "Thomas Jefferson Airplane",
  "Andrew Jackson Five",
  "Van Buren",
  "John Tyler, the Creator",
  "Fillmore Collins",
  "Lincoln Park",
  "The (Gar)field",
  "Guns N' Roosevelts",
  "Taft Punk",
  "Calvin Coolio",
  "Herbert Hooversteps",
  "Bright D. Eyesenhower",
  "Naked Reagan",
  "(George) Bush",
  "Clintony! Clintoni! Clintoné!",
  "Bochum Belt",
  "todays winner! Awesome.",
  "May i add: ",
  "throw berry",
  "gnarles barclays",
  "jimi andrex",
  "Kneel Jung",
  "Jon Bong Jovi",
  "Jew Bale",
  "Hipster Baboon",
  "Booger Ray Charles",
  "Alberto de la Murrica",
  "tete pong",
  "Vanessa paradi(na)s",
  "corn shonnery",
  "DJ Food Please",
  "(DJ Wood Please etc.)",
  "A Dell",
  "Bacon Cunt.",
  "Sad Subtraction",
  "The Smiths and Wessons",
  "Craftwork ",
  "Blu-tac Shakur",
  "Glue Reed",
  "Savage Hardon",
  "saul pimon",
  "Aruba Pudding Jr.",
  "Symbolically Adopted Tigers",
  "Butt Chemist",
  "kim jong ill",
  "josh wank",
  "timo moss",
  "armin van halen",
  "chevy (chase and status) quo",
  "Why Can't I Draw",
  "Nice. Points for recursion.",
  "Sad Max",
  "Mad Sax",
  "Sad Rock",
  "Adderall Cattleby",
  "Dexedrine's Midnight Runners",
  "Josh Ritalin",
  "Townes Van Zanax",
  "Cymbaltas Eat Guitars",
  "Prozakk Wylde",
  "Paxil Rose",
  "Das Efexor",
  "John Wellbutrane",
  "(on encey's theme)",
  "Cialis Dion",
  "Celebrex Acid Crew",
  "The Flaming Lipitors",
  "Resonator Matrix",
  "Dave Monolithium",
  "Mavelith Donovan",
  "Justified Ancients of Poopoo",
  "Dee Litewoord",
  "Muslim Bale",
  "Bomb Gnarly",
  "old spice girls aloud",
  "unkle ben e king tubby",
  "lee satchel perry",
  "All Taints",
  "Snoop Dogg - Hip Hop",
  "Snoop Lion - Reggae",
  "Snoop Giraffe - Ska",
  "Snoop Hamster - Indie Rock",
  "Snoop Hummingbird - speedcore",
  "Snoop Building - Architectural Design\/IDM",
  "snoop snow leopard 1.2",
  "- witch house",
  "Snoop Panda - Black Metal",
  "Neon Indian",
  "Fluorescent Grey",
  "Twat Stevens",
  "doner kebab summer",
  "Boards of Aphextre",
  "Roland S Howard",
  "R Lon Hubbard",
  "Chilliam Gibson",
  "will.i.am gibson",
  "Terry Bogan",
  "die, antwoord, die!",
  "Kid 'n Pray",
  "Stephen Mowhakings",
  "brian cocks",
  "Ambient Einstein",
  "richard be fine, man.",
  "nobuo uematsurbate",
  "Ashreks Twin",
  "Oneogretrix Point Donkey",
  "Shrek Lion",
  "Tim Shreker",
  "Konkey Dong",
  "DJ mr. k dilkington",
  "Dandy Jenkinsons",
  "Mike Fuck-a-bee",
  "Might Fuck a Tree",
  "Fuckleberry Finn",
  "Ornate Coleman",
  "Fryin' Berry",
  "Old Man Cornet",
  "Fled Nanders",
  "out now on Spam Records",
  "J.S. Nickelbach",
  "Nickelback Cave",
  "Stevie Nickelbacks",
  "Nikkibakk Sixx",
  "Kruder & Ganondorfmeister.",
  "queefwood mac",
  "Cop Tat",
  "Dooby Scoo",
  "Fl.. e...",
  "I suck at this.",
  "Fucking ZOLE",
  "Grubbing Thistle",
  "Ravid Lynch",
  "Brizzly Gear",
  "That sounds Jewish",
  "The Flaming Lipschitz",
  "Fatman poop",
  "Daft Twin",
  "'phex pistols",
  "Usain Bolt Thrower",
  "ron paul mccartney",
  "The Splice Girls",
  "Zero Direction",
  "Der Käse Chiefs",
  "The Pat Sharp Boys",
  "Lame Galaghaghaghaghaghaghagahggahghhhhackackackackakckckkacakckakkkkerrrr",
  "Ed Shearer",
  "Ricky Mork",
  "Tori Anus",
  "Sed Eullivan",
  "Anal Supplex",
  "Hairy Anne Mobs",
  "Srnold Achwarzenegger",
  "Sir Noel Awkwardsnigga",
  "Liam Galaga",
  "Shit Pop Boys",
  "Tamon Obin",
  "Jahnny Cosh",
  "Dez Tiny's Child",
  "The Autist",
  "edit: Theme of Yes' Roundabout",
  "Anthony Fantano",
  "Bichael Molton",
  "The Aphex Mom ♥- Cookies&Bass",
  "Michael Bolt-ons",
  "The Shitty Beatles",
  "Chet Faker",
  "The Smith",
  "fuckin lol",
  "#E30B5C Beret",
  "Pussy Rot",
  "The Gentile People",
  "Dave Pus-stain",
  "The Genital People",
  "Genital Giant",
  "DCTNRY ",
  "Pad Britt",
  "Hogfish Dead",
  "East Infection",
  "The Tweetles",
  "50 Centipede",
  "Combat Truise",
  "Final Fant--wait ... nevermind.",
  "Loureedy's Mansion",
  "Marilac Mansion",
  "Akari Teenage Warriors",
  "Lunar Landel Ray",
  "Battletoad the Wet Sprocket",
