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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Firstly, I would like to state that in basically every situation ever regarding a girl, being "cool" about something is the easiest way to gain their attention, admiration, and curiosity. (although I do suggest being jealous when warranted in a serious relationship) Mr. E thinks that this would make you look like a pushover and pussy. (my words) I disagree, because every other dude that she has dated who is in fact a emotional bitch has probably made a big deal over things of this nature, which then leads to conflict, and causes a breakdown in the relationship. This just furthers the cycle of her wanting to look around somewhere else for a stable relationship. I think that the ballsy thing to do is to pretend you don't give a shit even if you do and then show her that you are secure in yourself and are not dependent on her to be happy. To say that this gives her a "free pass" to do whatever she likes and you will be okay with it is not true. If this is regular behavior for her then the relationship isn't going to work anyway. Pick your battles as they say. If you believe that her seeing someone else in this nature is a deal breaker then do yourself a favor and break it off entirely. Good luck though.




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As if something being against the law is an good indicator of it being morally right or wrong.

...blablabla...In eight sentences even.

that was my entire point, that 'having the right to lie to someone' whether you meant legally or whatever you meant, does not make it moral! if you didn't mean 'legal right', and you did mean 'moral right', then what you are saying would have to be that lying is moral. at what month would lying cease to be moral?

Actually, I was saying given the somewhat casual nature of their relationship, based on the amount of time that has passed during their being together, that it might be best to let it go and not make a big thing of whatever it was that caused her to be so aloof. Finding out things like this (if this scenario is in fact what is going on) can be really hard to process emotionally, but in the end they are sometimes irrelevant to the situation as a whole.
why do you think something would be 'hard to process emotionally'? it's like in the same sentence you are admitting that something is kinda fucked up but then suggest that it's no biggie. i can agree that she doesn't owe the guy her mortal soul, and that 2 months isn't the same as 2yrs, but like i said earlier, *IF* (and we don't know) certain things were said between them or certain understandings met, it could still be a 'lie' for her to deny/fail to mention having seen anyone else (if she had), and wrong of her to do it in the first place without being up-front about it, and with the idea of putting him on the backburner as a fall-back and just ignoring him, screening his calls, until seeing if it works out with this other (hypothetical) guy. it could be entirely relevant. if their relationship IS pretty casual and no promises of exclusivity were made then i would agree with you- on everything except the general sentiment i'm picking up that lying is ok as long as it suits your own personal interests and as long as you make sure the other person never finds out, because they might not be able to process it well. and i do agree that to some extent you have to be 'cool' and not get all crybaby about stuff with 'girls', but i think it's also kind of funny that you suggest that if a guy doesn't appreciate being fucked around on or just totally ignored for weeks at her convenience, a girl will look for someone she can treat like that with no questions asked at all, to have a 'stable' relationship. at what month should he (or would it still be cool for him to) begin caring which bed she's in?


but dude, why give a shit what i say anyway? i'm just one of those 'stupid fucking americans'.

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Guest Aserinsky

Whilst I appreciate your concern for my well-being guys, from now on please remind me to never post anything related to relationships on WATMM ever again :cisfor:

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Whilst I appreciate your concern for my well-being guys, from now on please remind me to never post anything related to relationships on WATMM ever again :cisfor:


Yeah, sorry for the thread jacking bullshit. Carry on.

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I've run out of chipotle seasoning.


How will I make dip for my carrots now?



man i haven't ate a carrot in forever. i used to love them.


aw i wish i had some carrots...



Well I have no dip for my carrots, so you are welcome to have them. Where shall I fed-ex them to? lol

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Guest Aserinsky

Get a potato peeler, peel as much from them as you can, lightly cover in olive oil, shove it in the oven for 20 minutes and afterwards cover in a pinch of salt. I assure you this will eradicate the need to make up a dip and will also provide a tasty way to use up any vegetables that are just about to start going off in the future. Parsnips especially are fucking lush when cooked this way.

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I hate the throwaway nature of okcupid dates and how a cute girl won't even politely decline a second date, instead just not replying at all to a text about it.

Also I seem to not be good enough for the girls who I think are good enough for me. Stupid high standards.

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Guest Lemurian Gypsy

I just moved out to the mountains in Durango, CO and my internet connection is so weak, it took a full 10 minutes to successfully open up this text box and thus, to post..


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I hate the throwaway nature of okcupid dates and how a cute girl won't even politely decline a second date, instead just not replying at all to a text about it.

Also I seem to not be good enough for the girls who I think are good enough for me. Stupid high standards.


That site is aids. I had a profile on there for about a week to see what it is about. Not fer me. Fuck'em as I say.

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I hate the throwaway nature of okcupid dates and how a cute girl won't even politely decline a second date, instead just not replying at all to a text about it.

