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do you work out?


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Guest Deep Fried Everything

regularly swim (2-4x per week) and ride my bike between 40-60 miles per week, plus pushups, pull/chipups, and occasionally situps. need to do more of the latter..


another workout tip:

smoke quality weed before you workout.

it's a potent bronchodilator ...


that may be true, but man alive i could never exercise if i did that beforehand.

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Guest fiznuthian

regularly swim (2-4x per week) and ride my bike between 40-60 miles per week, plus pushups, pull/chipups, and occasionally situps. need to do more of the latter..


another workout tip:

smoke quality weed before you workout.

it's a potent bronchodilator ...


that may be true, but man alive i could never exercise if i did that beforehand.



it has to be mental thing, to assume pot sits you down and keeps you there.

my hardest runs and rides are always following massive smoke sessions.

i smoke dispensary weed at the moment too..



even better are psilocybin mushrooms.. though not in high doses, as the body sensations become hard to deal with.

i like eating between 1.5 grams to 2.5 grams and going for a run about 1-2 hours in.

once again, some of my most intense workouts were on mushrooms and LSD.

keeping the pre-frontal cortex busy helps tremendously when it comes to focus and duration, eventually settling into a comfortable long-lasting pace.

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Here's my routine: Mon Chest/Abs, Tues Arms/Legs, Wed Off, Thurs Back/Abs, Fri Shoulders, Sat Arms/Legs, Sun. Off. I would have cardio in there, but I have chronic bronchitis, so when I'm coughing I don't run. I eat lots of protein, and drink a gallon of water a day.


fuck yeah.

is the routine working well for you?

what improvements have you noticed?

Yeah I've been doing it for almost three months, and although I haven't measured yet, I look "bigger" and more defined. I need improvement in my abs diet sucks, and need to work on the legs.

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climb 4/5 days a week (bouldering if no partners are around), spend about an hour a day average on my road bike, and obsessively do pull-ups on any doorframes i encounter. perfecting my one-armed pullup atm! i try to fit in a couple long bike-days every month, but i tbh don't see climbing/long rides as workouts (and, i hate gyms)..

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I lift 4x a week at the gym for about 80 minutes each session. After, I go home and do abs, and I walk about 40 minutes each day. I'm startin to run at least twice a week too just to get some more cardio in. I got big into working out a couple years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. I feel great, and I use it as an outlet to get rid of all my stress from my shitty job.

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I lift 4x a week at the gym for about 80 minutes each session. After, I go home and do abs, and I walk about 40 minutes each day. I'm startin to run at least twice a week too just to get some more cardio in. I got big into working out a couple years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. I feel great, and I use it as an outlet to get rid of all my stress from my shitty job.



good for you man.


i would love to get into boxing to get all the stress out...no progs around here though :(..would be nice to kickass and have my ass kicked



and im proud of myself..this week ive essentially doubled the reps in my sets...which i assume means the same for muscle growth?



if only i could get rid of this FUCKING POOCH BELLY

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I was never an "active" person... always just inside, working on music, drawing, being online... but in the last few years that's changed a lot.


First, I got a job that has me running around on my feet all day, so that started to make me a little more fit... then I started riding my bike to work every day, and that helped more, and then I met a girl who eats very healthy, and is teaching me how to as well (I ate terribly throughout college, and several years following... just junk). About 4 months ago I started doing sit ups, pullups, and pushups at home, and started to see results relatively quickly. I think I'm one of those people that don't have to work real hard to get fit... I just never in my life have tried! So, I just joined a gym 4 days ago, and have gone 3 times already. I really like it... it makes you feel great, which I need. I just signed up with a personal trainer, to make sure I am doing everything correctly, so I get the best results, and dont injure myself.

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My main goal is to be fit enough that I'll never be in a life threatening situation, like say... hanging off a cliff, and thinking "fuck, I wish I had worked out, so I could climb out of this" before falling to my death. That, being able to run for my life, and not die from a heart attack.

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I have a physical job, and I stretch a lot, ride my bike whenever I can, climb random shit, whatever. Not a disciplined workout but I keep in shape!