  "Mos Defender",
  "Missy Missile Command Eliot",
  "2 Pac-Man",
  "Dorkey KoRn",
  "Dig Duggable Planets",
  "Xevious Ray Vaughn",
  "Zaxxon Wylde",
  "1942 in a Room",
  "Punch-Out Out Out!!",
  "Coleco Case",
  "Wolfenstein Amadeus Mozart",
  "Nobunga Uematsu",
  "Metroid Station",
  "The Shinobis",
  "Gaiden By Voices",
  "Skate or Die Antwoord",
  "Atom TMNT",
  "Four Tetris",
  "Grand Theft Auto Von Schirach",
  "DJ Shadowrun",
  "Liam Galaga",
  "Gun-Nac Shakur",
  "Crystal Cas--wait ... nevermind.",
  "Mylo's Secret Castle",
  "Rivers Cuomo Ransom",
  "Rush 'n Attack",
  "Tauboo: The Sixth Sense",
  "2 Live Wrecking Crew",
  "Francis Ford Crapola",
  "They Are Definitely Giants",
  "Francis Ford Capri",
  "Katrina and the WAVs",
  "Booker T. and the MP3s",
  "Wah Keen Phoenix",
  ".. a funk band",
  "^ lol",
  "George Rockingtons",
  "Jams A Garfield",
  "Groover Cleveland",
  "George Dubsteppleyou Bush",
  "Cal Pacino",
  "Mo Kalate",
  "Alfred HitchCockRock",
  "Doris Peltsin",
  "Red Punjab Aquarium",
  "Idi Amin Break",
  "King Tutenkhamen Break",
  "Barack Obamen Break",
  "Siddharta Gautamen Break",
  "Mitt Romen Break",
  "Oliver Cromen Break",
  "Agamenmnon Break",
  "Jeffrey Dahmen Break",
  "Forum.watmm.comen Break",
  "The Bro",
  "Frobert Ripp",
  "Eon Braino",
  "Paul St. Hilarious",
  "Sonic Elders",
  "Neil DeGauss Tyson",
  "Animal Stretcher",
  "Butechre (pronounced 'boo-tecker')",
  "Slrich Uchnauss.",
  "Shit just got real:",
  "Organ Freeman",
  "Bob Dylanger Escape Plan",
  "Muddy WATMMers",
  "The Jimmy Roosterdrix Experience",
  "Manic Shit Preachers",
  "Shit Vincent",
  "Aaron Funk's Mom",
  "Senetian Vnares",
  "he's actually used that name",
  "Veneral Sneeze",
  "Venetian Snores",
  "Lebanese Tom-Toms",
  "Pinkin' Lark",
  "pH Harvey",
  "\"totally enormous extinct dinosaurs\".",
  ".hex Files",
  "Neapolitan Hi-Hats",
  "edit: ",
  "Young Woman Mirth - ",
  "  goddamnit usagi!",
  "Cochese and Cumbria",
  "At the Legitimate Theatre",
  "The Bjork Volta",
  "Atoms For Piss",
  "busty sproingfield",
  "MF BOOB - Operation: Boobsday",
  "Smashing Melons",
  "Toecheese and Camembert",
  "Paneer Sonic",
  "Rush Limburger",
  "Feta James",
  "Justin Brieber",
  "Jarlsbergs of Clay",
  "Barry Manchego",
  "Oaxaca Flocka",
  "Thomas Colby",
  "Monterey Charles",
  "The Emmentallerst Man Alive",
  "Cheese Boards of Canada",
  "Taylor Swiss",
  "Paris Stilton",
  "Eddie Cheddar",
  "Insane Clown Asiago",
  "Fiona di Latte",
  "Fontina Turner",
  "Gorgonzola Jesus",
  "Madonna Padano",
  "Mozzarellie Goudaing",
  "Provolone for the Painfully Alone",
  "Pecorino Bailey Rae",
  "Ricotta Astley",
  "Comte Truise",
  "USA Is A Munster",
  "Enuff Z'neufchatel",
  "Zack De La Roquefort",
  "Roy Orboursin",
  "Oh god",
  "A Tom For Peas",
  "encey is a fucking machine",
  "Fachine Mucking",
  "Cress X-Press",
  "Spinach Tap",
  "Pea J Harvey",
  "2 Pak Choy",
  "Swede-ish house mafia",
  "Asparagus Johnson",
  "Deep Radish",
  "To rocoto Carrot",
  "The Kale-F",
  "mob barley",
  " goddamnit, kaini!",
  "Sybian Mobile Dildo",
  "Peter Weird",
  "The Mad Potatoes\/Electrowizards fron Hell",
  "Skynnard Lynnard",
  "Munster Banana",
  "Dysjointed Kronikbaboon",
  "Bartina Mopley-Turd",
  "Swaylor Tift",
  "Kneyonce Bowles",
  "Charlie Quarker",
  "Havarti Shaw",
  "Kraft Punk",
  "Talking Cheds",
  "The Velveeta Underground",
  "bellend sebastian",
  "anyone do cox butter yet?",
  "damn! :D",
  "Basement Jocks",
  "Lee Scriracha Perry",
  "Blue Oyster Cunt",
  "Crystal Method Man",
  "Mooch Pushy",
  "that's fuckin' art, homie.",
  "LimpyLoo & The Status Updates",
  "Burn, David",
  "Muddle of Pud",
  "Pinkin' Lark",
  "Skype Williams",
  "tiny goy shuns",
  "Holy Udder",
  "Goy Orbison",
  "The Sputnik Spooks",
  "DJ Maryhuana Dealer",
  "The Squid Ticklers",
  "Squirt Reynolds",
  "Mob Barley",
  "Butt Chutney",
  "Cock-Toe Twins",
  "Tron Javolta",
  "Maximo Carp",
  "Papa Roach",
  "Bobby Womackerel",
  "Red Snapper",
  "Lamb of Cod",
  "Kylie Minnow-gue",
