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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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FWP: My mom is trying to recruit me into her psychic cult. (not joking)


cults are cool.



Some of them are. I don't think this one is.



What cult? Tell us about it. I like to hear about crazy cults.

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FWP: My mom is trying to recruit me into her psychic cult. (not joking)


cults are cool.



Some of them are. I don't think this one is.



What cult? Tell us about it. I like to hear about crazy cults.



I'd rather not say directly, but obviously feel free to google these "declaration of principles" and use some deductive reasoning...



Declaration of Principles

As Spiritualists we do have a set of attributes of life that we try to live our lives by. When Modern Spiritualism was founded as an organized religion, within the USA, a set of "Declaration of Principles" was used as that foundation by which NSAC sets its statements of spiritual understanding.

These Declarations are not intended as a creed but rather principles and guidelines as to how we should live our life with the understanding of Natural Law and Spirit as the Infinite Intelligence that permeates all of existence.


NSAC Declaration of Principles As Adopted by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches

Principles 1-6 adopted in Chicago, Illinois, 1899

Principles 7-8 adopted in Rochester, New York, 1909

Principle 9 adopted in St. Louis, Missouri, 1944

Principle 9 revised in Oklahoma City, 1983

Principle 9 revised in Westfield, New Jersey, 1998

Principle 8 revised in Rochester, New York, 2001

  1. We believe in Infinite Intelligence.
  2. We believe that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.
  3. We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith, constitute true religion.
  4. We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the the individual continue after the change called death.
  5. We affirm that communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.
  6. We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
  7. We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals, and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature's physical and spiritual laws.
  8. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul here or hereafter.
  9. We affirm that the precepts of Prophecy and Healing are Divine attributes proven through Mediumship.



The whole situation feels very surreal.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Yesterday made a scratch (big time) on track 1 Fleure. Ordered 'Exai' this morning again on vinyl.


I smashed my d'Demonstrator vinyl on my mic stand as I was taking it off my turntable a couple of weeks ago; it left a noticeable smudge on the record but amazingly it didn't actually affect playback at all! Ridiculous.

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Yesterday made a scratch (big time) on track 1 Fleure. Ordered 'Exai' this morning again on vinyl.



I smashed my d'Demonstrator vinyl on my mic stand as I was taking it off my turntable a couple of weeks ago; it left a noticeable smudge on the record but amazingly it didn't actually affect playback at all! Ridiculous.

I was more clumpsy. There was something on the part of the vinyl where Fleure really kicks of. Too lazy to have good look what it was, cleaned it with a cloth and vinyl cleaner, it caused an additional groove. Edited by Zantman
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INSOMNIA. for like almost a month. such a horrible thing

i'm going through the same, it's terrible. i feel like i've learned to deal with it (dealing with work, family, life, etc.) now, and i'm not sure if that's a good thing. years ago i tried taking various sleep medication but nothing seemed to work for me.

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INSOMNIA. for like almost a month. such a horrible thing


Here you go buddy




Here is some more if you really want to get proactive



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INSOMNIA. for like almost a month. such a horrible thing


Here you go buddy




Here is some more if you really want to get proactive




thanks, i'll look into that stuff.

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About a month and a half ago, I ate at this delicious Pho restaurant - the staff (it was a family joint) was going on vacation the next day - now I want to eat there again, but I can't remember where it was.

And there are like a thousand Pho restaurants in Vancouver...

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Went shopping for a soap dispenser, they had two choices that i loved, a bear and a lighthouse. The lighthouse is classier but the bear looks so much fun. I went for the lighthouse and immediately regretted it as soon as i got home.

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Guest isaki

lol definitely suited to this thread


fwp: I found a reader's digest from august 2000 still in the plastic bag, had a read through it but it was quite boring. I dunno what I was expecting though

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My girlfriend bought fancy bread that doesn't fit in the toaster, so only 4/5 of my toast is toasted.


Also I didn't leave the butter out long enough so it's destroying the toast, rather than spreading.



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Also I didn't leave the butter out long enough so it's destroying the toast, rather than spreading.



fuck, I hate that, it's the worst thing EVER.


My fwp of the day is that I go through a bottle of rum waaaay too quickly. It just tastes so nice! It's also why Sailor Jerry is the most expensive stuff I'll buy (I really want a bottle of Kraken but I know it won't last long at all).

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Also I didn't leave the butter out long enough so it's destroying the toast, rather than spreading.



fuck, I hate that, it's the worst thing EVER.


My fwp of the day is that I go through a bottle of rum waaaay too quickly. It just tastes so nice! It's also why Sailor Jerry is the most expensive stuff I'll buy (I really want a bottle of Kraken but I know it won't last long at all).



I tried that Kraken a while back. We were choosing random shots to do at a pub and that one came up. Wasn't looking forward to it but turns out it was really good. I should really get a bottle but it's not cheap at all.

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Shots of spiced rum?! Blasphemy! I only ever sip it, straight, with a bit of lime and a single ice cube.

Edited by modey
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ran into this cute asian girl for the second time on friday, but i was on molly and as a result, easily swayable, and ended up running into a girl i'm really not into, and took that girl home with me. i think the asian girl saw all this go down, and now i'm scared to ask her out for a drink.


also met a cute girl the following night, but i was really hungover from the previous night, and was terrible conversation. just friended her on facebook, but again, too much of a pussy to follow through on that.

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ran into this cute asian girl for the second time on friday, but i was on molly and as a result, easily swayable, and ended up running into a girl i'm really not into, and took that girl home with me. i think the asian girl saw all this go down, and now i'm scared to ask her out for a drink.


also met a cute girl the following night, but i was really hungover from the previous night, and was terrible conversation. just friended her on facebook, but again, too much of a pussy to follow through on that.


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Must be political debate month for WATMM. Threads on current events are understandable, but damn...if this were a physical meeting I'd get so drunk I'd vomit and pass out on a street corner. Out of curiosity, anyone who joined WATMM prior to 2012 see it turn messy like this in the past?

I'm considering just logging out for the rest of the month. I might return when there are updates on Autechre 2013 tour info.

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