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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Can't seem to stay away from the dentist office. Today he put a temporary crown in whose shape reminds me of one of those indulgent, rotund 70s fonts. I had to smoke a cigarette just to get the bad taste out of my mouth. The bus is packed and a couple people keep saying "fucken" every other word. It smells strongly floral, stale incense. I am hungry and concerned that if I get cheapo pizza at the bus plaza, pepperoni will stick to the crevices of my new bellbottom-tooth.

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I'm rereading triachus' compiled edition of the ~3 word story thread because I miss having a thread a rolling nonsense/fun thread.


I have that saved to my desktop for when I need a pick me up


"Now watmm will be without tits or asses forever because JR can't appreciate them titties. " lol

Edited by StephenG
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My mom just found my 17-year old brother's weed stash (and pipe), lol, i have been craving weed and struggling to find a dealer and my brother was holding all this time.


But yeah he's in big trouble.

Edited by YO303
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On the 2nd bus now. Just saw an unaffiliated woman and man board, both with almost exactly the same cartoonishly perturbed face.


Not a problem for me of course but it seemed worth sharing.


But no man is an Iland, sweepstakes, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine

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I like to think there's a buried sample of For Whom the Bell Tolls in there somewhere, just to go overboard playing the ae allusive-obfuscated name game.

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My mom just found my 17-year old brother's weed stash (and pipe), lol, i have been craving weed and struggling to find a dealer and my brother was holding all this time.


But yeah he's in big trouble.


Good on him for keeping it from you though. It was literally impossible to keep away from big bro when I was younger.

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If I see someone wearing large headphones in public I automatically like them. Conversely when I see people wearing ear buds I view them with disdain.


Fuck no.




Edited by Npoess
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well, i've bought a bluetooth keyboard but i'm having some issues.


i mean, i'm not using any external bluetooth manager to plug it in, i simply use the one who comes with win7... so far so good, first time installing it i had no problems, it was pretty simple, searched for device, keyboard found, add it, type code, done.


but every once in a while it stops functioning, i mean, it says it's currently connected and all but there's no output when i type in it...


a way i found to solve this is use it in other computer where i make a fresh installation and after that i can use it back on my laptop...


but this is such a pain in the ass, i was wondering if it's a keyboard or win7BTmanager issue...


do you guys use anything besides the win app to connected your bluetooth devices???




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Guest Frankie5fingers

so i gotta drive an hour and a half to meet with family for thanksgiving. thing is, i see them like every other week. theres nothing for me to do for hours on end. on top of that the biggest shit on this turd sandwich is WE AREN'T HAVING ANY TURKEY! thats right, a thanksgiving with no turkey. what the hell is that all about!? ughh, kill me now.


Edit: forgot to mention that instead of the turkey, we're eating lasagna.

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