  "Lol at B:Ream",
  "Lennie Annox",
  "DJ Dirty Duck - ",
  "System of a Donk",
  "Hed Rot Pili Cheppers",
  "Ched Pot Hili Reppers",
  "Ped Chot Rili Heppers",
  "thatz jus too much man",
  "Hairy Taut Chilly Peppep's",
  "Juke Vibert",
  "Wob Hall",
  "Kueen Quiny Adove Heilam",
  "Just Terrible Edition:",
  "Cing Krimson",
  "Apbinary Twout",
  "Pistols N Daffodils",
  "Captain Chickenliver",
  "Tmortgage Rezneither",
  "Syndrome of a Down",
  "the long pendulous breasts",
  "Ban Drown",
  "machined rum ",
  "Gayphex Twink",
  "It's not Leviosa, it's Leviosa",
  "Sarah Dumbman",
  "The ChaWOWski Baristas",
  "The Reggaewaltz",
  "The Scrotum Wrinkles",
  "The Squinkles\/Skrinkles",
  "Fellatio Hornblower",
  "Luke Skywanker",
  "what about a band called:",
  "hooplah THE BAND",
  "Jenn Bordan",
  "Emotional Chef",
  "Queen Open Butt",
  "Jimstin Tussberlake",
  "Alan PartRDJ",
  "James Booth",
  "Bats for Flashblubs",
  "WISP Kalifa",
  "Burt BOCBOCBOCaroc",
  "'Chre and SUNNy BonO)))",
  "Jennifer Hudson Mohawke",
  "Rustievie Wonder (sorry)",
  "Squarepusha T",
  "2 Lone Crewmembers",
  "The Black Snoop Dog",
  "Brothomates of Brothomstate",
  "Fun Timez",
  "Rainbow Helperz",
  "Polygamy Window",
  "Polymorphous Widow",
  "Polyphonic Wide Load",
  "Eddie Murphy's Ambient Experience",
  "Darkogothic Milk",
  "The Polyphonic Spleen",
  "Spells Mana Drifts",
  "Code10 and the Cosmichimp",
  "lol so bad",
  "Steve Martyn",
  "Scuba Doo",
  "Near-Baked Lads",
  "Mono Lake",
  "Monolake & Palmer",
  "Craic the Skye",
  "Vulva Skratcherz",
  "Smell of Hobo's Asshole",
  "Girls Butt Fragance",
  "Tightening Bolt",
  "Diarrhea Bubble",
  "Ass Effect",
  "Simply Dred",
  "The Almond Brothers",
  "The Amazing SpeedoMen",
  "Asshole Boogie Boarders",
  "Russian Circlejerks",
  "god emperor of dungen",
  "kareem gom jabbar",
  "slow this larry bird down",
  "Mr. Melty Balls",
  "Scott Walker (Politician)",
  "The Modell",
  "Clit Yeastwood",
  "Godspeed You! African-American Emporor",
  "Reese's Feces",
  "Richard Divinyls",
  "Violent Discharge",
  "LimpyLoo-Style BumClown DoodleFart",
  "LimpyLoo Reed",
  "bLimp 18(loo)",
  "Limpyx Twin",
  "quite good",
  "You are a keen observer.",
  "lol, missed that one",
  "The ",
  "Dagon Christ",
  "The Kvlt",
  "Public Enema",
  "children of bottoms",
  "Steve Reich III",
  "Bela Bargirl",
  "Pornette Zoleman",
  "Fig Leibniz",
  "*satisfied sigh*",
  "Facebook (1)",
  "Brophex Twin?",
  "Fuckface Unstopabble",
  "Massive Shit Attack",
  "Black Guy Pees",
  "Legitimate Rape",
  "Clap Your Hands Say ",
  "There you go, lol",
  "Teng La YOLO",
  "Puke Beaver",
  "Holy fucking ZOLE",
  "I'm Bob ZOLE",
  "Donk Caballero",
  "Lil Abner",
  "Bye Bye Birdman",
  "Cats Steven",
  "Fiddy on da Roof",
  "Forever Plaid",
  "Godspell! You Black Emperor",
  "Damn Yankees",
  "Grease Day",
  "West Side Kanye",
  "Fantomas of the Opera",
  "Miss Saigon Kick",
  "Aimee Mann of La Manncha",
  "Cornershop of Horrors",
  "Les Miz Khalifa",
  "John Cage aux Folles",
  "Snoop Lion King",
  "Mamma Mya",
  "lol, I peed a little",
  "Global Tuss",
  "nicki mini-vag",
  "Does It Offend You, ",
  "Hoards of Cannabis",
  "mercedes benz folds five ",
  "flying lotus elise",
  "peugeot 206pointnever ",
  "ford metalli-KA",
  "nissan micra jackson",
  "bmw mini alice cooper",
  "Pringle du Pants",
  "Dockers Chino",
  "Scooter Sex",
  "The Dink",
  "Were It Offended You, Yes",
  "Gold Juice Smugglers",
  "The (VW) Bug",
  "Nissan Alt-Jima",
  "Nissan XTCerra",
  "Tame Impala, Trans Am",
  "Benz Jordan",
  "Kia Sportage Spice",
  "Corolla Tengo",
  "Dodge Rammstein",
  "fuck it, too many!",
  "Fuckroom ",
  "Fever Ray\/D",
  "Extended Cab Calloway",
  "The Beeman",
  "The X-Fillets",
  "little late buuuuut",
  "Martin Van Halen",
  "Milli VaFilli",
  "Yes lol",
  "We're making up names, right?",
  "The States Chompkins",
  "Requiem for Baboon's Celibacy",
  "Octo Mom 546",
  "Uranium Wet Dream",
  "Femur Flute",
  "House of Heretics",
  "Marooning Gathers",
  "Next Move Act",
  "The Enemas",
