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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I can't listen from my left ear. Sounds come muffled and at like 50% volume compared to my right ear. Then the.. the ear doctor, however you call it said my hearing's fine based on some shitty hearing test that wasn't reliable in the slightest. I could hear the people on the waiting room from the "isolated" cubicle they put me in... Don't know what to do

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


Our housemate is talking VERY loudly on the phone to his boyfriend. They're arguing about his boyfriend's unfortunate propensity for making him jealous because of his own insecurity. Somehow, this warranted our housemate saying the following sentences:


"Of course I appreciate you! I came on my hands and knees to you last night wearing nothing but a collar and assless underwear! I washed your balls for you! And they did NOT smell good!"


I am so fucking weirded out rn jfc.

I'm confused by "assless underwear". Does he mean a thong or assless chaps?




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Our housemate is talking VERY loudly on the phone to his boyfriend. They're arguing about his boyfriend's unfortunate propensity for making him jealous because of his own insecurity. Somehow, this warranted our housemate saying the following sentences:


"Of course I appreciate you! I came on my hands and knees to you last night wearing nothing but a collar and assless underwear! I washed your balls for you! And they did NOT smell good!"


I am so fucking weirded out rn jfc.

I'm confused by "assless underwear". Does he mean a thong or assless chaps?



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Wowzers are these yours?

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I don't have an avatar. someone make one for me.

And also I'm too old to apply for a parliamentary internship position. Can I sue for discrimination?

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My fucking eye hurts slightly.

What the shit? Why is eye... hurt... Ow.

If it makes you feel any better my eye hurts too. I flicked my hair in it after a shower. Ouch.




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I just have two term papers to end the semester, and I think im entering them from a pretty strong position, but ill be goddamned if im not being incredibly lazy about it. Gotta up the coffee intake and get crazy. Plus my left mouse button doesnt seem to be working. Not too happy about that.

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Fucking union guys at the hotel I'm currently assigned to are so fucking anal about making sure no one does anyone else's duties.


hahaha I know that feeling....whats really horrible about that is that you know they act that way because their superiors are THAT much worse about the same damn things.

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I just have two term papers to end the semester, and I think im entering them from a pretty strong position, but ill be goddamned if im not being incredibly lazy about it. Gotta up the coffee intake and get crazy. Plus my left mouse button doesnt seem to be working. Not too happy about that.

Yes! I have 2 book reviews and a presentation next week and 3 term papers due by the 19th.fuck it, we'll do it live

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I just have two term papers to end the semester, and I think im entering them from a pretty strong position, but ill be goddamned if im not being incredibly lazy about it. Gotta up the coffee intake and get crazy. Plus my left mouse button doesnt seem to be working. Not too happy about that.

Yes! I have 2 book reviews and a presentation next week and 3 term papers due by the 19th.fuck it, we'll do it live



fuck me. how do you guys do this? I'm pretty sure I would just collapse under the weight of all that drudge work and procrastinate until it was just too late to do anything but turn in some half-assed attempts. I can't help it. no wonder I quit uni.

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