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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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my textbooks this quarter are going to cost around $650 if i can't manage to pirate any of them, this is straight insanity. there are so many open source physics and stats textbooks out there and i'm using the ones that come with a fucking $100 "access card" to some shitty online homework program. fffffffffuuuuuuu


I'm almost afraid to ask what you have to pay in tuition. Seems like attending college/uni keeps getting more costly every year.

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I like wearing sweatshirts. They are comfortable and warm and airy. But whenever I bend over, the bottom of my back is exposed to the cool air. I wear a wifebeater underneath sometimes but its still cold :sad:


err.. t shirt?

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I got absolutely trashed with my coworkers the other day and apparently made out with one of them... and she's fifteen years older than me. Now work is awkward as hell.

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Guest disparaissant

i decided it would be a good idea to cave in and have a fresh jalapeno cheddar bagel and now my stomach is REALLY upset and i have 6 hours of classes today.

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my textbooks this quarter are going to cost around $650 if i can't manage to pirate any of them, this is straight insanity. there are so many open source physics and stats textbooks out there and i'm using the ones that come with a fucking $100 "access card" to some shitty online homework program. fffffffffuuuuuuu


I'm almost afraid to ask what you have to pay in tuition. Seems like attending college/uni keeps getting more costly every year.


My tuition is about $1700 this quarter, which is outrageous. I'm at a community college. Financial aid runs out after this quarter, if it even goes that far, and then two more quarters to go... possibly out of pocket.


On the plus side, I found a copy of my $300 physics textbook, and now it's on my tablet for free, saving me from lugging 1500 pages around on my back every day. We're only going through 5 of the 33 chapters in the book this quarter, but for some reason I'm required to own the whole thing. The last five chapters are about cosmology, a subject my school doesn't even offer. The book looks like shit, BTW. My open source physics book is much more readable, and covers the same ground.. this fat tome just has about 2x the amount of homework problems, and worse explanations. College is a racket and I feel bad for anyone studying at a University in the US. I saw encey post a response to vamos here on watmm once. The context was that vamos wanted to learn outside of school, by reading various texts and using websites to further his knowledge. Encey came back with "Reading doesn't equal learning," and I'm going to have to chime in a bit further: Classrooms don't equal learning either. I know science students who have vowed to "never take a math class past pre-calculus," who "hate chemistry with all [their] heart," who "can't afford to stay in school and don't really care anyway, but need a job." And here I am, having worked for 8 years before coming back to school, knowing that people with Bachelors degrees work the same jobs - restaurants, call centers, manual labor - for the same money as the rest of us. They don't tell that to students in the advising centers though, that's for sure. I've been practically promised a job right out of the gate, and I'm still worried about it.



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If you're actually producing books that cost nearly as much as mine do, then I have this to say: fuck your job and I hope your publishing house shuts down forever. Thanks for keeping schools poor and retarded. :cisfor:

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I did a fairly normal looking poop but it took about 60 wipes to get the toilet paper to run white


I'm counting this as a first world problem, because rubbing my hole with tree bark probably would have cleaned that right up

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Guest uptown devil


I did a fairly normal looking poop but it took about 60 wipes to get the toilet paper to run white


I'm counting this as a first world problem, because rubbing my hole with tree bark probably would have cleaned that right up

that happens to me more than i'd like to admit. been thinking about getting a bidet installed, plus it could double as a drinking fountain/foot bath.

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Guest disparaissant

my last class was so boring the guy in front of me spent the entire class period watching youtube videos on mute while playing fantasy football. that is like a whole new level of distraction.

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i was feeling nauseous earlier and thought i could have puked but i'm doing better. don't what brought it on.


hopefully not a flu... =(


current fwp. I'm part of a team of 4 for my fundraiser for cerebral palsy.. some of the guys have collected donations of almost $500 but I have collected only $55.


I am happy that it's going to a good place though.


also my ethics essay isn't writing itself...

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If you're actually producing books that cost nearly as much as mine do, then I have this to say: fuck your job and I hope your publishing house shuts down forever. Thanks for keeping schools poor and retarded. :cisfor:

Well, I don't do tertiary stuff.. We mostly produce primary/secondary school books in the division where I work. But I work for essentially the biggest educational publisher in the world so I doubt we'll be shutting down any time soon!

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Well, I probably shouldn't tell you that I can get a 60% employee discount then..


I agree retail prices are ridiculous. It does take us a couple of years on average to produce a book from scratch though.

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I got absolutely trashed with my coworkers the other day and apparently made out with one of them... and she's fifteen years older than me. Now work is awkward as hell.

I feel like this post was underappreciated


Also kind of first world awesome

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College textbook costs are brutal. I just ended up photocopying chapters I needed from other students, took extensive notes during classes, studied with students who had textbooks, and bought a couple books second hand when absolutely necessary. Those photocopy machines go a long way let me tell you. Also I think not having a textbook helped me in some courses because I focused exclusively on what the professor covered in class, which was usually the focus of the exams.


I've had a tiny splinter in my big toe for the past three days or so that hurts like a bitch whenever something presses into it. I only investigated the matter today to find out what the cause of my distress was, because that's how I roll. I attempted to remove it for about 5 minutes before giving up. My toe's a big boy, he can purge himself.

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