  "The Future Sound Of",
  "In that case:",
  "Alex Trebek Empire",
  "Sega Teenage Riot",
  "A Guy Called Harold",
  "Smunky Fell (patent pending)",
  "FM Mood",
  "Wendy Carlos Lobos",
  "Surely Bassy",
  "Death Shits",
  "derp grips",
  "Jilling Koke",
  "This is great.",
  "bike all molten",
  "Explosions in my Pants",
  "so good!",
  "PMS Dawn",
  "Flow Rida",
  "Hemorrhage Against the Machine",
  "Surfing on Crimson Waves",
  "Red Flag",
  "Carrie Underblood",
  "Playtex Twin",
  "O.B. King",
  "We Were Promised Tampax",
  "Maxipad Mischief",
  "A Perfect Cycle",
  "Spot the Hoople",
  "Ashlee Crimson",
  "Bleed a Fjord",
  "Oneohtrix Period Never",
  "Mentro Struation",
  "Menses Hammer",
  "Color Me Padd",
  "Red Blouse Painters",
  "Rust In Beaver",
  "Good Scarlet",
  "Puddle of Bludd",
  "Red Wombie",
  "The Red Vadge of Courage",
  "Kotex and Cambria",
  "Queen Crimson",
  "Godspeed You! Barack Empelol",
  "big lols!",
  "Sexplosions In The Eye",
  "tee hee",
  "The Docking Head",
  " Starr",
  "Nusrat Fateh Ali KHAAAAAN!",
  "John Gorn",
  "Jean Luc Ponty Picard",
  "Han Sulu",
  "Save the Rain DeForest Kelley",
  "James Tiberius Kirk Cameron",
  "Klingon Pork",
  "Alban Borg",
  "Kim Cardassian",
  "Ferengi Goes to Hollywood",
  "DJ Q",
  "Andreas Vulcanwiener",
  "Dick Shitman's Fruity Bunch",
  "Illegal Eliáns",
  "Robert Fucking Palmer",
  "Vatican Snares",
  "Venetian Shadows",
  "Puch Poochie",
  "Downes Van Syndrome.",
  "Syndrome of a Down",
  "Travesty Stewart",
  "Three Donk Night",
  "Black Donk",
  "A Donk'd Up Sound",
  "Goo Goo Donks",
  "Erykah Badonk'adonk",
  "Tappy Hurkey Day",
  "NAMBLA Beat Science",
  "Donk Caballero",
  "Donk Henley",
  "Donk Donkon",
  "Engelbert Humperdonk",
  "One Erection",
  "Medeski, Martin and Woody",
  "Wang Chung",
  "Cece Peniston",
  "Dick Assley",
  "Boner Thugs and Harmony",
  "Aesop Cock",
  "BBC King",
  "PeePee King",
  "Blond Vulva",
  "Afro Fart",
  "Demdikes There",
  "The Snaretaker",
  "Chutney Spears",
  "Mom Tiddleton",
  "Park M. Ritchard (obligatory)",
  "Snare Bears",
  "Garage Patch Kids",
  "Spongebob Squarewave",
  "OK Goa",
  "Gabber Jaws",
  "Drum and Bass Pro Shop",
  "Snesley Wipes",
  "Boyz II Dustbin Men",
  "marry blaniload",
  "The Soberanus",
  "Boyz 4 Men",
  "Krabbypatti Smith",
  "Fatty Smith",
  "Fatboy George",
  "All Tomorrow's Panties",
  "Meat Lo Fi",
  "thats more like it",
  "Hometown Bobuffet",
  "Yoko Solo",
  "Wolfgang Amidala Mozart",
  "Darth Brooks (of course)",
  "Jabba O'Riley",
  "Jar Jars of Clay",
  "Calrissa Etheridge",
  "Greedo Green",
  "Palpatine Hunger Force",
  "Chew Baccharach",
  "Husker Dooku",
  "Django Reinfett",
  "Jimmy Bobafett",
  "R2 of Noise",
  "Owl Sidious",
  "Yoyo Da",
  "Greivous and Butthead",
  "Qui-Gon Kick",
  "Adie Vader",
  "Kenobi Teith",
  "Maul Sithmon",
  "Jediski Tarquin and Wook",
  "Watto Von Skywalk",
  "Win Dus Mace",
  "Thy Yummi Sailord",
  "Dick Hymen",
  "Chronic Youth",
  "Sonic Dr. Ruth",
  "Poo Fighters",
  "Deaf Melon",
  "Rage Against the Vending Machine*",
  "Nine Inch Snails",
  "Stabbing Backward",
  "Sneaky Pimps",
  "Boner Tugs In Harmony",
  "Fleetwood Big Mac",
  "R. Smelly",
  "Orals Robert",
  "Francis Fakin'",
  "Guru Guru Gita",
  "Sri Sri Racha Shankar",
  "The Maha Mantra Ray",
  "Carlos Sanatana-dharma",
  "Ram'D Ass  - ",
  "Thievery Coprofurnication",
  "Lukewarm Vibrator",
  "Mid Range Schlong",
  "Poop Will Eat Itself",
  "Antipoop Consortium",
  "Gangrene Day",
  "Poo Fingers",
  "Yeastie Girls",
  "Girlz II Menopause",
  "Women at Home",
  "Fill In Girl",
  "Bitch Girls",
  "Well Tied Girl (figure ",
  " one out!)",
  "Backseat Girls",
  "Woman or Assowoman",
  "frankie goes to bollywood",
  "roid stewart",
  "Pescatarian Corpse",
  "Soft Atheist ",
  "the rolling lols ",
  "lol temple pilots",
  "the lol roses ",
  "joss lol",
  "Tennis Rodman",
  "Reina Del Lay",
  "The Lost Profits",
  "The Lost virginitys",
  "The Post Lophets",
  "too soon? ",
  "Captain Bee Fart",
  "johnson and the anthonys",
  "DJ Sturgeon ",
