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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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that's ok, we'll have android ladies soon.


Well, we're halfway there!





that's frightening, it's almost like it's built as part of a conspiracy to keep men away form those things. (well excepting that guy)

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I know right, she's about ready to get those lips around...his massive bald head.
















too much?

Edited by Sprillian
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Well, I am starting to thin out a little on top, so who knows, in a few years I might have a robotic realdoll and post twiddly synth/guitar videos to youtube as a sideproject of my prog band.



Or try changing your makeup! :trollface:



jk Mr Modey :)

I only wear makeup/nailpolish onstage these days!
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Oh, I meet plenty of single girls who I'd like to pursue something withit's just that it's never mutual and ends up being a silly unrequited crush, even when I try to approach it as just making a new friend.


edit: I like to think I have a fair amount of self-confidence, I just don't think I'm attractive to the women I pursue. They all seem to go for tall bearded indie rock types.


It's really crap when the opposite sex only seems to go for a particular type isn't it? If they are that superficial though why would you want to date them.


Why not take up a social activity and try and meet nice people through that? Don't try and change yourself to cater for other people.

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the strawberries I bought are soggy




Or blend them with some yogurt and water. depends how picky you are, i'd chuck 'em out, because i'm a walking fwp. ;-]

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Oh, I meet plenty of single girls who I'd like to pursue something withit's just that it's never mutual and ends up being a silly unrequited crush, even when I try to approach it as just making a new friend.


edit: I like to think I have a fair amount of self-confidence, I just don't think I'm attractive to the women I pursue. They all seem to go for tall bearded indie rock types.

It's really crap when the opposite sex only seems to go for a particular type isn't it? If they are that superficial though why would you want to date them.


Why not take up a social activity and try and meet nice people through that? Don't try and change yourself to cater for other people.

I can't think of anything I like to do with other people that doesn't involve going to see bands.


Zole, I met a super cute girl lastnight (friend of work people) who seemed interested, but then somehow the conversation drifted towards feminism and I found myself babbling about how I'm bad with women and she started giving me advice. I don't think there was anything I could do to pick myself up from that mess!

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Sub-thread - 1st world healthcare problems.


I have full health insurance through my employer, which takes a decent chunk out of pay each month along with taxes.


In order to enroll in community college classes I had to still pay $133 for a meningitis shot (by the way I won't be living in the dorms or even be on campus often). My wife and I meticulously budget month-to-month and this threw us off. No insurance covers it, even under Obamacare, because the CDC does not require it. That said, all 50 states require it for any student attending any school, so long as they are under 30 and have lapsed 5 years from the last shot. So in order to be in the public education system, you have to pay for is. The only way it's not a major inconvenience is by being poor enough to be exempted (I'm not) or rich enough to not worry (I'm not), or a religious nut (fuck no). Texas actually passed some of the strictest meningitis vaccine laws in the country...completely unfunded btw.


I can't even imagine being a typical community college student, one working minimum wage and 40+ hours, dealing with this shit. I'm not going to say we need universal healthcare but at least we should be able to fund vaccines with taxpayer money.









Edited by joshuatx
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Right at the end of my shift I knocked over an expensive plate. Now Im never going to hear the end of it. Why the fuck would the dishwasher put an expensive plate on the edge of the short table? WTF goddamn that made me so angry.


edit: im sorry to hear that josh, that would piss me off too. Right now Im getting destroyed by all these surprise fees/registry things for the new program im at.

Edited by SR4
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edit: im sorry to hear that josh, that would piss me off too. Right now Im getting destroyed by all these surprise fees/registry things for the new program im at.


Yeah it is what it is. I just feel bad for those really, really struggling with money having to get one.


Actually getting the shot was pleasant, the pharmacists I went to were nice and I swear, swear one of the looked and sounded exactly like Overly Attached Girlfriend.



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An air crew from Japan came into our shop today to rent equipment, and I was called upon to converse with them in their native tongue. But not having conversed in Japanese in over a year, I realized how much I've lost. So I was pretty much useless.

It's not part of my job description, so I doubt it'll jeopardize my employment. But still...can't help but feel ashamed of myself.



edit: im sorry to hear that josh, that would piss me off too. Right now Im getting destroyed by all these surprise fees/registry things for the new program im at.


Yeah it is what it is. I just feel bad for those really, really struggling with money having to get one.


Actually getting the shot was pleasant, the pharmacists I went to were nice and I swear, swear one of the looked and sounded exactly like Overly Attached Girlfriend.




If I stare at OAG too long I might experience paralysis.


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OAG is hawt in real life:




My FWP is I just went to feed the cat at 05:40am and I dropped the food pouch when trying to open it and it went off like a stinky, meaty, juicy *shudders* bomb. Splashing it's contents over the floor, the kitchen cupboard, the side of the washing machine and my right foot.

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Sub-thread - 1st world healthcare problems.


I'm not going to say we need universal healthcare but at least we should be able to fund vaccines with taxpayer money.








Here I am thinking you should have universal healthcare...

The NHS has a lot of problems, especially at the moment, but I feel incredibly lucky when I hear shit like this.

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I started taking care of this beautiful dog because my cousin does not currently have the capacity to do so. My problem is that I know I won't be able to keep him forever, but he is awesome and I'm going to fall in love.

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