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hating people


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I have a person I'm trying to figure out if I hate or not.

If I think really hard, I don't think I can say I actually hate anyone I know personally.

In my mind, hate is a very strong thing.


What do you guys think about this subject?

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I have a person I'm trying to figure out if I hate or not.

If I think really hard, I don't think I can say I actually hate anyone I know personally.

In my mind, hate is a very strong thing.


What do you guys think about this subject?

it sounds cliched, but i hated someone and realized i wouldn't be happy until i forgave that person. once i did i felt free. i've since realized to not take things personally. people tend to do shitty things to other people because of inadequacies in their own lives. the strongest feelings usually come from a place of insecurity and fear.


let go of the hate. hate leads to the dark side.



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I have a person I'm trying to figure out if I hate or not.

If I think really hard, I don't think I can say I actually hate anyone I know personally.

In my mind, hate is a very strong thing.


What do you guys think about this subject?

it sounds cliched, but i hated someone and realized i wouldn't be happy until i forgave that person. once i did i felt free. i've since realized to not take things personally. people tend to do shitty things to other people because of inadequacies in their own lives. the strongest feelings usually come from a place of insecurity and fear.


let go of the hate. hate leads to the dark side.




Simply said, but very true.


I'd add the one about identifying oneself through every other human person on the planet, which makes hate get a quite different meaning.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I just let things go quite easily. it's not really a philosophical choice, I just tend not to hold things against people for long. I've never had a really messy breakup and that seems to be where a lot of people get their hate from.


People sometimes think about hate as it if it is a relationship between you and the person you hate, but when you think about it it just exists entirely within you and so you do have the power to completely let it go.


I used to try and talk my old girlfriend into forgiving her ex for cheating on her because hating him was really stressful for her and also I had to keep stopping her from knocking him out when he walked by, but she was mostly just pissed off with me for not hating him as well. Hating on behalf of someone else definitely doesn't make sense to me either but I've seen people do it.

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Guest sirch

there's only one person I hate and that's sirch.


lol. i think he's talking about people in real life, dude. not people on an internet forum, most of which are anonymous and you've never met before in person.

i don't hate you at all because i don't know you and have never met you. i just think you're a bit of a dick. :)

maybe that's because you remind me of some people i know or have known in real life who i've also thought were dicks. - "yay!" that's it i think. ;)


seriously, though.. you shouldn't give me so much thought.

like Yoda says above, your fear leads to your anger, leads to your hate, which leads to suffering mate.

let it go. :sup:

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Guest Coalbucket PI

there's only one person I hate and that's sirch.


lol. i think he's talking about people in real life, dude. not people on an internet forum, most of which are anonymous and you've never met before in person.

i don't hate you at all because i don't know you and have never met you. i just think you're a bit of a dick. :)

maybe that's because you remind me of some people i know or have known in real life who i've also thought were dicks. - "yay!" that's it i think. ;)


seriously, though.. you shouldn't give me so much thought.

like Yoda says above, your fear leads to your anger, leads to your hate, which leads to suffering mate.

let it go. :sup:

who is this prick?
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it's too much fun winding you up though


haha you think you wind me up? :duckhunt:


yep. no doubt - i mean, check this out:


forget that BCM thing, whatever he is, he doesn't know wtf he's talking about. a man that's gone from "hardware is passe" to then buying up hardware controllers to use with his software only setup, lol..., to then saying he loves hardware but has put all of his away cos he just doesn't have the space,.... what a comprehensively boring fool.


and that was in an extremely benign thread in The Gear Box no less about monophonic analogue synths. you also tried to troll my birthday thread thus:


attention seeking little..



so yeah, i'd wager that i wind you up rather a lot. in fact i can sense your anger right now, it's building, getting harder to control....any minute now you're going to post something truly dickworthy and it will be hilarious.

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Guest sirch

there's only a few people i truely hate in (my) life, and they're nobody from any internet forum.

they're various people i've known irl while growing up.

but i don't think about it much tbh. hate can become way too all-consuming if you brood and feed it and let it fester.

i can easily forgive people in life, when you/if you get to know the facts and understand the reasons behind things.

but i can't forget easily, so i hold grudges for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time.


*2 cents*

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i certainly am hateful of certain experiences with certain people...i think its really hard for me to deeply, deeply hate someone though.




i am however, extremely distrustful of many people and i make great efforts not to run into them.

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i have a lot of trouble letting things go when someone crosses me. i generally give people the benefit of the doubt until they disappoint me and then it is hard for me to let that go. it is definitely not good for me and i have been getting better at it s i get older but i'm far from being able to drop things. however, i do not think i hate anyone. except maybe kanye west.

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Guest sirch

@ BCM, i don't really remember any of that! lol. i was probably drunk. was it late at night? .....most probably...


it's funny how you found those posts so quickly though! i always forget what i say on here.

did you have them saved in a notepad or something? lol

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Guest sirch


so yeah, i'd wager that i wind you up rather a lot. in fact i can sense your anger right now, it's building, getting harder to control....any minute now you're going to post something truly dickworthy and it will be hilarious.


lol i really think it's the other way around mate! anyway i'm not really up for an arguement about it.



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Guest sirch

have you put me on ignore again or have you wised up?


nah i just can't be bothered atm dude.

and i took you off ignore and won't put you back on again, don't worry ;)


if so, bravo young sirch, we'll make a watmmer of you yet.


Doubtfull. there's not enough hours in my day to become a proper, fully fledged watmmer!

maybe 5-10 years ago...

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Guest Promo

I have a person I'm trying to figure out if I hate or not.

If I think really hard, I don't think I can say I actually hate anyone I know personally.

In my mind, hate is a very strong thing.


What do you guys think about this subject?

it sounds cliched, but i hated someone and realized i wouldn't be happy until i forgave that person. once i did i felt free. i've since realized to not take things personally. people tend to do shitty things to other people because of inadequacies in their own lives. the strongest feelings usually come from a place of insecurity and fear.


let go of the hate. hate leads to the dark side.



Well said mate. You are very wise! :-)

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Guest Promo

I will definitely say there are a lot of people with anger on WATMM. Certainly a fair few who are shit stirers and trolls. Sad 'cause I thought folks here would be more chilled.

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