  "Skate Fish or Die 2",
  "the future sound of laaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhndan",
  "Hilarious Clinton",
  "The Urethramics",
  "Fill Up Glass",
  "Fill Colons",
  "Bitch Mob",
  "Did somebody say Lorge Jookis?",
  "Farisson Horde",
  "Fairy Kisher",
  "Hark Mammal",
  "Meeam Leason",
  "Mawan EcGregor",
  "Jarr Stones",
  "Due Hounds",
  "Warbra Balters",
  "Dozey O'Ronnell",
  "Corj Glooney",
  "Kenny Please Enter Your Loggins",
  "God of Lamb",
  "armitage and shanks and bigfoot",
  "brian ferry corsten",
  "flower isn't gay",
  "Roger Autechre",
  "Moby Dickhead",
  "808 Dylan",
  "fucking awesome.",
  "Oh shit, that's great!",
  "Dickbutt Dale",
  "Pin Tweaks",
  "Paura Lalmer",
  "Dale Pooperscooper",
  "peechax acrid rue",
  "La Poux",
  "Brilliance ",
  "Kether Sullivan",
  "The Sephirothchilds",
  "Pie Antwoord",
  "(Petit Four Tet)",
  "braZZers Top",
  "aREOla Speedwagon",
  "Robert Frippslip oh god sorry",
  "Vin Dweezil",
  "Bellender Carlisle",
  "Gnu  Hoarder",
  "Miley Cyrus The Great",
  "Justinian Bieber I",
  "Amon Zole II",
  "sounds slick",
  "Pete Numlock",
  "Kyle Minogue",
  "Kylie Minimoog",
  "Window Clicker",
  "Captain Bee Fart",
  "Crank Fappa",
  "Kyuss Baltar",
  "L. Ron Maiden",
  "Mastodon Henley",
  "The Shamones",
  "Divine Piano Roll",
  "Geth Krogan",
  "Fob Roared",
  "Fuck. ",
  "LED Zeppelin",
  "omg, brilliant.",
  "Dog Stevens",
  "Dog Power",
  "Three Cat Night",
  "Snoop Catty Cat",
  "Big Black Songs About Furby",
  "Phallic Baldwin",
  "Snoozin' Sarandon",
  "Matthew Codeine",
  "John Goober Melon Camp",
  "Good ones! :-)",
  "Boopy Bett",
  "Chief Queef ",
  "Mike will ate it",
  "Coldcunt ",
  "Pissy Elliott",
  "Girl Scout Heroin",
  "Brosef Lateef",
  "Le Phantastique Poope`",
  "Rad Stewart",
  "Tentin' Quarantino",
  "Molten smegma",
  "Olivia neutron bomb",
  "Doofus Rainwhite",
  "Bed Rush and Floptickle",
  "mr. bill o'rielly",
  "John Wilkes LaBeouf",
  "Ron milks poof",
  "World War Whoah!",
  "The Wiggity Wilsons ",
  "Preposterous Poppycock",
  "Squinkle Face",
  "Doorags On Ma Domepiece ",
  "The Gay Dad Revelations",
  "The Wiggity Wilsons ",
  "Preposterous Poppycock",
  "Squinkle Face",
  "Doorags On Ma Domepiece ",
  "The Gay Dad Revelations",
  "Top of the Oops",
  "Oneohtrix Point Oops",
  "the aphex guy",
  "crack tabitha",
  "polygon fort",
  "willem dafunk",
  "goon wolf diaries",
  "toad brochures",
  "portable slave",
  "yellow bellied bores",
  "sneeze alarm",
  "skittle extractor",
  "rotary jive truck",
  "karl the killah rabbit",
  "hogan's heroin",
  "mum and dad",
  "world war fun",
  "purple polar people",
  "$ex mortgag€",
  "ableton cheat codes",
  "thug squeler",
  "renegade romney",
  "krystal beth",
  "red eyed roadies",
  "puppy whirl",
  "michael jackson again",
  "double popes",
  "Lol at $ex mortgag",
  "Faker's Delight",
  "Elon Musk Lays Mackdown",
  "Bong of Ice and Fire",
  "Baking Bad",
  "Laid Low by Bushmasta",
  "Joint Keef of Staff",
  "gizzard the lizard wizard",
  "awful awful names imo",
  "Cerebral Ballzy is real?",
  "faptism of puzi",
  "In other news...",
  "Rolf Harassment",
  "The flaming lisp",
  "Holy fuckinglol ^",
  "yamaha's softball team",
  "pony shortage",
  "trilobite eater",
  "uncle junk",
  "the stuttering doe's",
  "and now some breakcore names:",
  "ridge muncher",
  "pizza slicer",
  "hedge sniffer",
  "beer munter",
  "Secret Queefs 3",
  "for your health",
  "Bon Guyver",
  "Squint Eastwood. ",
  "Riff Clichard",
  "someone draw this",
  "Chief Quiche ",
  "Cutie and the Deathcabfish ",
  "Labia Knights",
  "Force Feed You! Arab Conspirator",
  "Rubbin' Dicke",
  "Fart Bell",
  "Fart Smell",
  "The Nipples",
  "Squirple ",
  "Frosted Tinny Beats",
  "Mount Cockula",
  "Loco Muffs",
  "Mold n' Grams",
  "yelling francis",
  "only nightmares",
  "last minute bert",
  "fake shark",
  "corpse tracks",
  "livid ability",
  "silicon valley PD",
  "polar ghost disposal",
  "saganaw pants",
  "broken coke",
  "flava flop",
  "D. Gabor",
  "Suck My dB",
