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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I have to put together guidelines at work to show the cheap, India-based design farms how to do the work so it can be outsourced away from our local freelance/inhouse designers (and, ultimately, myself), just so people like luke viia don't have to pay more money for their books. HOORAY


Just stop writing books. The open source versions and old editions are just as good or better anyway. I've gotten three of my instructors to stop using "big three" published books this year, and gave two talks on the subject on campus. FWS, in yer face. Sorry modey.



I still like your tunes, but I'm afraid your job and willingness to suckle from the teat of douchey Texan copyright barons will always keep us enemies. :D

Edited by luke viia
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I have a date soon so I have to stay sober :(




Didn't really want to show up stoned out of my face on the first date.



For some reason I thought you were married or had a long term gf...

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I have to put together guidelines at work to show the cheap, India-based design farms how to do the work so it can be outsourced away from our local freelance/inhouse designers (and, ultimately, myself), just so people like luke viia don't have to pay more money for their books. HOORAY

Just stop writing books. The open source versions and old editions are just as good or better anyway. I've gotten three of my instructors to stop using "big three" published books this year, and gave two talks on the subject on campus. FWS, in yer face. Sorry modey.



I still like your tunes, but I'm afraid your job and willingness to suckle from the teat of douchey Texan copyright barons will always keep us enemies. :D

Well, I actually don't work on higher education titles, so it's a bit different. Primary and secondary textbooks go out of date more quickly than you'd expect. So really, I probably shouldn't have mentioned you because you're not the target market for the books I work on (which require more dedication/creativity than a $6/hour shift-based operation can provide).

Don't get me wrong, these recent events have made me less enthusiastic about the company I work for, but I can't imagine working in any other industry anymore. I spent 7 years in print and that was hell. I'm not enough of a creative designer to get a 'real' design job, and that would probably only be in advertising anyway, which would make me want to kill myself. I like working on books!

Maybe I can hope for an opening at Penguin; we share an office anyway so I'd technically have all of my people still there..

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it's all good man, lol. I was just being ornery earlier because I was on my way to the dentist. and I just can't help myself when someone starts talking about textbooks.



FWP: just back from the dentist, am loopy on a variety of drugs both administered and yolo'd into my mouth, and just sat through a phone call with a company that makes fluorescent dyes for confocal microscopy. she explained how to stain my samples, but I'm loopy, and maybe only sort of understood... but just placed an order with the school for hundreds of dollars worth of materials. hopefully that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass! :cat:


FWP.2: that dentist visit was brutal, i went to a school of dentistry to get lower prices (and they're all very nice and seem capable) but the discount isn't that hot, and now they want me back for what sounds like at least 2-3 more visits, and the cold stingy chip in my veneer didn't get fixed. i'm pretty worried it's going to get worse or just fall off (ah, nightmares) but they seemed calm enough about it...

Edited by luke viia
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Happy with my new job but I get home over an hour later which means I get home, quickly eat then straight to study until bed. No time for much else really.


And I've left an assignment a bit late so there's no chance I can slack off anytime soon.

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I have a date soon so I have to stay sober :(




Didn't really want to show up stoned out of my face on the first date.



For some reason I thought you were married or had a long term gf...



I did have a gf. We ended it. Sold my apartment and quit my job. New city, new girls :)


But the cat is fine!

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Wow man! Sounds exciting! Glad the kitty is fine.


I'm still enjoying the tracks of yours I got outta the deal ;). Some awesome stuff in there man you're talented. :happy:

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I lost all 496 contacts on my iphone and I'm too fucking stupid and computer illiterate to figure out how to recover them. Restoring from the iphone backup isn't working and I don't have icloud or anything.


I installed some freeware shit, dr.fone and it found 212 of my contacts, but then asks for 85$ to restore them... but it's finding them somewhere so they ARE somewhere.. there must be a way to fix this..



fuck fuck fuck >.<



Anyone know of any freeware data recovery utilities?

Edited by StephenG
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I had the exact same thing happen to me last week.. except I only had 70 or so contacts worth remembering so I just went through all of my text messages and added them manually again. Then it happened again the next day and I had to do it again. Upgraded to iOS6 and it's been fine so far.. Apple haven't even seemed to acknowledge it, but if you're still on iOS5 you should upgrade so it doesn't happen again (hopefully). Not sure how to get the lost contacts back automatically though.

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I had the exact same thing happen to me last week.. except I only had 70 or so contacts worth remembering so I just went through all of my text messages and added them manually again. Then it happened again the next day and I had to do it again. Upgraded to iOS6 and it's been fine so far.. Apple haven't even seemed to acknowledge it, but if you're still on iOS5 you should upgrade so it doesn't happen again (hopefully). Not sure how to get the lost contacts back automatically though.


Some of my contacts have a lot of sentimental value. For instance, the stripper named Angel who once took me on a coke-fueled date throughout downtown. She brought me back to her apartment and her cute methed-out neighbor, who was wearing a chicken costume, invited us in for a sit and chat. She had a crib, but there was no baby...I couldn't find the baby.

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much love, keltoi must live, he's one of the good ones.


Also steve, glad that you're not on the turps eneemor. (wrote that last werd old school for tauboo's sake)


cheers delet!


i'm alive! but my car is dead... terminal.

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Wow man! Sounds exciting! Glad the kitty is fine.


I'm still enjoying the tracks of yours I got outta the deal ;). Some awesome stuff in there man you're talented. :happy:


Thanks man, I should have some new releases this year :)

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Guest vletrmx

I decided to estrange myself from my old friends because I was tired of being a bystander to out and out homophobia. Now I'm the target of their remarks. High school is pretty lame sometimes

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I decided to estrange myself from my old friends because I was tired of being a bystander to out and out homophobia. Now I'm the target of their remarks. High school is pretty lame sometimes


You should just rape them. That will show them.

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I decided to estrange myself from my old friends because I was tired of being a bystander to out and out homophobia. Now I'm the target of their remarks. High school is pretty lame sometimes


You should just rape them. That will show them.



Works every time!


First world solution

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I decided to estrange myself from my old friends because I was tired of being a bystander to out and out homophobia. Now I'm the target of their remarks. High school is pretty lame sometimes

I valued high school more as an institution of higher learning than a place to make friends whilst growing up.

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