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osx lion


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ive owned the same PC for 8 years and haven't really felt I needed to upgrade. I like macs though. Its just expensive cause you always want that new thing they released..No fault on Macs.

Im not doing any intensive cpu draining work though

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ive owned the same PC for 8 years and haven't really felt I needed to upgrade. I like macs though. Its just expensive cause you always want that new thing they released..No fault on Macs.

Im not doing any intensive cpu draining work though


I'm guessing Windows XP, Pentium 4 processor, about 1GB of RAM, and either onboard video card or one that has about 8MB of RAM?


How can you even hit youtube with that thing?

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pretty close joyrex. i have a performance edition of XP i got from demon. Ive set up vlc a certain way so i can even watch bluray rips. I do audio stuff but its non real time work. if i was susing VST's and stuff Id be fucked, yes..Youtube is all about the connection you have and mine is pretty good

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I guess im angry cause I saved up for months to get one of those awesome Pismo laptops and a few months later the new OS was released. The new laptops released. I was left in the dust. It's kind of sad cause I think the Pismos are still excellent and handsome laptops

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I guess im angry cause I saved up for months to get one of those awesome Pismo laptops and a few months later the new OS was released. The new laptops released. I was left in the dust. It's kind of sad cause I think the Pismos are still excellent and handsome laptops


The last of the ergonomic apples!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm really thrilled that Lion decided to force non-support of Logic 8. Basically, when you try to open Logic 8, you get a "this application cannot run under this version of OS X" warning.


Also, Core Audio seems to behave weirdly in Lion. It took Apogee forever to release drivers for the original Duet, which I have, and things just sound... distant and muddy now.

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I'm really thrilled that Lion decided to force non-support of Logic 8. Basically, when you try to open Logic 8, you get a "this application cannot run under this version of OS X" warning.


Also, Core Audio seems to behave weirdly in Lion. It took Apogee forever to release drivers for the original Duet, which I have, and things just sound... distant and muddy now.


apparently, if you type exactly this (with the spaces) into terminal, you can get logic 8 to work fine, so long as you keep the terminal window open:


/Applications/Logic\ Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic\ Pro

(there is a space after Pro at the end)


also found this:


Open up Automator

Select "Application" for the new document type

Under the Library Menu, select "Utilities"

Then drag and drop "Run Shell Script" into the work flow area on the right

Then paste the script above

Go File > Save, and save in on your Applications folder (or where ever you want)

Then pop a shortcut into the dock (I even changed the icon to the logic icon!)

Now when you click it, it will run the script automatically and open logic with one click

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I'm really thrilled that Lion decided to force non-support of Logic 8. Basically, when you try to open Logic 8, you get a "this application cannot run under this version of OS X" warning.


Also, Core Audio seems to behave weirdly in Lion. It took Apogee forever to release drivers for the original Duet, which I have, and things just sound... distant and muddy now.


apparently, if you type exactly this (with the spaces) into terminal, you can get logic 8 to work fine, so long as you keep the terminal window open:


/Applications/Logic\ Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic\ Pro

(there is a space after Pro at the end)


why would there be a ' ' at the end? What happens when there is no space? this is something I have never heard of when launching something from a terminal. Usually spaces are just used to separate arguments (unless escaped like above in path). Try it without a space i want to know what happens.

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I'm really thrilled that Lion decided to force non-support of Logic 8. Basically, when you try to open Logic 8, you get a "this application cannot run under this version of OS X" warning.


Also, Core Audio seems to behave weirdly in Lion. It took Apogee forever to release drivers for the original Duet, which I have, and things just sound... distant and muddy now.


apparently, if you type exactly this (with the spaces) into terminal, you can get logic 8 to work fine, so long as you keep the terminal window open:


/Applications/Logic\ Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic\ Pro

(there is a space after Pro at the end)


why would there be a ' ' at the end? What happens when there is no space? this is something I have never heard of when launching something from a terminal. Usually spaces are just used to separate arguments (unless escaped like above in path). Try it without a space i want to know what happens.

Apple - think different.

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I'm really thrilled that Lion decided to force non-support of Logic 8. Basically, when you try to open Logic 8, you get a "this application cannot run under this version of OS X" warning.


Also, Core Audio seems to behave weirdly in Lion. It took Apogee forever to release drivers for the original Duet, which I have, and things just sound... distant and muddy now.


apparently, if you type exactly this (with the spaces) into terminal, you can get logic 8 to work fine, so long as you keep the terminal window open:


/Applications/Logic\ Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic\ Pro

(there is a space after Pro at the end)


why would there be a ' ' at the end? What happens when there is no space? this is something I have never heard of when launching something from a terminal. Usually spaces are just used to separate arguments (unless escaped like above in path). Try it without a space i want to know what happens.


dunno, that's just how it is... might well work without the space at the end too.

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so, i only just noticed this. lion users: in the reply box, try holding down "a":




now try "b":




now "c":




now "d":





and so on... about half the keys no longer repeat when held!


supposedly you'll get an accent popup option if you hold down certain keys, but it doesn't trigger on mine, probably because i'm using english.


anyway, extremely inconsistent and quite lame design decision. to fix it, do this in terminal:


defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false


and reboot.

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I'm really thrilled that Lion decided to force non-support of Logic 8. Basically, when you try to open Logic 8, you get a "this application cannot run under this version of OS X" warning.


Also, Core Audio seems to behave weirdly in Lion. It took Apogee forever to release drivers for the original Duet, which I have, and things just sound... distant and muddy now.


apparently, if you type exactly this (with the spaces) into terminal, you can get logic 8 to work fine, so long as you keep the terminal window open:


/Applications/Logic\ Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic\ Pro

(there is a space after Pro at the end)


why would there be a ' ' at the end? What happens when there is no space? this is something I have never heard of when launching something from a terminal. Usually spaces are just used to separate arguments (unless escaped like above in path). Try it without a space i want to know what happens.

Apple - think different.



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