  "Rolf Harras(ment)",
  "Milfs in the Bone Room",
  "Gushin' Nurples",
  "Forgetely Complotten",
  "Wackest Ever Wack",
  "DJ Etch-A-Sketch",
  "The White Gripes",
  "Blue's Cooze",
  "The Doods",
  "Line A Shite",
  "Fay Buckmichael",
  "Strumpet Playa",
  "Fay Buckmichael, Strumpet Playa",
  "Plastic Bono Band",
  "Deepdish Creature",
  "T.W.A.T. Team",
  "A Hearty Pair of Slacks",
  "Righteous Polka Bandits of Yesterday",
  "5^5 Hour Energy",
  "Ugandan Methods of Ebola Containment",
  "In A Syrian Bunker",
  "Taco Blimp",
  "Pork Jacuzzi ",
  "Defrocked Beasts",
  "Terrah Fractyl",
  "Lazer Nipples",
  "Testicular Answer",
  "Gyrobunkus [falafelPORTALmx 86]",
  "Bat Penetrar",
  "Elvis Turtleburger",
  "Dave Grool",
  "The Stray Scats",
  "Snorkel Burger",
  "Frog nog ",
  "Poverty omelette supreme ",
  "The Death Metal of Eagles",
  "Capicola Dental Dam",
  "Tortellini Genie ",
  "Queso Dot",
  "The Chevre",
  "Rigatoni Basil",
  "Pulsating Fuckwave ",
  "Nebular Labia Sodapop",
  "Clitoresistance Rapentence",
  "Richard Donkins",
  "MC Donalds",
  "Fellatewood Sack",
  "Jung Coconuts",
  "Noodles For Penpal",
  "Merlin The Marlin",
  "Spaghetti Gesture",
  "Jelly Harriwell ",
  "David Healthgoth",
  "Döner Teller Versace",
  "American Sniffer",
  "Hot Tubgirl Time Machine",
  "Cultural Apwopwiatin'",
  "Orchestral Queefs",
  "The Gay Popes",
  "toto is dead",
  "the ted kennedys",
  "astral hangover",
  "fanny smurf",
  "lolita milfs",
  "canada's best band",
  "stunt cock",
  "you only listen once (yolo)",
  "hartigan school of funk-like music",
  "the portapoteez",
  "accordian handjob ranch",
  "talent show winners",
  "police party",
  "hitler fanclub",
  "pentagram fister",
  "suction cup orgy",
  "nice nixons",
  "scooter squats",
  "marco polo ono",
  "sometimes we're girls",
  "ratchet and dank",
  "the seal club",
  "the alan joners",
  "The Alan Jonestown Massacre",
  "Clerk Kuntz",
  "Gorky's Zygotic Manatee",
  "Hairdiaper Cameltoe Orchestra ",
  "Meat Curtain CinemaScope ",
  "Thumpsteak ",
  "Nard Gwar",
  "haha yess",
  "Durn Durn",
  "Henry Fondles",
  "Jane Fondles",
  "Thugz Bunny",
  "Fogporn Legporn ",
  "Needy Gonzales ",
  "Farts Domino",
  "Daphni Duck",
  "Elmer Spud",
  "Burt Squimpton",
  "Inspectah Kek",
  "camp yogi bear",
  "really camp yogi bear",
  "bogfat ",
  "pill poppin' poser punx",
  "pac men by day",
  "dump surf",
  "crab trap",
  "girl scout assassins",
  "LA riverboats",
  "poland 1939",
  "action news robot",
  "too yellow",
  "haunted whale pod",
  "Juice Brenner ",
  "Tigger Warning",
  "The Pornocryptic Vaporfucks",
  "ILLervision Tripleclit",
  "Swankbuster Jones",
  "Fucket List",
  "Children of Bogans",
  "Skwerp ",
  "Twiffle ",
  "Schnoobles ",
  "Read the rules",
  "lol nice",
  "Beff Gibbons",
  "Bronie Bennett",
  "Herschel Kleinfeldmeyerschneiderwitz & Affiliates, PC",
  "The Swift Taylors ",
  "Lil Herb",
  "iRod Touch",
  "Cockboggle ",
  "Geospatial Facial",
  "Zero Grabbity ",
  "Twiggle tots ",
  "Kirk Thuglas.",
  "2 Pack Liqueur ",
  "lol UB41",
  "DD Topless",
  "Haulin' Oats",
  "Tina Gurner",
  "Ca$h Bandicoot",
  "Trill Collin$",
  "Cyndi Lobster",
  "Robert Downer Jr",
  "Gorey Maim",
  "Spunny Kippy",
  "Blazed N Konfused",
  "Mleaford Sods",
  "The Weednd",
  "Smoke Week Every Month",
  "Bagpipe Bong",
  "Stingo RAR",
  "Parsnip Top",
  "Hill Bicks",
  "Mob Barley ",
  "Brian and UOENO it",
  "David Burn Victim",
  "Quenchin' Tarantino",
  "Bwad Wenfwo",
  "Eliza Douchecanoe",
  "Steve Albino",
  "Hostin' the Gel",
  "Steve AlBeanie-Baby",
  "Kid Cuddly",
  "Girth, Wind, and Fire",
  "Syndrome of a Downs",
  "Chelsea Milfe",
  "Pill Cosby",
  "How To Dank Well",
  "Godspeed You! Dank Emperor",
  "Hoobadank ",
  "Penile Injection Crew",
  "Ballhuggers Anonymous",
  "The Unregulated Capitalists",
  "sent using magic space waves",
  "Amy builtlikeabrickshithouse",
  "Troll Gallagher",
  "Smiley Virus",
  "One Directcum",
  "Justin Cumberlake",
  "Cum Zeppelin",
  "Cumture Club",
  "sent using magic space waves",
  "These are brilliant.",
