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born-rich people


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It makes you weak.


Doesn't build character. I'll applaud those that use their position and money for sincere good, but often that's the exception. It can be on a smaller level too, I know too many people her stateside whose parents still pay their rent, car payments, etc. and they are by no means upper class either.

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Yeah, it must be fucking great I agree Jeff. Had I the opportunity I'd milk it til I died of alcohol poisoning. As it is, I'll continue to feel self-righteous about working demanding 12 hour shifts and having to, like save up for things if I want them (which I still don't accrue the money for).





n.b. No pisstaking here, wish I was.

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I feel like I know a lot of people, in the arts especially, that have an idea for a project and they can execute it with ease because they aren't tied down by a bothersome job. This gets to me a bit sometimes. I should get over it, I guess.

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Who the fuck needs character when you can pay people to tell others you do.






the rich are our superiors in capitalism, no matter how you slice it.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

fuck these people. no character, no personality. just money. they get a free pass through life tho and will never have to deal with the shit people like me have to deal with so i hate them most of all for that.

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More money = better life.


Messing that up = being an idiot.


I'm just feeling trapped by life right now. Sums of cash would solve this easily. Or maybe just a little bit of ingenuity? Rags to riches, baby.

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It is honestly more fun to have to struggle through life. Things tend to mean more and you can enjoy them thusly.



Of course this struggle is only to a certain extent. I'm not starving and drinking malaria infested mosquito hate water.

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One thing I've noticed about people with wealthy parents is that they are completely unaware of the restrictions normal people face, like having to save up money to be able to travel. Especially us struggling post-college kids.


Me: Yeah, I want to travel so, so bad. Gotta save up though.


Rich person: Save up for what? Just do what you want! Live life! Yeah!





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Rich people are ass holes.


I have one Rich friend, good guy but he's a total dick and I know an other rich dude (jew) who had the audacity to tell his friend he can't stay at the mansion his family owns that his friend came their with to film (a wedding) because "they have no room".

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Why would you want to push to stay at some dudes place for your wedding ?? Isn't that anti the whole point of the process, ala goodwill between the two houses. So showboating about some mate's families' place should have shit all to do with your plans/


When my parents wed, it was breton style, so everybody had to pay to be there. Level playing field.

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Jeffero, if you accumulated enough wealth in your life time to support many future generations of family would you provide any/some/all/none that to one of your born children? It's not hard criticizing trust fund babies in and of themselves, but what if you were on the flipside of that and were raising a kid and wanted to make sure they were set for life. It seems easy to say you would make them fend for themselves completely but put yourself in the shoes of the parent temporarily. MAybe other parents here would have some good observations on this

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Why would you want to push to stay at some dudes place for your wedding ?? Isn't that anti the whole point of the process, ala goodwill between the two houses. So showboating about some mate's families' place should have shit all to do with your plans/


When my parents wed, it was breton style, so everybody had to pay to be there. Level playing field.


No they were both getting paid to do a job, which was to record and make a documentary of the wedding. It just so happened it was the Rich Jew's relative's wedding.

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i wasn't pointing specifically to jeffero on that part of my post, mostly just the resentment that is created out of class/wealth differences, and if somebody here had the opportunity to pop out a 'born rich' kid would they do it

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Guest couch

One thing I've noticed about people with wealthy parents is that they are completely unaware of the restrictions normal people face, like having to save up money to be able to travel. Especially us struggling post-college kids.


Me: Yeah, I want to travel so, so bad. Gotta save up though.


Rich person: Save up for what? Just do what you want! Live life! Yeah!





Mostly naive kids.


But yeah :facepalm:


I had a roomate in college like that. I dunno how I ended up with him. Was a 4 br house one of the other dudes knew him. Friday rolls around and he's "fuck yea lets go see the Braves games this weekend!" Uh...yea, I can afford that dude np. Wait, no. I just spent all my money on text books and don't get paid again until next friday.

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Why would you want to push to stay at some dudes place for your wedding ?? Isn't that anti the whole point of the process, ala goodwill between the two houses. So showboating about some mate's families' place should have shit all to do with your plans/


When my parents wed, it was breton style, so everybody had to pay to be there. Level playing field.


No they were both getting paid to do a job, which was to record and make a documentary of the wedding. It just so happened it was the Rich Jew's relative's wedding.


I'm sorry if my words rushed and mistepped, missed the point of what you were saying. I still don't understand what was going on. Then again, a house only has so many rooms.

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i don't hate rich people, i hate what they choose to do with their money. there are even some relatively intelligent folk with money

who still do fuck all for anything

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