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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Slow cooker man! that's the way I do it.


Some really cheap ones that are heavy and go a long way are split pea and ham soup, chili, potato/corn chowder! Cost per serving is super low for those. I make really big pots and then freeze em'. =)

Edited by StephenG
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every time i think i've figured out what i want to do with my life, someone comes along and plants fear and doubt in my mind. i thought my anxiety had been cured, but it's coming back. that is, i can't stop thinking about how i must be a failure. damn, it's rough.


I have that problem and cover it up with addictions.


WATMM group therapy subforum? =)


jk. But I hope things start looking up for you =).

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Slow cooker man! that's the way I do it.


Some really cheap ones that are heavy and go a long way are split pea and ham soup, chili, potato/corn chowder! Cost per serving is super low for those. I make really big pots and then freeze em'. =)


just eat hotdogs, cheap and oh so yummy!

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Guest jasondonervan

My phone fell out of my coat pocket on my ride home from work and now has a big splong in the plastic of one corner.


Is it fairly accurate to state that recent events show you and your bike don't operate particularly well together?



As for my fwp, I received an email this morning from a release team telling me that because I had one outstanding authorisation required for scheduled changes on a network rollout (affecting several millions of users), the changes cannot proceed and have been pushed back for rescheduling. That however doesn't really make sense when the change went live 3 hours ago. I like to think I'm a mild-mannered fella at the best of times, but bugger me if blind incompetence doesn't just rile me up. Why wait until after my changes have gone live to tell me? What possible use is threatening the rescheduling of an already live rollout? The joys of working in big business... yeesh.

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every time i think i've figured out what i want to do with my life, someone comes along and plants fear and doubt in my mind. i thought my anxiety had been cured, but it's coming back. that is, i can't stop thinking about how i must be a failure. damn, it's rough.

Here's the new age pop psych on this, which I find helpful.


1) No one really knows shit about what's good for you. Just do stuff and find out for yourself.

2) You're looking for signs of fear and doubt because you don't want to commit. Imo committing to anything is better than committing to nothing. If you can find something that calls to you, even a little bit, try it out with all your might.

3) Anxiety and fear of failure are addictive and very comforting, because they promote non-action and escapism. The only way to fight them is to do stuff as best you can. If you fail-so what, either you learn and try again or move on.


All the best in finding your own way. Much respect to those who ask for help.

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I got a call from my dad today, and he said that his cousin went missing Monday afternoon. He was piloting a private aircraft and was last seen near a glacier in Yakutat, which is between where I live and the state capitol along the southeast coast, but has been off the radar since. Whether he's still alive, nobody knows.

I don't know him that well, but he's technically a relative. He seems like a good guy though, from the few times I've met him.

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Guest jasondonervan

Must have fallen asleep watching Netflix on the iPad Mini last night. I know this, because when I woke up upon hearing my alarm go off this morning, I leant over to grab my phone, but ended up sending the iPad that was formerly resting on the covers halfway across the room, straight on to a hardwood floor. Fortunately the iPad took my abuse with good humour, and amazingly doesn't seem damaged in any way whatsoever. But by gawd did it give me one hell of a shock when I heard that cacophony of unexpected clattering sounds, especially while still half-asleep...

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i'm sleep talking a lot lately (wake myself up doing it). flatmate/s would be able to hear. it's embarrassing


i've been told and now experienced myself that i swear aggressively in my sleep but besides that, i woke myself up going "MAH!!"/doing an impression of the cat. everyone thinks i'm insane.

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Sounds like me when I get sleep paralysis and don't realize what's going on. I try to sit up and when that fails I try to scream for help but it ends up coming out as a "mah" or something similarly silly as I wake myself up.

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i'm sleep talking a lot lately (wake myself up doing it). flatmate/s would be able to hear. it's embarrassing


i've been told and now experienced myself that i swear aggressively in my sleep but besides that, i woke myself up going "MAH!!"/doing an impression of the cat. everyone thinks i'm insane.

Holy crap, youre a somniloquist





Holy crap, youre Dion McGregor


Dion McGregor (19221994) was a New York City-born songwriter, whose main claim to fame is that he was a voluble dreamer, or somniloquist.











For the love of watmm, record yourself sleeping

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Sounds like me when I get sleep paralysis and don't realize what's going on. I try to sit up and when that fails I try to scream for help but it ends up coming out as a "mah" or something similarly silly as I wake myself up.


I hate when this happens. It used to be scary but it's happened so much that now when it's happening at least I know what's going on.


I see all kinds of shapes and shadows if I leave my eyes open so I usually don't.



i'm sleep talking a lot lately (wake myself up doing it). flatmate/s would be able to hear. it's embarrassing


i've been told and now experienced myself that i swear aggressively in my sleep but besides that, i woke myself up going "MAH!!"/doing an impression of the cat. everyone thinks i'm insane.


shitty buzz... swearing aggressively?! lol.


I tend to sleep walk and have whole conversations with people. =(

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Guest cult fiction

I just found out that you're supposed to use one space after a sentence, despite having two spaces drilled into my head throughout my early education. Have I appeared as some uncouth beast man all these years?

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I just found out that you're supposed to use one space after a sentence, despite having two spaces drilled into my head throughout my early education. Have I appeared as some uncouth beast man all these years?


why DID they teach us to use two spaces after a period all those years?


Uneducated philistine. lol

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There's this fellow commuter that takes the same bus and tram as me. She always picks the seat facing me on the tram (four seats facing eachother in a group), even though the tram is basically empty. I've tried smiling to her, but she kinda just sits there and looks pissed, staring out the window. I've caught her stealthily gawking at my reflection in the window many a time. When I stare back there is no response, she just looks away. Dear vattern how 2 deal? I already have a woman in my life, and this new one is kinda creeping me out.

Edited by Gocab
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There's this fellow commuter that takes the same bus and tram as me. She always picks the seat facing me on the tram (four seats facing eachother in a group), even though the tram is basically empty. I've tried smiling to her, but she kinda just sits there and looks pissed staring out the window. Sometimes I see she stealthily gawking at my reflection in the window. When I stare back there is no response. Dear vattern how 2 deal? I already have a woman in my life, and this new one is kinda creeping me out.


Do you sit in the same spot every day, or are you changing your spot and she changes her spot to pick the one across from you?


If you sit in the same spot every day, try sitting in her spot or the spot right next to her spot and see where she sits lol.

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