  "Meff Jills",
  "Blog Party",
  "Fartin' Shkreli",
  "Opwah Winfwey",
  "Steve Rimjob",
  "Armpittance ",
  "IDM Artist #455632B.122",
  "Kneel, Gay Man",
  "Breast Coast",
  "Slavves ",
  "Kink Floyd",
  "Radiosled ",
  "R.E.M and Stimpy",
  "Phó Show",
  "Bitch Boys",
  "Whores in the Boneroom",
  "Ronald Frump",
  "The Three Spooges",
  "Throb Saget",
  "A Time To Trill",
  "Glansphobia ",
  "Gayvid Bowie",
  "Aphex Twink",
  "Fart of Noise",
  "Durex Durex",
  "Brian Wino",
  "Poop Will Eat Itself",
  "Skinny Poopy",
  "Nine Inch Turds",
  "Killing Dook",
  "sent using magic space waves",
  "LiberAss       (virtuoso keyboard player)",
  "3DS Krew",
  "Pariah Carey",
  "hahaha *snorts*",
  "Abercrombie and Glitch",
  "Kanye Best",
  "Umberto Echo",
  "Distillery Cinton",
  "Squirmy Sanders ",
  "McDonald Dump",
  "The Bateful Eight",
  "Squid Nibblers",
  "Knob Cobblers",
  "Nugg Fugglers",
  "Stone Cold Steve Autism",
  "Ultimate Worrier",
  "Sulk Hogan",
  "Bun Powder",
  "Daniel Day Jewish ",
  "Affirmative Action Heroes",
  "Snatching Dumplings",
  "Boreds of Canada",
  "Venetian Snores",
  "Snorescent Ghey",
  "Ceephax Phlaccid Crew",
  "Polly Dartin'",
  "Hoggs Bison.",
  "Cyndi Looper",
  "Drake-Ing Dad",
  "Smack Braff",
  "Bob Nope",
  "Felonious Drunk",
  "Chaz Deferenz",
  "Hoary Anus",
  "Blue Oyster Cunt",
  "The Yardturds",
  "Crosby Stills and Gash",
  "J\/K LOLin'",
  "Dank Akkroyd",
  "Dank Marvin",
  "Dank Williams",
  "Paul Danka",
  "Tony Danka",
  "sent using magic space waves",
  "Tom Danks",
  "Claire Dankes",
  "Danky Trejo",
  "Dank Cook",
  "sent using magic space waves",
  "Aretha Danklin",
  "sent using magic space waves",
  "Jews From the Six",
  "Steve Aioli",
  "Fleasures of the Plesh",
  "sent using magic space waves",
  "Gash Borer",
  "Kurt Cobainmarie",
  "Morbid Bagel",
  "Gropenhagen ",
  "omg perfect",
  "Yoko Oh No",
  "Black Lights Matter",
  "Napath Dealm",
  "Quinoa Pheonix",
  "Bat Mianco",
  "ÂßÊ Līñçölln",
  "Slack Babbath",
  "Twerkmeister Harmonies",
  "Worrycursed Currywurst",
  "Thunderclap Bootyslap",
  "Pastries of Regret",
  "Back Slabbath",
  "lol ^",
  "Spud Bencer",
  "Grody Kendrick",
  "Aryan Adams",
  "Saven Rymone",
  "Moyz II Ben",
  "Chestiny's Dild",
  "Dawn'ld Twūmp",
  "Tamara's Fartfest",
  "Bankable Lotto Ball",
  "Django N' Chaintif",
  "Ronald Gump",
  "Puréed Nazi Genitals",
  "Eviscerated Hippo",
  "Platypussy ",
  "Malcolm Turntbull",
  "Lukewarmplay ",
  "Fire in the Arcade Room",
  "Cosby Steals Gash and Tongue",
  "Sonic Elderly",
  "Orca (IDM Whale sounds)",
  "Buns n Sconeses",
  "Cobain's Addiction",
  "Red Hot Silly Puppers",
  "Smeared Al Wankovic",
  "Motley Crew",
  "Guns and Roses",
  "Deaf Leopard",
  "Teddy Pentagrams",
  "Mercyful Nate",
  "Cannibal Corps",
  "Jichard R. Dames",
  "Bjorn Again (again)",
  "Slut Bus Nord",
  "A Bath",
  "Bphex Twin",
  "Boards of Banada",
  "Beephax Acid Brew",
  "100 pages strong!!????",
  "Sticks of Banana",
  "Behringer Escape Plan",
  "Pubic Enema",
  "Vladimir Poutine",
  "Tronald Dump",
  "Vulvasaur ",
  "Biceratops ",
  "Myclit Ishugeasaurus ",
  "Longnip Plesiosaur",
  "Tainticle Rex",
  "Hilarious Clinton",
  "Boy Ratty",
  "DJ Maddow",
  "Bush Clinton",
  "Jimi Obama",
  "Mahatma Cobain",
  "Ghost of Billy Mays",
  "Carl Cocks",
  "Gnarflesh ",
  "Gaping Exitwound",
  "Divine Impalement",
  "Burrito Bidet",
  "Cattrall Decapitation",
  "Giblet Guice",
  "Hudsack Mowhun",
  "Nazi Goreng",
  "Sheen Head",
  "David Merzbowie",
  "Ctrl Alt Del Ray",
  "DJ Khalogen",
  "Mail Order Pride",
  "Stealth Esteem",
  "Mike Will Spayed It",
  "moo zig",
  "Rainer Werner Fuzzbender",
  "Gilliam Wibson",
  "Steal Nephenson",
  "Killip D Fick",
  "Shark Twain",
  "Gnarls Dickens",
  "Spieven Steelberg",
  "Kuley Stanbrick",
  "Tentin Quarantino",
  "A JJdams",
  "Mangela Erkel",
  "Rid Kock",
  "Val Cumler",
  "Tom Skeetrit",
  "Dick Rossolicks",
  "Smelly McGilllips",
  "Anthony Edwanks",
  "Still would ",
  "Doc Manalds",
  "Doop Snogg",
  "Seizures in the Debate Room",
