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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Do you not understand what the leaks said, or do you just not understand why people care?



He's just trolling. Ironically attempting to be your fwp. Obviously we don't need to spend hundreds of billions worldwide on global millitary exercises and domestic spying networks, when the average number of western civilians killed by terroist actions has remained stable at an insignificant number, lower than shark attacks and certainly lightening strikes, for decades. What about the tens of thousands that die every year from road accidents (in the US alone)? We don't ban cars and force everyone on to government approved donkey carts. And how about the millions that die every year due to malnutrition, or even the hundreds of thousands due to (in the US again) a poorly functioning health care system. By any logical metric, the war on terror benefits not the public, it's an absolute disaster for the public. Long lines and invasive checks at the airports, any political action outside of that approved status quo is monitored and even agressively targeted with peace activists beaten and jailed, criminal records then blighting lives. And on and on. It's ridiculous in the extreme. Only a fool or someone who stands to gain financially would agree with what's happening.



(sorry, just killing time before work, the plumber is here (yay!!). Had to wake up early to deal with him (boo, hiSs !!))



Incidentally this is the most succintl/clear way of summing up the situation/ how I feel about it myself, noice one man. Beautifully put. My fwp is that I did not make this post :emotawesomepm9:

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windbag colleague is back from 2 weeks holiday. blah blah blah blah...









excellent suggestion! sadly, i have to be able to hear/answer the phone.


ach well, the last 2 weeks have been great.




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Do you not understand what the leaks said, or do you just not understand why people care?



He's just trolling. Ironically attempting to be your fwp. Obviously we don't need to spend hundreds of billions worldwide on global millitary exercises and domestic spying networks, when the average number of western civilians killed by terroist actions has remained stable at an insignificant number, lower than shark attacks and certainly lightening strikes, for decades. What about the tens of thousands that die every year from road accidents (in the US alone)? We don't ban cars and force everyone on to government approved donkey carts. And how about the millions that die every year due to malnutrition, or even the hundreds of thousands due to (in the US again) a poorly functioning health care system. By any logical metric, the war on terror benefits not the public, it's an absolute disaster for the public. Long lines and invasive checks at the airports, any political action outside of that approved status quo is monitored and even agressively targeted with peace activists beaten and jailed, criminal records then blighting lives. And on and on. It's ridiculous in the extreme. Only a fool or someone who stands to gain financially would agree with what's happening.



(sorry, just killing time before work, the plumber is here (yay!!). Had to wake up early to deal with him (boo, hiSs !!))



Incidentally this is the most succintl/clear way of summing up the situation/ how I feel about it myself, noice one man. Beautifully put. My fwp is that I did not make this post :emotawesomepm9:



Why thank you, you just made my day a little brighter. First world success ;-]


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windbag colleague is back from 2 weeks holiday. blah blah blah blah...









excellent suggestion! sadly, i have to be able to hear/answer the phone.


ach well, the last 2 weeks have been great.






i'm actually developing quite a dislike for this woman and i don't like feeling like this about anyone. but she never fucking shuts up... i mean NEVER! she talks constant pish, states the obvious, finishes everyone's sentences, asks stupid questions, talks really loud, makes remarks about my family as if she knows them... and eats all day long like she's at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

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Sounds pretty innoffensive really, at least she's not being a backstabby cuntstain all the time like the people that i have to work with. Loud talking would get to me though. I think you should stop focusing on it as it will only make you feel bad. Try to tune it out with happy thoughts, be nice with her and then one day when you have built rapore tell her everything you think she is doing wrong in a fun way.



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she's not back-stabby, just annoying as fuck. she's worked here for 2 years already. 2 weeks without her was blissful, that's all. then she comes back in shouting "DID YOU MISS ME?! HAHAHAHAHA? HOW DID YOU MANAGE WITHOUT ME?! HEHEHAHAHA!!!"

Edited by keltoi
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she's not back-stabby, just annoying as fuck. she's worked here for 2 years already. 2 weeks without her was blissful, that's all. then she comes back in shouting "DID YOU MISS ME?! HAHAHAHAHA? HOW DID YOU MANAGE WITHOUT ME?! HEHEHAHAHA!!!"


Yeah, i'm sorry man. Some people really do grind away at you. I just needed to remind that there's a lot worse out there. Someone from my workplace just got let go, god i loathed that individual. She would never listen to any instruction that you gave her, get bull headed when you corrected a mistake (corrected in a nice way, cause that is the only way and she was a regular at fucking things up, hence the removal), but then you'd say one minor thing wrong and she'd venimously carry on about it as though thrusting a rapier at your groan. Tedious lazy pointless individual.

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Guest Sprigg

The class I was going to sign up for has been filled (really not surprising, midsummer depression killed my motivation and I forgot to sign up) and now if I want to take it, I have to screw over my chances at getting any sort of hours at my first job because the only open slot is at 2pm.

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I keep getting facebook status updates from the Tool fan page about Adam Jones being matched up against other metal guitarists in this loudwire.com competition for "greatest metal guitarist", and he wins every time. Now I like Tool more than most of the bands the other guitarists represent, but he's without a doubt the weakest of the contenders. His rhythm's tight, but all he knows is drop D bar chords and has been doing the exact same pentatonic shit for his entire career. (Great band though, don't get me wrong, it's just not because of his inventiveness/skill as a guitarist.) Anyway, he's beating out Jeff Hanneman now and will almost certainly win "greatest metal guitarist" for this bullshit contest. Fans are idiots.

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Psychology (class) is super fascinating, but also super fucking depressing.

How is it depressing? Im actually taking two psych classes this coming fall, general psych and abnormal. Never taken a psych class before

I keep getting facebook status updates from the Tool fan page about Adam Jones being matched up against other metal guitarists in this loudwire.com competition for "greatest metal guitarist", and he wins every time. Now I like Tool more than most of the bands the other guitarists represent, but he's without a doubt the weakest of the contenders. His rhythm's tight, but all he knows is drop D bar chords and has been doing the exact same pentatonic shit for his entire career. (Great band though, don't get me wrong, it's just not because of his inventiveness/skill as a guitarist.) Anyway, he's beating out Jeff Hanneman now and will almost certainly win "greatest metal guitarist" for this bullshit contest. Fans are idiots.

Music "contests" are bullshit

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I'm doing my homework in a word document and using a lot of bullet points. Initially when making a bullet from the far left of the page it would create it around 2 inches from the left of the page. Now, even though I haven't changed anything it's creating the bullets in the middle of the page and I can't shift+tab it to the far left. All I did is hit enter to move to the next line and all the sudden it wants to create my bullets 5-6 inches across the page.


I've checked and nothing has changed for the way the margins are set up, nor have I changed the tab stop...


Any ideas guys? Its fuckin' ANNOYING!

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this button is handy


It's not showing anything formatted differently compared to my previous paragraph.. That's why it's so damn frustrating.


I tried throwing in a section break to restart the formatting as though it was a new document and that didn't work either.

Edited by StephenG
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If highlighting the bullet points in question, right clicking and and then going to "decrease indent" in the contextual menu doesn't work, then microsoft is basically just trying to fuck your day up.

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If highlighting the bullet points in question, right clicking and and then going to "decrease indent" in the contextual menu doesn't work, then microsoft is basically just trying to fuck your day up.



It doesn't work! Is it seriously just fucking me or what? lol


ahhh well. :sad:

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Ran out of gas last night so had to shower with cold water (bbbbrrrrrrrr!). As a result I was superfast and left conditioner in my hair.




(the irony here is Picard would never have this problem)

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