Also I seem to not be good enough for the girls who I think are good enough for me. Stupid high standards.


That site is aids. I had a profile on there for about a week to see what it is about. Not fer me. Fuck'em as I say.


I've had a couple of good experiences, but generally the girls I like don't like me, and I'm not interested in the girls who like me. A little phenomenon I like to call Costanza syndrome.

It's helped me understand my taste in women a bit more though, in that it's allowed me to tighten up my standards a little and realise that it's ok to be a bit shallow sometimes, especially since most girls on that site are anyway.


I should start a blog about okcupid from a male perspective..

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I hate the throwaway nature of okcupid dates and how a cute girl won't even politely decline a second date, instead just not replying at all to a text about it.

Also I seem to not be good enough for the girls who I think are good enough for me. Stupid high standards.


That site is aids. I had a profile on there for about a week to see what it is about. Not fer me. Fuck'em as I say.


I've had a couple of good experiences, but generally the girls I like don't like me, and I'm not interested in the girls who like me. A little phenomenon I like to call Costanza syndrome.

It's helped me understand my taste in women a bit more though, in that it's allowed me to tighten up my standards a little and realise that it's ok to be a bit shallow sometimes, especially since most girls on that site are anyway.


I should start a blog about okcupid from a male perspective..


Be sure to note the douchey girls who are in relationships, but still use the website.

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I don't wanna pay to add both bacon and avocado to my Jimmy John's, but I'm not sure which I'd rather add...



do we really need to tell you?


i think you know the answer.


I hate the throwaway nature of okcupid dates and how a cute girl won't even politely decline a second date, instead just not replying at all to a text about it.

Also I seem to not be good enough for the girls who I think are good enough for me. Stupid high standards.


That site is aids. I had a profile on there for about a week to see what it is about. Not fer me. Fuck'em as I say.


I've had a couple of good experiences, but generally the girls I like don't like me, and I'm not interested in the girls who like me. A little phenomenon I like to call Costanza syndrome.

It's helped me understand my taste in women a bit more though, in that it's allowed me to tighten up my standards a little and realise that it's ok to be a bit shallow sometimes, especially since most girls on that site are anyway.


I should start a blog about okcupid from a male perspective..



online dating sites are absolutely horrid and bring out the worst in everyone. avoid at all costs.

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I'm too socially retarded to meet girls in real life. Then again, I'm also too socially retarded to take any risks on a first date, so probably appear boring most of the time.

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I'm too socially retarded to meet girls in real life. Then again, I'm also too socially retarded to take any risks on a first date, so probably appear boring most of the time.


You gotta start doing some blow or something before hand. Maybe carry a knife with you and just wave it around at random times as well. Girls want you to be little crazy. Maybe slip her some ecstasy. I dunno something to make her really remember the experience.

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I'm too socially retarded to meet girls in real life. Then again, I'm also too socially retarded to take any risks on a first date, so probably appear boring most of the time.


You gotta start doing some blow or something before hand. Maybe carry a knife with you and just wave it around at random times as well. Girls want you to be little crazy. Maybe slip her some ecstasy. I dunno something to make her really remember the experience.


I don't know if you guys have seen "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret", but I have told a girl that I am originally from Leeds. Worked for a while til she caught on that everything I said was coming out of my ass. Made for a great night though.

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Maybe I should just start going on dates really fucking drunk. The only times I've ever picked up randomly have been when I went out while drunk, and somehow ended up going home with a girl.

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Sick of my job. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder how the fuck I got into this shitty position.


ant to get back into coding but kind of feel like I have been out of it so long (3 years) and that I'm too old (30) to have a good shot at making any difference / doing anything interesting / getting a job doing it. Let alone that I can't think of any cool projects to work on.


And there is so much cool shit going on right now that it's kind of hard to focus on one thing. Haskell was looking awesome and now I'm thinking node.js is even cooler. But my town is a boring ass .NET/C# town. Maybe I should just brush up on my PHP/MySQL, I have seen a couple of postings for that.


Also that recent thread about losers, with the post about a loser being someone who can't make positive differences in their own life, really stung.


But I'm not giving up yet.


On the bright side my gearlust is pretty much gone. I just don't give a shit anymore.

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On the bright side my gearlust is pretty much gone. I just don't give a shit anymore.

that seems to be a depressing way to end a kind of depressing post. but i totally relate to it which is maybe why i take it that way.
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I'm too socially retarded to meet girls in real life. Then again, I'm also too socially retarded to take any risks on a first date, so probably appear boring most of the time.


You gotta start doing some blow or something before hand. Maybe carry a knife with you and just wave it around at random times as well. Girls want you to be little crazy. Maybe slip her some ecstasy. I dunno something to make her really remember the experience.




a+ post

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