  "Xbox Teenage Party",
  "Fleet Boxes",
  "Beet Boxes",
  "Black Tory Whore",
  "The Pit Shosters ",
  "Simp Bizkit",
  "Clinton Trumpwood",
  "Spielen Steveberg",
  "Cunt Eatswood",
  "Dyke van Dick",
  "Mary Tyler Whore",
  "Lucilłe's Balls",
  "Handy Griffith",
  "Lil Dhimmi ",
  "Chresus Jistus",
  "James Brake",
  "Car Seat Bed Rest",
  "R.E.M and STEMpy",
  "R.E.M and Stipey",
  "spello hiral",
  "Desidential Prebate",
  "Banny Drown",
  "flol, lol, kek,",
  "Briff Jedges",
  "Sten Biller",
  "Wigourney Seaver",
  "Jean-Daude Van Clamme",
  "Muddie Erphy",
  "Doby Mick",
  "Benedick Cumbatch",
  "Bend-a-dick Cummybath",
  "Bonedirk Cuntylatch",
  "Orgasmus Tietchens",
  "Hairy Blotter",
  "Al's zest",
  "Les Discrepes",
  "Malcolm XYZ",
  "Julian Assmassage",
  "Colon Power",
  "Sterv Jerbz",
  "J.C. Djenton (In The Fresh)",
  "Adam Djentssen",
  "Backstreet Goys",
  "Pet Shop Goys",
  "Goy and Bear",
  "voided by goyces",
  "Goys Don't Cry",
  "Island of Misfit Goys",
  "Goy Sauce",
  "The Hardy Goyz",
  "About a Goy",
  "Locker Room Talk",
  "Loaves in the Scone Room",
  "Docker Room Talk",
  "Revolting Cucks",
  "The Porridgy",
  "Russell Brand Pitt Haswell",
  "PG-13 Tips",
  "DJ Roo-ibos",
  "Tet ley Travis",
  "Baroque Obama",
  "C++ Music Factory",
  "Neil Old",
  "Belinda Carlizzle",
  "Deal Dung",
  "Jizz Morrison",
  "Jizzy Page",
  "Jizz Croce",
  "DJ Jizzy Jeff",
  "Motherfucking Theresa",
  "John Lennon Jr",
  "Jimi Kendricks",
  "Ronald Raygun",
  "Jim Morrisey",
  "Kurt No-brain",
  "Dank Williams",
  "Johann Sebastian Cuck",
  "Cuckleberry Finn",
  "Great, Expect Asians",
  "Knobby Dick",
  "Benjamin Stuntin'",
  "Raul Pudd",
  "Death Rogen",
  "Kief Ledger",
  "HazMat Damon",
  "Glos Damon",
  "Pee Scratch Larry",
  "ZZ Topkek",
  "edit - Bosse-de-Gash",
  "Hue Balance ",
  "Filter Bubble Tea",
  "Grischa Lichtenburgerenchips",
  "Ugh Jackman",
  "Rowboat Redfjord ",
  "Raúl Spewman",
  "Stumphrey Blowghart",
  "Snob Marley",
  "peter townshend",
  "phillip collins",
  "james hendrix",
  "curtis cobain",
  "lewis reed",
  "doctor dre",
  "brian warner",
  "cordozar calvin broadus jr",
  "Herbie Handcock",
  "3 Blind Sheikhs",
  "Bathe No More",
  "Cosby, Stills & Nash",
  "Phallic Baldwin",
  "Silly Baldwin",
  "Chasey Chev ",
  "Heavily D'Angelo",
  "Dan 'roid ",
  "Murkey Teatballs",
  "Unstable, Tofurkey ",
  "Mersched Peterderz",
  "Asshole Casserole",
  "Johns Sloptopkins",
  "David Dookie",
  "Richard Dispenser",
  "nice one ",
  "Dank & 'phile ",
  "Dankin' Donuts",
  "The Iron Meatcurtain",
  "The Invisible Ham",
  "Sweatshop Afterparty",
  "Great Beeramids",
  "Nuns of Anarchy",
  "Secret Unique Alabama 2 Unlimited",
  "Johansson Poserhanson",
  "Irwin Flugelberg",
  "Chester Nipplethorpe",
  "Thaddeus \"Rad Tad\" Radovich",
  "Daft Pun",
  "Fleetwood MacBook",
  "The Breakbeatles",
  "Haha yes!!",
  "Annie Linux",
  "Branny Down",
  "A$AP AppleTV",
  "Bannocity Drownition",
  "Lucy Flawless",
  "^ lel",
  "The Dark Bright",
  "GIFuermo del Totally Yo",
  "Anton Sugar",
  "Minor Lazer ",
  "The Mohammed Reptile",
  "Jimmy Snortin'",
  "Shmeg Shiraldo",
  "Anthony Jizzyneck",
  "Gooey C.CK",
  "Cuck E. Cheeze ",
  "DJ Gropethink",
  " Black Scabbath",
  "also Melattica is perfect af",
  "The Po' Lease",
  "J'own Buy-ez",
  "Mortgage Freeman",
  "The Jim Parsons Project",
  "Snoop OGG",
  "Demeche Pod",
  "haha yes",
  "Jens Lehmann Brothers "



pretty sure it's missed some names, and it inlcudes responses such as "lol" but it strips out quotes etc and basically looks for lines which have a maximum of 5 words and treats them as bad artist names.

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^ yeah exactly, something iffy is going on with the watmm DOM.... it's more complicated than it should be, aka not all posts have the same formatting. some really simple one-liners are weirdly stacked into each other andmy scraper failed to read them. however, should be fixed now, reworked list incoming.....

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