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Guest underscore

i skateboard but it isn't nearly as cool as bench press


i wish i still skated. its totally fuckin as cool as bench press.




love this one





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nice, pj ladd had absolutely insane control in that vid


heres a clip i uploaded of mike carroll that no one else had uploaded yet (his part from the old plan b vid virtual reality)


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Guest Ricky Downtown

Mon, Wed, Fri I masturbate at several intervals throughout the afternoon. Tues, Thurs, Sat I masturbate with my left hand. Sun is an off day but I might masturbate a little here or there. Have definitely noticed my cock getting stronger.

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Guest fiznuthian

i must highly recommend:


- rhodiola rosea

- cordyceps sinensis


in combination, eaten daily.

no bullshit here.

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and im proud of myself..this week ive essentially doubled the reps in my sets...which i assume means the same for muscle growth?



if only i could get rid of this FUCKING POOCH BELLY


Doubled reps at the same weight means you are gonna hit your plateau fairly quickly in terms of muscle growth. You want bigger muscles, push heavier weights. You want stronger muscles push weight more times.

POOCH belly - stop drinking.


fitz - you only just discovered carbo-loading?

Also a lot of people should not be following fitz's dietary advice - his exercise routine means he expends a lot more energy than the average person.

High protein diets are good for people who work out/exercise regularly. If you have no desire/no inclination to work out, eat smaller portions, balance your diet and cut out the soda/chips.


I will say that smoking weed and playing sports is a lot of fun.

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Guest fiznuthian




and im proud of myself..this week ive essentially doubled the reps in my sets...which i assume means the same for muscle growth?



if only i could get rid of this FUCKING POOCH BELLY


Doubled reps at the same weight means you are gonna hit your plateau fairly quickly in terms of muscle growth. You want bigger muscles, push heavier weights. You want stronger muscles push weight more times.

POOCH belly - stop drinking.


fitz - you only just discovered carbo-loading?

Also a lot of people should not be following fitz's dietary advice - his exercise routine means he expends a lot more energy than the average person.

High protein diets are good for people who work out/exercise regularly. If you have no desire/no inclination to work out, eat smaller portions, balance your diet and cut out the soda/chips.


I will say that smoking weed and playing sports is a lot of fun.


nah i knew of carb loading already, just never took it to this extreme.

and in the past i avoided grain sources of carbs, and stuck to fruit.

i do this for reasons pertaining to intestinal health.

what is new to me is loading up on whole grains, which dispense energy over a longer time period.

its proving useful for lengthier exercise, but you won't catch me eating much of them.


a lot of my dietary advice i still stand behind. meat, vegetables, fruit, and seeds.

some people may opt for less meat, more veg or more meat, less veg, and varying degrees of fruit.

but the idea here is regardless of what you eat and how much, make for damn sure its either meat, a vegetable, a fruit, or seed.

and i'm sure we both agree 100% no processed food, no soda, hydrogenated oils, and excess sugar.


and yes i am currently loading heavy on protein, and this is not necessary if somewhat sedentary.

but in a thread about working out, shying away from protein shouldn't rank too low on our priorities.


and ofcourse, my diet is extremely high calorie right now. chen is right, scale back considerably unless you're working hard to earn it.

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Guest fiznuthian

i have a theory that the ability for weed help with exercise longevity and intensity

is related to the methods used by researchers developing SnowWorld VR.




it's a game that reduces the perception of pain by distracting facilies in the brain.

if i remember correctly it is in fact the pre-frontal cortex that must be in use to produce the affect.

SnowWorld does this by overloading the visual field, and making the participant perform many tasks very quickly while playing the game.


i don't feel as if weed provides any kind of physiological boost per say, but the ability to tune out pain

from lactic acid and general fatigue certainly is possible the more you smoke.

my mind races and wanders when i am high, and boy can i run FAR!

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Ok, so less reps with heavier weights it's for gaining muscles mass, and lighter weights more times increases strength? That seems backwards to me...

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free weights are better as they force your muscles to stabilize the weight rather than the cables doing it for you and you get a better range of motion.


Ya, definitely use free weights. I use to only do machines when I first started working out and didn't really notice any changes until i started using free weights. I'll use machines if I'm running low on energy and want to get some more tone on whatever body part i'm working that day.

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So why use machines?


good question!


edit: I'll be less cynical and say that they are good for safety (no danger of bars or weights pinning you if you bit off more than you can chew) and for beginners or people looking for less impact

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